* Renamed the auth_type "basic" to the more apt "auth1.1".
* Made it possible to pass an "token" and "service_url" argument alone to
the client. It wouldn't work with just this before.
* The client now saves all arguments you give it to the pickled file,
including the auth strategy, and preserves the token and service_url
(which it didn't before) which makes exotic auth types such as "fake"
easier to work with.
* Not raising an error for a lack of an auth_url until auth occurs
(which is usually right after creation of the client anyway for most
auth types).
* Moved oparser code into CliOption class. This is where the options live
plus is the name of that pickled file that gets stored on login.
* Added a "debug" option which avoids swallowing stack traces if
something goes wrong with the CLI. Should make client work much easier.
* Added a "verbose" option which changes the output to instead show the
simulated CURL statement plus the request and response headers and
bodies, which is useful because I...
* Added an "xml" option which does all the communication in XML.
* Fixed a bug which was affecting the CI tests where the client would fail
if the response body could not be parsed.
* Added all of Ed's work to update the mgmt CLI module with his newer
named parameters.
* Nova client changed in a way that broke our client, so copying the code from there is necessary.
* Adding InstanceStatus class with the status strings.
* Moved the Dbaas and ReddwarfHTTPClient into their own module.
* Changed exceptions module to check Nova's exception map after first looking in Reddwarf's.