Instead of globally disabling pyflakes warnings, disable only those that occur frequently and fix the rest. Enable gating on those. Change-Id: I774d809ebcda2339b30c104b031211a3b2c491bd
293 lines
8.5 KiB
293 lines
8.5 KiB
from lxml import etree
from numbers import Number
from troveclient import exceptions
from troveclient.client import TroveHTTPClient
XML_NS = {None: "http://docs.openstack.org/database/api/v1.0"}
# If XML element is listed here then this searches through the ancestors.
"accounts": [[]],
"databases": [[]],
"flavors": [[]],
"instances": [[]],
"links": [[]],
"hosts": [[]],
"devices": [[]],
"users": [[]],
"versions": [[]],
"attachments": [[]],
"limits": [[]],
"security_groups": [[]],
"backups": [[]]
class IntDict(object):
"instance": {
"volume": {
"used": float,
"size": int,
"deleted": bool,
"server": {
"local_id": int,
"deleted": bool,
"instances": {
"deleted": bool,
"deleted": bool,
"flavor": {
"ram": int,
"diagnostics": {
"vmHwm": int,
"vmPeak": int,
"vmSize": int,
"threads": int,
"vmRss": int,
"fdSize": int,
"security_group_rule": {
"from_port": int,
"to_port": int,
"quotas": IntDict,
TYPE_MAP["flavors"] = TYPE_MAP["flavor"]
REQUEST_AS_LIST = set(['databases', 'users'])
def element_ancestors_match_list(element, list):
For element root at <foo><blah><root></blah></foo> matches against
list ["blah", "foo"].
itr_elem = element.getparent()
for name in list:
if itr_elem is None:
if name != normalize_tag(itr_elem):
return False
itr_elem = itr_elem.getparent()
return True
def element_must_be_list(parent_element, name):
"""Determines if an element to be created should be a dict or list."""
if name in LISTIFY:
list_of_lists = LISTIFY[name]
for tag_list in list_of_lists:
if element_ancestors_match_list(parent_element, tag_list):
return True
return False
def element_to_json(name, element):
if element_must_be_list(element, name):
return element_to_list(element)
return element_to_dict(element)
def root_element_to_json(name, element):
"""Returns a tuple of the root JSON value, plus the links if found."""
if name == "rootEnabled": # Why oh why were we inconsistent here? :'(
if element.text.strip() == "False":
return False, None
elif element.text.strip() == "True":
return True, None
if element_must_be_list(element, name):
return element_to_list(element, True)
return element_to_dict(element), None
def element_to_list(element, check_for_links=False):
For element "foo" in <foos><foo/><foo/></foos>
Returns [{}, {}]
links = None
result = []
for child_element in element:
# The "links" element gets jammed into the root element.
if check_for_links and normalize_tag(child_element) == "links":
links = element_to_list(child_element)
if check_for_links:
return result, links
return result
def element_to_dict(element):
result = {}
for name, value in element.items():
result[name] = value
for child_element in element:
name = normalize_tag(child_element)
result[name] = element_to_json(name, child_element)
if len(result) == 0 and element.text:
string_value = element.text.strip()
if len(string_value):
if string_value == 'None':
return None
return string_value
return result
def standardize_json_lists(json_dict):
In XML, we might see something like {'instances':{'instances':[...]}},
which we must change to just {'instances':[...]} to be compatable with
the true JSON format.
If any items are dictionaries with only one item which is a list,
simply remove the dictionary and insert its list directly.
found_items = []
for key, value in json_dict.items():
value = json_dict[key]
if isinstance(value, dict):
if len(value) == 1 and isinstance(value.values()[0], list):
for key in found_items:
json_dict[key] = json_dict[key].values()[0]
def normalize_tag(elem):
"""Given an element, returns the tag minus the XMLNS junk.
IOW, .tag may sometimes return the XML namespace at the start of the
string. This gets rids of that.
prefix = "{" + elem.nsmap[None] + "}"
if elem.tag.startswith(prefix):
return elem.tag[len(prefix):]
except KeyError:
return elem.tag
def create_root_xml_element(name, value):
"""Create the first element using a name and a dictionary."""
element = etree.Element(name, nsmap=XML_NS)
if name in REQUEST_AS_LIST:
add_subelements_from_list(element, name, value)
populate_element_from_dict(element, value)
return element
def create_subelement(parent_element, name, value):
"""Attaches a new element onto the parent element."""
if isinstance(value, dict):
create_subelement_from_dict(parent_element, name, value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
create_subelement_from_list(parent_element, name, value)
raise TypeError("Can't handle type %s." % type(value))
def create_subelement_from_dict(parent_element, name, dict):
element = etree.SubElement(parent_element, name)
populate_element_from_dict(element, dict)
def create_subelement_from_list(parent_element, name, list):
element = etree.SubElement(parent_element, name)
add_subelements_from_list(element, name, list)
def add_subelements_from_list(element, name, list):
if name.endswith("s"):
item_name = name[:len(name) - 1]
item_name = name
for item in list:
create_subelement(element, item_name, item)
def populate_element_from_dict(element, dict):
for key, value in dict.items():
if isinstance(value, basestring):
element.set(key, value)
elif isinstance(value, Number):
element.set(key, str(value))
elif isinstance(value, None.__class__):
element.set(key, '')
create_subelement(element, key, value)
def modify_response_types(value, type_translator):
This will convert some string in response dictionary to ints or bool
so that our respose is compatiable with code expecting JSON style responses
if isinstance(value, str):
if value == 'True':
return True
elif value == 'False':
return False
return type_translator(value)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in value.iteritems():
if type_translator is not IntDict:
if v.__class__ is dict and v.__len__() == 0:
value[k] = None
elif k in type_translator:
value[k] = modify_response_types(value[k],
value[k] = int(value[k])
return value
elif isinstance(value, list):
return [modify_response_types(element, type_translator)
for element in value]
class TroveXmlClient(TroveHTTPClient):
def morph_request(self, kwargs):
kwargs['headers']['Accept'] = 'application/xml'
kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml'
if 'body' in kwargs:
body = kwargs['body']
root_name = body.keys()[0]
xml = create_root_xml_element(root_name, body[root_name])
xml_string = etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True)
kwargs['body'] = xml_string
def morph_response_body(self, body_string):
# The root XML element always becomes a dictionary with a single
# field, which has the same key as the elements name.
result = {}
root_element = etree.XML(body_string)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
raise exceptions.ResponseFormatError()
root_name = normalize_tag(root_element)
root_value, links = root_element_to_json(root_name, root_element)
result = {root_name: root_value}
if links:
result['links'] = links
modify_response_types(result, TYPE_MAP)
return result