# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import fixtures import openstack.config from six.moves import urllib_parse import testtools _USE_AUTHENTICATION = os.environ.get('ZAQARCLIENT_AUTH_FUNCTIONAL', False) _RUN_FUNCTIONAL = os.environ.get('ZAQARCLIENT_TEST_FUNCTIONAL', _USE_AUTHENTICATION) class TestBase(testtools.TestCase): transport_cls = None is_functional = False def setUp(self): super(TestBase, self).setUp() self.conf = { 'auth_opts': { 'backend': 'noauth', 'options': { 'os_project_id': 'my-project' } } } self.useFixture(fixtures.FakeLogger('zaqar')) # NOTE(kgriffs): Don't monkey-patch stdout since it breaks # debugging with pdb. stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if not _RUN_FUNCTIONAL and self.is_functional: self.skipTest('Functional tests disabled') elif self.is_functional and _USE_AUTHENTICATION: self._setup_auth_params() def _credentials(self, cloud='devstack-admin'): """Retrieves credentials to run functional tests Credentials are either read via os-client-config from the environment or from a config file ('clouds.yaml'). Environment variables override those from the config file. devstack produces a clouds.yaml with two named clouds - one named 'devstack' which has user privs and one named 'devstack-admin' which has admin privs. This function will default to getting the devstack-admin cloud as that is the current expected behavior. """ os_cfg = openstack.config.OpenStackConfig() try: found = os_cfg.get_one_cloud(cloud=cloud) except Exception: found = os_cfg.get_one_cloud() return found def _setup_auth_params(self): self.creds = self._credentials().get_auth_args() parsed_url = urllib_parse.urlparse(self.creds['auth_url']) auth_url = self.creds['auth_url'] if not parsed_url.path or parsed_url.path == '/': auth_url = urllib_parse.urljoin(self.creds['auth_url'], 'v3') if parsed_url.path == '/identity': auth_url = '%s/v3' % auth_url self.conf['auth_opts']['backend'] = 'keystone' options = {'os_username': self.creds['username'], 'os_user_domain_id': self.creds['user_domain_id'], 'os_password': self.creds['password'], 'os_project_name': self.creds['project_name'], 'os_project_id': '', 'os_project_domain_id': self.creds['project_domain_id'], 'os_auth_url': auth_url} self.conf['auth_opts'].setdefault('options', {}).update(options) def config(self, group=None, **kw): """Override some configuration values. The keyword arguments are the names of configuration options to override and their values. If a group argument is supplied, the overrides are applied to the specified configuration option group. """ parent = (group and self.conf.setdefault(group, {}) or self.conf) parent.update(kw)