# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import uuid import warnings from zaqarclient.common import decorators from zaqarclient.queues.v1 import core from zaqarclient.queues.v1 import flavor from zaqarclient.queues.v1 import iterator from zaqarclient.queues.v1 import pool from zaqarclient.queues.v1 import queues from zaqarclient import transport from zaqarclient.transport import request class Client(object): """Client base class :param url: Zaqar's instance base url. :type url: `six.text_type` :param version: API Version pointing to. :type version: `int` :param options: Extra options: - client_uuid: Custom client uuid. A new one will be generated, if not passed. - auth_opts: Authentication options: - backend - options :type options: `dict` """ def __init__(self, url=None, version=1, conf=None): self.conf = conf or {} self.api_url = url self.api_version = version self.auth_opts = self.conf.get('auth_opts', {}) self.client_uuid = self.conf.get('client_uuid', uuid.uuid4().hex) def _get_transport(self, request): """Gets a transport and caches its instance This method gets a transport instance based on the request's endpoint and caches that for later use. The transport instance is invalidated whenever a session expires. :param request: The request to use to load the transport instance. :type request: :class:`zaqarclient.transport.request.Request` """ trans = transport.get_transport_for(request, options=self.conf) return (trans or self.transport) def _request_and_transport(self): api = 'queues.v' + str(self.api_version) req = request.prepare_request(self.auth_opts, endpoint=self.api_url, api=api) req.headers['Client-ID'] = self.client_uuid trans = self._get_transport(req) return req, trans def transport(self): """Gets a transport based the api url and version. :rtype: :class:`zaqarclient.transport.base.Transport` """ return transport.get_transport_for(self.api_url, self.api_version) def queue(self, ref, **kwargs): """Returns a queue instance :param ref: Queue's reference id. :type ref: `six.text_type` :returns: A queue instance :rtype: `queues.Queue` """ return queues.Queue(self, ref, **kwargs) def queues(self, **params): """Gets a list of queues from the server :returns: A list of queues :rtype: `list` """ req, trans = self._request_and_transport() queue_list = core.queue_list(trans, req, **params) return iterator._Iterator(self, queue_list, 'queues', queues.create_object(self)) def follow(self, ref): """Follows ref. This method instanciates a new request instance and requests `ref`. It is intended to be used to follow a reference href gotten from `links` sections in responses like queues' lists. :params ref: The reference path. :type ref: `six.text_type` """ req, trans = self._request_and_transport() req.ref = ref return trans.send(req).deserialized_content # ADMIN API def shard(self, ref, **kwargs): warnings.warn(_('`shard_create`\'s been renamed to `pool_create` '), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.pool(ref, **kwargs) def pool(self, ref, **kwargs): """Returns a pool instance :param ref: Pool's reference name. :type ref: `six.text_type` :returns: A pool instance :rtype: `pool.Pool` """ return pool.Pool(self, ref, **kwargs) @decorators.version(min_version=1.1) def flavor(self, ref, **kwargs): """Returns a flavor instance :param ref: Flavor's reference name. :type ref: `six.text_type` :returns: A flavor instance :rtype: `flavor.Flavor` """ return flavor.Flavor(self, ref, **kwargs) def health(self): """Gets the health status of Zaqar server.""" req, trans = self._request_and_transport() return core.health(trans, req)