# Copyright 2017 Catalyst IT Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import time import jinja2 from kubernetes import client from oslo_log import log as logging import requests import yaml from qinling import context from qinling import exceptions as exc from qinling.orchestrator import base from qinling.utils import common LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEMPLATES_DIR = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/templates/') class KubernetesManager(base.OrchestratorBase): def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf client.Configuration().host = self.conf.kubernetes.kube_host self.v1 = client.CoreV1Api() self.v1extention = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api() # Create namespace if not exists self._ensure_namespace() # Get templates. template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=os.path.dirname(TEMPLATES_DIR) ) jinja_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) self.deployment_template = jinja_env.get_template('deployment.j2') self.service_template = jinja_env.get_template('service.j2') def _ensure_namespace(self): ret = self.v1.list_namespace() cur_names = [i.metadata.name for i in ret.items] if self.conf.kubernetes.namespace not in cur_names: LOG.info('Creating namespace: %s', self.conf.kubernetes.namespace) namespace_body = { 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'kind': 'Namespace', 'metadata': { 'name': self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, 'labels': { 'name': self.conf.kubernetes.namespace } }, } self.v1.create_namespace(namespace_body) LOG.info('Namespace %s created.', self.conf.kubernetes.namespace) def create_pool(self, name, image, labels=None): deployment_body = self.deployment_template.render( { "name": name, "labels": labels if labels else {}, "replicas": self.conf.kubernetes.replicas, "container_name": 'worker', "image": image, } ) LOG.info( "Creating deployment for runtime %s: \n%s", name, deployment_body ) self.v1extention.create_namespaced_deployment( body=yaml.safe_load(deployment_body), namespace=self.conf.kubernetes.namespace ) LOG.info("Deployment for runtime %s created.", name) def delete_pool(self, name, labels=None): """Delete all resources belong to the deployment.""" LOG.info("Deleting deployment %s", name) selector = common.convert_dict_to_string(labels) self.v1extention.delete_collection_namespaced_replica_set( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) LOG.info("ReplicaSets in deployment %s deleted.", name) ret = self.v1.list_namespaced_service( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) names = [i.metadata.name for i in ret.items] for svc_name in names: self.v1.delete_namespaced_service( svc_name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, ) LOG.info("Services in deployment %s deleted.", name) self.v1extention.delete_collection_namespaced_deployment( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector, field_selector='metadata.name=%s' % name ) # Should delete pods after deleting deployment to avoid pods are # recreated by k8s. self.v1.delete_collection_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) LOG.info("Pods in deployment %s deleted.", name) LOG.info("Deployment %s deleted.", name) def _choose_available_pod(self, labels): selector = common.convert_dict_to_string(labels) ret = self.v1.list_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector='!function_id,%s' % selector ) if len(ret.items) == 0: return None # Choose the last available one by default. pod = ret.items[-1] return pod def _prepare_pod(self, pod, deployment_name, function_id, service_labels): """Pod preparation. 1. Update pod labels. 2. Expose service and trigger package download. """ name = pod.metadata.name LOG.info( 'Prepare pod %s in deployment %s for function %s', name, deployment_name, function_id ) # Update pod label. pod_labels = pod.metadata.labels or {} pod_labels.update({'function_id': function_id}) body = { 'metadata': { 'labels': pod_labels } } self.v1.patch_namespaced_pod( name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, body ) LOG.debug('Labels updated for pod %s', name) # Create service for the choosen pod. service_name = "service-%s" % function_id service_body = self.service_template.render( { "service_name": service_name, "labels": service_labels, "selector": pod_labels } ) ret = self.v1.create_namespaced_service( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, yaml.safe_load(service_body) ) node_port = ret.spec.ports[0].node_port LOG.debug( 'Service created for pod %s, service name: %s, node port: %s', name, service_name, node_port ) # Get external ip address for an arbitary node. ret = self.v1.list_node() addresses = ret.items[0].status.addresses node_ip = None for addr in addresses: if addr.type == 'ExternalIP': node_ip = addr.address # FIXME: test purpose using minikube if not node_ip: for addr in addresses: if addr.type == 'InternalIP': node_ip = addr.address # Download code package into container. pod_service_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (node_ip, node_port) request_url = '%s/download' % pod_service_url download_url = ( 'http://%s:%s/v1/functions/%s?download=true' % (self.conf.kubernetes.qinling_service_address, self.conf.api.port, function_id) ) data = { 'download_url': download_url, 'function_id': function_id, 'token': context.get_ctx().auth_token } LOG.debug( 'Send request to pod %s, request_url: %s, data: %s', name, request_url, data ) # TODO(kong): Here we sleep some time to avoid 'Failed to establish a # new connection' error for some reason. Needs to find a better # solution. time.sleep(1) r = requests.post(request_url, data=data) if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok: raise exc.OrchestratorException( 'Failed to download function code package.' ) return pod_service_url def prepare_execution(self, function_id, identifier=None, labels=None): pod = self._choose_available_pod(labels) if not pod: raise exc.OrchestratorException('No pod available.') return self._prepare_pod(pod, identifier, function_id, labels) def run_execution(self, function_id, input=None, service_url=None): func_url = '%s/execute' % service_url LOG.info('Invoke function %s, url: %s', function_id, func_url) r = requests.post(func_url, data=input) return {'result': r.json()}