# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010-2011 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import random from oslo_config import cfg from oslotest import base from qinling import config from qinling import context as auth_context from qinling.db import api as db_api from qinling import status DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID = 'default' OPT_PROJECT_ID = '55-66-77-88' def get_context(default=True, admin=False): if default: return auth_context.Context.from_dict({ 'user_name': 'test-default-user', 'user': '1-2-3-4', 'tenant': DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, 'project_name': 'test-default-project', 'is_admin': admin }) else: return auth_context.Context.from_dict({ 'user_name': 'test-opt-user', 'user': '5-6-7-8', 'tenant': OPT_PROJECT_ID, 'project_name': 'test-opt-project', 'is_admin': admin }) class BaseTest(base.BaseTestCase): def override_config(self, name, override, group=None): """Cleanly override CONF variables.""" cfg.CONF.set_override(name, override, group) self.addCleanup(cfg.CONF.clear_override, name, group) def _assertDictContainsSubset(self, parent, child): """Checks whether child dict is a superset of parent. assertDictContainsSubset() in standard Python 2.7 has been deprecated since Python 3.2 Refer to https://goo.gl/iABb5c """ self.assertEqual(parent, dict(parent, **child)) def _assert_single_item(self, items, **props): return self._assert_multiple_items(items, 1, **props)[0] def _assert_multiple_items(self, items, count, **props): def _matches(item, **props): for prop_name, prop_val in props.items(): v = (item[prop_name] if isinstance(item, dict) else getattr(item, prop_name)) if v != prop_val: return False return True filtered_items = list( [item for item in items if _matches(item, **props)] ) found = len(filtered_items) if found != count: self.fail("Wrong number of items found [props=%s, " "expected=%s, found=%s]" % (props, count, found)) return filtered_items def rand_name(self, name='', prefix=None): """Generate a random name that inclues a random number. :param str name: The name that you want to include :param str prefix: The prefix that you want to include :return: a random name. The format is '--'. (e.g. 'prefixfoo-namebar-154876201') :rtype: string """ randbits = str(random.randint(1, 0x7fffffff)) rand_name = randbits if name: rand_name = name + '-' + rand_name if prefix: rand_name = prefix + '-' + rand_name return rand_name class DbTestCase(BaseTest): is_heavy_init_called = False def setUp(self): super(DbTestCase, self).setUp() self.prefix = self.__class__.__name__ self._heavy_init() self.ctx = get_context() auth_context.set_ctx(self.ctx) self.addCleanup(auth_context.set_ctx, None) self.addCleanup(self._clean_db) @classmethod def heavy_init(cls): """Runs a long initialization. This method runs long initialization once by class and can be extended by child classes. """ cfg.CONF.set_default('connection', 'sqlite://', group='database') cfg.CONF.set_default('max_overflow', -1, group='database') cfg.CONF.set_default('max_pool_size', 1000, group='database') qinling_opts = [ (config.API_GROUP, config.api_opts), (config.PECAN_GROUP, config.pecan_opts), (config.ENGINE_GROUP, config.engine_opts), (config.STORAGE_GROUP, config.storage_opts), (config.KUBERNETES_GROUP, config.kubernetes_opts), (config.ETCD_GROUP, config.etcd_opts), (config.RLIMITS_GROUP, config.rlimits_opts), (None, [config.launch_opt]), (None, config.default_opts) ] for group, options in qinling_opts: cfg.CONF.register_opts(list(options), group) cls.qinling_endpoint = '' cfg.CONF.set_default('qinling_endpoint', cls.qinling_endpoint) db_api.setup_db() @classmethod def _heavy_init(cls): """Method that runs heavy_init(). Make this method private to prevent extending this one. It runs heavy_init() only once. Note: setUpClass() can be used, but it magically is not invoked from child class in another module. """ if not cls.is_heavy_init_called: cls.heavy_init() cls.is_heavy_init_called = True def _clean_db(self): db_api.delete_all() def create_runtime(self): runtime = db_api.create_runtime( { 'name': self.rand_name('runtime', prefix=self.prefix), 'image': self.rand_name('image', prefix=self.prefix), # 'auth_enable' is disabled by default, we create runtime for # default tenant. 'project_id': DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, 'status': status.AVAILABLE, 'trusted': True } ) return runtime def create_function(self, runtime_id=None, code=None, timeout=None): if not runtime_id: runtime_id = self.create_runtime().id function = db_api.create_function( { 'name': self.rand_name('function', prefix=self.prefix), 'runtime_id': runtime_id, 'code': code or {"source": "package", "md5sum": "fake_md5"}, 'entry': 'main.main', # 'auth_enable' is disabled by default, we create runtime for # default tenant. 'project_id': DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, 'cpu': cfg.CONF.resource_limits.default_cpu, 'memory_size': cfg.CONF.resource_limits.default_memory, 'timeout': timeout or cfg.CONF.resource_limits.default_timeout } ) return function def create_job(self, function_id=None, function_alias=None, **kwargs): if not function_id and not function_alias: function_id = self.create_function().id job_params = { 'name': self.rand_name('job', prefix=self.prefix), 'function_alias': function_alias, 'function_id': function_id, # 'auth_enable' is disabled by default 'project_id': DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, } job_params.update(kwargs) job = db_api.create_job(job_params) return job def create_webhook(self, function_id=None, **kwargs): if not function_id: function_id = self.create_function().id webhook_params = { 'function_id': function_id, # 'auth_enable' is disabled by default 'project_id': DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, } webhook_params.update(kwargs) webhook = db_api.create_webhook(webhook_params) return webhook def create_execution(self, function_id=None, **kwargs): if not function_id: function_id = self.create_function().id execution_params = { 'function_id': function_id, 'project_id': DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, 'status': status.RUNNING, } execution_params.update(kwargs) execution = db_api.create_execution(execution_params) return execution def create_function_version(self, old_version, function_id=None, **kwargs): if not function_id: function_id = self.create_function().id db_api.increase_function_version(function_id, old_version, **kwargs) db_api.update_function(function_id, {"latest_version": old_version + 1})