# Copyright 2017 Catalyst IT Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import json import os import time import jinja2 from oslo_log import log as logging import requests import tenacity import yaml from qinling.engine import utils from qinling import exceptions as exc from qinling.orchestrator import base from qinling.orchestrator.kubernetes import utils as k8s_util from qinling.utils import common LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEMPLATES_DIR = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/templates/') class KubernetesManager(base.OrchestratorBase): def __init__(self, conf, qinling_endpoint): self.conf = conf self.qinling_endpoint = qinling_endpoint clients = k8s_util.get_k8s_clients(self.conf) self.v1 = clients['v1'] self.v1extension = clients['v1extension'] # self.apps_v1 = clients['apps_v1'] # Create namespace if not exists self._ensure_namespace() # Get templates. template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=os.path.dirname(TEMPLATES_DIR) ) jinja_env = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True ) self.deployment_template = jinja_env.get_template('deployment.j2') self.service_template = jinja_env.get_template('service.j2') self.pod_template = jinja_env.get_template('pod.j2') # Refer to # http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#session-objects self.session = requests.Session() def _ensure_namespace(self): ret = self.v1.list_namespace() cur_names = [i.metadata.name for i in ret.items] if self.conf.kubernetes.namespace not in cur_names: LOG.info('Creating namespace: %s', self.conf.kubernetes.namespace) namespace_body = { 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'kind': 'Namespace', 'metadata': { 'name': self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, 'labels': { 'name': self.conf.kubernetes.namespace } }, } self.v1.create_namespace(namespace_body) LOG.info('Namespace %s created.', self.conf.kubernetes.namespace) @tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(2), stop=tenacity.stop_after_delay(600), retry=tenacity.retry_if_result(lambda result: not result) ) def _wait_deployment_available(self, name): ret = self.v1extension.read_namespaced_deployment( name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace ) if not ret.status.replicas: return False return ret.status.replicas == ret.status.available_replicas def create_pool(self, name, image): deployment_body = self.deployment_template.render( { "name": name, "labels": {'runtime_id': name}, "replicas": self.conf.kubernetes.replicas, "container_name": 'worker', "image": image, } ) LOG.info( "Creating deployment for runtime %s: \n%s", name, deployment_body ) self.v1extension.create_namespaced_deployment( body=yaml.safe_load(deployment_body), namespace=self.conf.kubernetes.namespace ) self._wait_deployment_available(name) LOG.info("Deployment for runtime %s created.", name) def delete_pool(self, name): """Delete all resources belong to the deployment.""" LOG.info("Deleting deployment %s", name) labels = {'runtime_id': name} selector = common.convert_dict_to_string(labels) self.v1extension.delete_collection_namespaced_replica_set( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) LOG.info("ReplicaSets in deployment %s deleted.", name) ret = self.v1.list_namespaced_service( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) names = [i.metadata.name for i in ret.items] for svc_name in names: self.v1.delete_namespaced_service( svc_name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, ) LOG.info("Services in deployment %s deleted.", name) self.v1extension.delete_collection_namespaced_deployment( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector, field_selector='metadata.name=%s' % name ) # Should delete pods after deleting deployment to avoid pods are # recreated by k8s. self.v1.delete_collection_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) LOG.info("Pods in deployment %s deleted.", name) LOG.info("Deployment %s deleted.", name) def update_pool(self, name, image=None): """Deployment rolling-update. Return True if successful, otherwise return False after rolling back. """ LOG.info('Start to do rolling-update deployment %s', name) body = { 'spec': { 'template': { 'spec': { 'containers': [ { # TODO(kong): Make the name configurable. 'name': 'worker', 'image': image } ] } } } } self.v1extension.patch_namespaced_deployment( name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, body ) unavailable_replicas = 1 # TODO(kong): Make this configurable retry = 5 while unavailable_replicas != 0 and retry > 0: time.sleep(5) retry = retry - 1 deploy = self.v1extension.read_namespaced_deployment_status( name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace ) unavailable_replicas = deploy.status.unavailable_replicas # Handle failure of rolling-update. if unavailable_replicas > 0: body = { "name": name, "rollbackTo": { "revision": 0 } } self.v1extension.create_namespaced_deployment_rollback( name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, body ) return False return True def _choose_available_pods(self, labels, count=1, function_id=None, function_version=0): # If there is already a pod for function, reuse it. if function_id: ret = self.v1.list_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector='function_id=%s,function_version=%s' % (function_id, function_version) ) if len(ret.items) >= count: LOG.debug( "Function %s(version %s) already associates to a pod with " "at least %d worker(s). ", function_id, function_version, count ) return ret.items[:count] selector = common.convert_dict_to_string(labels) ret = self.v1.list_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector='!function_id,%s' % selector ) if len(ret.items) < count: return [] return ret.items[-count:] def _prepare_pod(self, pod, deployment_name, function_id, version, labels=None): """Pod preparation. 1. Update pod labels. 2. Expose service. """ pod_name = pod.metadata.name labels = labels or {} LOG.info( 'Prepare pod %s in deployment %s for function %s(version %s)', pod_name, deployment_name, function_id, version ) # Update pod label. pod_labels = self._update_pod_label( pod, # pod label value should be string {'function_id': function_id, 'function_version': str(version)} ) # Create service for the chosen pod. service_name = "service-%s-%s" % (function_id, version) labels.update( {'function_id': function_id, 'function_version': str(version)} ) # TODO(kong): Make the service type configurable. service_body = self.service_template.render( { "service_name": service_name, "labels": labels, "selector": pod_labels } ) try: ret = self.v1.create_namespaced_service( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, yaml.safe_load(service_body) ) LOG.debug( 'Service created for pod %s, service name: %s', pod_name, service_name ) except Exception as e: # Service already exists if e.status == 409: LOG.debug( 'Service already exists for pod %s, service name: %s', pod_name, service_name ) time.sleep(1) ret = self.v1.read_namespaced_service( service_name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace ) else: raise # Get external ip address for an arbitrary node. node_port = ret.spec.ports[0].node_port nodes = self.v1.list_node() addresses = nodes.items[0].status.addresses node_ip = None for addr in addresses: if addr.type == 'ExternalIP': node_ip = addr.address # FIXME: test purpose using minikube if not node_ip: for addr in addresses: if addr.type == 'InternalIP': node_ip = addr.address pod_service_url = 'http://%s:%s' % (node_ip, node_port) return pod_name, pod_service_url def _create_pod(self, image, rlimit, pod_name, labels, input): """Create pod for image type function.""" if not input: input_list = [] elif isinstance(input, dict) and input.get('__function_input'): input_list = input.get('__function_input').split() else: input_list = list(json.loads(input)) pod_body = self.pod_template.render( { "pod_name": pod_name, "labels": labels, "pod_image": image, "input": input_list, "req_cpu": str(rlimit['cpu']), "limit_cpu": str(rlimit['cpu']), "req_memory": str(rlimit['memory_size']), "limit_memory": str(rlimit['memory_size']) } ) LOG.info( "Creating pod %s for image function:\n%s", pod_name, pod_body ) self.v1.create_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, body=yaml.safe_load(pod_body), ) def _update_pod_label(self, pod, new_label): name = pod.metadata.name pod_labels = copy.deepcopy(pod.metadata.labels) or {} pod_labels.update(new_label) body = { 'metadata': { 'labels': pod_labels } } self.v1.patch_namespaced_pod( name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, body ) LOG.debug('Labels updated for pod %s', name) return pod_labels def prepare_execution(self, function_id, version, rlimit=None, image=None, identifier=None, labels=None, input=None): """Prepare service URL for function version. :param rlimit: optional argument passed to limit cpu/mem resources. For image function, create a single pod with rlimit and input, so the function will be executed in the resource limited pod. For normal function, choose a pod from the pool and expose a service, return the service URL. return a tuple includes pod name and the servise url. """ pods = None labels = labels or {'function_id': function_id} if image: if not rlimit: LOG.critical('Param rlimit is required for image function.') raise exc.OrchestratorException( 'Execution preparation failed.' ) self._create_pod(image, rlimit, identifier, labels, input) return identifier, None else: pods = self._choose_available_pods(labels, function_id=function_id, function_version=version) if not pods: LOG.critical('No worker available.') raise exc.OrchestratorException('Execution preparation failed.') try: pod_name, url = self._prepare_pod( pods[0], identifier, function_id, version, labels ) return pod_name, url except Exception: LOG.exception('Pod preparation failed.') self.delete_function(function_id, version, labels) raise exc.OrchestratorException('Execution preparation failed.') def run_execution(self, execution_id, function_id, version, input=None, identifier=None, service_url=None, entry='main.main', trust_id=None): """Run execution. Return a tuple including the result and the output. """ if service_url: func_url = '%s/execute' % service_url data = utils.get_request_data( self.conf, function_id, version, execution_id, input, entry, trust_id, self.qinling_endpoint ) LOG.debug( 'Invoke function %s(version %s), url: %s, data: %s', function_id, version, func_url, data ) return utils.url_request(self.session, func_url, body=data) else: # Wait for image type function execution to be finished def _wait_complete(): pod = self.v1.read_namespaced_pod( identifier, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace ) status = pod.status.phase return True if status == 'Succeeded' else False try: r = tenacity.Retrying( wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(1), stop=tenacity.stop_after_delay(180), retry=tenacity.retry_if_result( lambda result: result is False) ) r.call(_wait_complete) except Exception as e: LOG.exception( "Failed to get pod output, pod: %s, error: %s", identifier, str(e) ) return False, {'error': 'Function execution failed.'} output = self.v1.read_namespaced_pod_log( identifier, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, ) return True, output def delete_function(self, function_id, version, labels=None): """Delete related resources for function. - Delete service - Delete pods """ pre_label = { 'function_id': function_id, 'function_version': str(version) } labels = labels or pre_label selector = common.convert_dict_to_string(labels) ret = self.v1.list_namespaced_service( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) names = [i.metadata.name for i in ret.items] for svc_name in names: self.v1.delete_namespaced_service( svc_name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, ) self.v1.delete_collection_namespaced_pod( self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, label_selector=selector ) def scaleup_function(self, function_id, version, identifier=None, count=1): pod_names = [] labels = {'runtime_id': identifier} pods = self._choose_available_pods(labels, count=count) if not pods: raise exc.OrchestratorException('Not enough workers available.') for pod in pods: pod_name, service_url = self._prepare_pod( pod, identifier, function_id, version, labels ) pod_names.append(pod_name) LOG.info('Pods scaled up for function %s(version %s): %s', function_id, version, pod_names) return pod_names, service_url def delete_worker(self, pod_name, **kwargs): self.v1.delete_namespaced_pod( pod_name, self.conf.kubernetes.namespace, {} )