OpenStack is dropping the py2.7 support in ussuri cycle. qinling is ready with python 3 and ok to drop the python 2.7 support. Complete discussion & schedule can be found in - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-October/010142.html - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/drop-python2-support Ussuri Communtiy-wide goal: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/drop-py27.html Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/693631/ Change-Id: Icfaa8e59840406b5fddbde55a1cac67035a22935
Qinling (is pronounced "tchinling") refers to Qinling Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province in China. The mountains provide a natural boundary between North and South China and support a huge variety of plant and wildlife, some of which is found nowhere else on Earth.
Qinling is Function as a Service for OpenStack. This project aims to provide a platform to support serverless functions (like AWS Lambda). Qinling supports different container orchestration platforms (Kubernetes/Swarm, etc.) and different function package storage backends (local/Swift/S3) by nature using plugin mechanism.
- Free software: under the Apache license
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/qinling/latest/
- Source: https://opendev.org/openstack/qinling
- Features: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/927
- Bug Track: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/927
- Release notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/qinling/
- IRC channel on Freenode: #openstack-qinling