Gaetan Trellu e18f80345a Use oslo_middleware to support CORS configuration
Currently there is no way in Qinling configuration file
to configure the CORS.

oslo_middleware should be implemented to be able to
set [cors] section in qinling.conf.

Change-Id: Ib4664ba7cbda28a9dfda1c1dd9f0e7457c0ee7de
Story: 2005788
Task: 33515
2019-06-01 07:10:27 -04:00
source Merge "Some improvements for the doc" 2018-11-06 10:02:21 +00:00
README.rst Update qinling doc location to docs.openstack.org 2018-03-02 20:21:18 +08:00
requirements.txt Use oslo_middleware to support CORS configuration 2019-06-01 07:10:27 -04:00


Qinling Development Docs

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