From 821e4e6b3277ba456416c9a663def7e693fdc6fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Maretskiy <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 18:30:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [Spec] Update and move spec about new output format

Spec 'improve_scenario_output_format.rst' is implemented,
so it is moved to doc/specs/implemented/

Also there were some updates to this spec to conform
improvements that are actually done:

 * Each output data set has 'description' text passed to
   Scenario.add_output() while adding the output.
   Description is displayed in HTML report under chart title.

 * Method Scenario.add_output() has changed (schema
   verification is added)

 * Subtab 'Detailed' is renamed to 'Per iteration'

Change-Id: Iddf0b0f5edea8002493d47131994f46202363ef5
 .../improve_scenario_output_format.rst        | 324 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 324 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/specs/implemented/improve_scenario_output_format.rst

diff --git a/doc/specs/implemented/improve_scenario_output_format.rst b/doc/specs/implemented/improve_scenario_output_format.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98ca6918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/specs/implemented/improve_scenario_output_format.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
+ License.
+ This template should be in ReSTructured text. The filename in the git
+ repository should match the launchpad URL, for example a URL of
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+ awesome-thing.rst .  Please do not delete any of the sections in this
+ template.  If you have nothing to say for a whole section, just write: None
+ For help with syntax, see
+ To test out your formatting, see
+Improvements for scenario output format
+Current implementation of how scenario saves output data is limited and
+does not meet the needs - it neither allows having more than one data set,
+nor saving custom data structures by each iteration. There is simply a dict
+with int values.
+This specification proposes how this can be significantly improved.
+Problem description
+At first, let's clarify types of desired output.
+Output divides on two main types: additive and complete.
+*Additive output* requires processing and representation for the whole
+scenario. For example each iteration has duration - this additive data can
+be taken from each iteration and analyzed how it changes during the
+scenario execution.
+*Complete output* data is completely created by iteration and does not require
+extra processing. It is related to this specific iteration only.
+Currently scenario can just return a single dict with int values - this is an
+additive data only, and it is stored in iteration results according to
+this schema:
+.. code-block::
+  "result": {
+      ...
+      "scenario_output": {
+          "type": "object",
+          "properties": {
+              "data": {
+                  "type": "object"
+              },
+              "errors": {
+                  "type": "string"
+              },
+          },
+         "required": ["data", "errors"]
+      }
+  }
+Here are main issues:
+  * single data set - this does not allow to split data (if required) among
+    different sources. For example scenario runs two (or more) third-party
+    tools or scripts but has to put all data into single dict
+  * output is additive only - so its representation makes sense only after
+    putting data from all iterations together. Scenario iteration can not
+    save its own data list that can be processed independently from another
+    iterations.
+  * there is no specific data for HTML report generation like chart title
+    and chart type, so report uses hardcoded values.
+As result, HTML report can represent output by a single chart of single type:
+.. code-block::
+          .--------.
+          | Output |
+     -----'        '-----------
+       Scenario output
+        --------------------
+       |                    |
+       | SINGLE StackedArea |
+       |                    |
+        --------------------
+Proposed change
+Scenario should have ability to save arbitrary number of both additive
+and complete output data. This data should include titles and instructions
+how to be processed and displayed in HTML report.
+Here is proposed iterations results structure for output data:
+.. code-block::
+  "result": {
+      ...
+      "output": {
+          "additive": [
+              # Each iteration duplicates "title", "description", "chart" and
+              # items keys, however this seems to be less evil than keeping
+              # aggregated metadata on upper level of task results schema.
+              # "chart" is required by HTML report and should be a name of
+              # existent Chart subclass that is responsible for processing
+              # and displaying the data
+              {"title": "How some durations changes during the scenario",
+               "description": "Some details explaind here",
+               "chart": "OutputStackedAreaChart",
+               "items": [[<str key>, <float value>], ...]  # Additive data
+              },
+              ...  # More data if required
+          ],
+          "complete": [
+              # Complete data from this specific iteration.
+              # "widget" is required by HTML report and should be a name
+              # of chart widget (see details below) that responsible for
+              # displaying data. We do not need to specify "chart" here
+              # because this data does not require processing - it is
+              # already processed and represents a result of Chart.render()
+              {"title": "Interesting data from specific iteration",
+               "description": "Some details explaind here",
+               "widget": "StackedArea",
+               "data": [
+                   [
+                       <str key>,
+                       [[<float X pos>, <float Y value>], ...]
+                   ],
+                   ...
+               ]
+              },
+              ...  # More data if required
+          ]
+      }
+  }
+  * for backward compatibility, data from deprecated "scenario_output" should
+    be transformed into "output/data/additive[0]" on-the-fly (for example
+    if we load task results from file)
+  * as you can see, there is no container *output/errors* - that is because
+    value of *errors* is not used at all and not required (there is another
+    container for errors in iteration results)
+How scenario saves output data
+Scenario should be extended with method *add_output()*:
+.. code-block::
+ class Scenario(...):
+     def __init__(self, context=None):
+         ...
+         self._output = {"additive": [], "complete": []}
+     ...
+     def add_output(self, additive=None, complete=None):
+         """Add iteration values for additive output.
+         :param additive: dict with additive output
+         :param complete: dict with complete output
+         :raises RallyException: When additive or complete has wrong format
+         """
+         for key, value in (("additive", additive), ("complete", complete)):
+             if value:
+                 try:
+                     jsonschema.validate(
+                         value, task.OUTPUT_SCHEMA["properties"][key]["items"])
+                     self._output[key].append(value)
+                 except jsonschema.ValidationError:
+                     raise exceptions.RallyException(
+                         "%s output has wrong format" % key.capitalize())
+Here is an example how scenario can save different output:
+.. code-block::
+ class SomePlugin(Scenario):
+     def specific_scenario(self):
+         ...
+         self.add_output(additive={"title": "Foo data",
+                                   "description": "Some words about Foo",
+                                   "chart": "OutputStackedAreaChart",
+                                   "items": [["foo 1", 12], ["foo 2", 34]]})
+         self.add_output(additive={"title": "Bar data",
+                                   "description": "Some words about Bar",
+                                   "chart": "OutputAvgChart",
+                                   "items": [["bar 1", 56], ["bar 2", 78]]})
+         self.add_output(complete={"title": "Complete data",
+                                   "description": "Some details here",
+                                   "widget": "StackedArea",
+                                   "data": [["foo key", [ ... ]], ... ]})
+         self.add_output(complete={"title": "Another data",
+                                   "description": "Some details here",
+                                   "widget": "Pie",
+                                   "data": [["bar key", [ ... ]], ... ]})
+         self.add_output(complete={"title": "Yet another data",
+                                   "description": "Some details here",
+                                   "widget": "Table",
+                                   "data": [["spam key", [ ... ]], ... ]})
+Displaying scenario output in HTML report
+The following changes are planned for HTML report and charts classes:
+  * rename tab *Output* to *Scenario Data*
+  * implement subtabs under *Scenario Data*: *Aggregated* and *Per iteration*
+  * *Aggregated* subtab shows charts with additive data
+  * *Per iteration* subtab shows charts with complete data, for each iteration
+  * Both subtabs (as well as parent tab) are shown only if there is
+    something to display
+  * add base class OutputChart and generic charts classes for processing
+    output data: OutputStackedAreaChart, OutputAvgChart, OutputStatsTable
+  * add optional *title* and *description* arguments to OutputChart.__init__()
+    so title and description - this is important for custom charts
+  * add *WIDGET* property to each OutputChart subclass to bind it to specific
+    chart widget (StackedArea, Pie, Table). For example, AvgChart will be
+    bound to "Pie". This will allow defining both how to process and how
+    to display some data simply by single class name
+  * update return value format of OutputChart.render() with title and widget:
+    {"title": <str>, "description": <str>, "widget": <str>, "data": [...]}
+UI sketch for active "Aggregated" subtab:
+.. code-block::
+         .---------------.
+         | Scenario Data |
+     ----'               '-------------------
+       Aggregated   Per iteration
+                    -------------
+       <Custom chart title>
+       <Here is a description text>
+        ----------------------------
+       |                            |
+       | Any available chart widget |
+       |                            |
+        ----------------------------
+       <Custom chart title>
+       <Here is a description text>
+        ----------------------------
+       |                            |
+       | Any available chart widget |
+       |                            |
+        ----------------------------
+       [... more charts]
+UI sketch for active "Per iteration" subtab, let it be iteration 5
+selected by dropdown:
+.. code-block::
+         .---------------.
+         | Scenario Data |
+     ----'               '-------------------
+       Aggregated   Per iteration
+       ----------
+       [iteration 5]
+       <Custom chart title>
+       <Here is a description text>
+        ----------------------------
+       |                            |
+       | Any available chart widget |
+       |                            |
+        ----------------------------
+       <Custom chart title>
+       <Here is a description text>
+        ----------------------------
+       |                            |
+       | Any available chart widget |
+       |                            |
+        ----------------------------
+       [... more charts]
+Primary assignee:
+  * amaretskiy <>
+Work Items
+  * Update task results schema with *output* container
+  * Extend Scenario with method *add_output()*
+  * Bound Chart subclasses to specific charts widgets
+  * Add generic Charts subclasses for output data
+  * Changes in HTML report related to *Output* tab
+  * Add scenario with example output data