Deprecate script

The script `samples/tasks/support/` was absorbed by
VMTasks.dd_load scenario. To do not support 2 places of one thing, this
script should be removed.

Change-Id: I7ba29f07554e22c70dd46cbe19e8b40a71ef90d3
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Kurilin 2017-10-09 17:31:51 +03:00
parent 74bfd34f79
commit a913477f2b
2 changed files with 4 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -8,5 +8,4 @@ To run this workload, the VM must have linpack installed prior to running.
================ loads server by spawning processes. Finally, it outputs
JSON data for HTML report charts, with values of CPU, memory and disk usage.
The script was absorbed by VMTasks.dd_load_test scenario.

View File

@ -1,107 +1,5 @@
# Load server and output JSON results ready to be processed
# by Rally scenario
for ex in awk top grep free tr df dc dd gzip
if ! type ${ex} >/dev/null
echo "Executable is required by script but not available on a server: ${ex}" >&2
return 1
get_used_cpu_percent() {
echo 100 $(top -b -n 1 | grep -i CPU | head -n 1 | awk '{print $8}' | tr -d %) - p | dc
get_used_ram_percent() {
local total=$(free | grep Mem: | awk '{print $2}')
local used=$(free | grep -- -/+\ buffers | awk '{print $3}')
echo ${used} 100 \* ${total} / p | dc
get_used_disk_percent() {
df -P / | grep -v Filesystem | awk '{print $5}' | tr -d %
get_seconds() {
(time -p ${1}) 2>&1 | awk '/real/{print $2}'
complete_load() {
local script_file=${LOAD_SCRIPT_FILE:-/tmp/}
local stop_file=${LOAD_STOP_FILE:-/tmp/load.stop}
local processes_num=${LOAD_PROCESSES_COUNT:-20}
local size=${LOAD_SIZE_MB:-5}
cat << EOF > ${script_file}
until test -e ${stop_file}
do dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=${size} 2>/dev/null | gzip >/dev/null ; done
local sep
local cpu
local ram
local dis
rm -f ${stop_file}
for i in $(seq ${processes_num})
sh ${script_file} &
cpu="${cpu}${sep}[${i}, $(get_used_cpu_percent)]"
ram="${ram}${sep}[${i}, $(get_used_ram_percent)]"
dis="${dis}${sep}[${i}, $(get_used_disk_percent)]"
sep=", "
> ${stop_file}
cat << EOF
"title": "Generate load by spawning processes",
"description": "Each process runs gzip for ${size}M urandom data in a loop",
"chart_plugin": "Lines",
"axis_label": "Number of processes",
"label": "Usage, %",
"data": [
["CPU", [${cpu}]],
["Memory", [${ram}]],
["Disk", [${dis}]]]
additive_dd() {
local c=${1:-50} # Megabytes
local file=/tmp/dd_test.img
local write=$(get_seconds "dd if=/dev/urandom of=${file} bs=1M count=${c}")
local read=$(get_seconds "dd if=${file} of=/dev/null bs=1M count=${c}")
local gzip=$(get_seconds "gzip ${file}")
rm ${file}.gz
cat << EOF
"title": "Write, read and gzip file",
"description": "Using file '${file}', size ${c}Mb.",
"chart_plugin": "StackedArea",
"data": [
["write_${c}M", ${write}],
["read_${c}M", ${read}],
["gzip_${c}M", ${gzip}]]
"title": "Statistics for write/read/gzip",
"chart_plugin": "StatsTable",
"data": [
["write_${c}M", ${write}],
["read_${c}M", ${read}],
["gzip_${c}M", ${gzip}]]
cat << EOF
"additive": [$(additive_dd)],
"complete": [$(complete_load)]
echo "The script was absorbed by VMTasks.dd_load_test scenario."
# If we do not fail it, no one will found the warning message about deprecation
exit 1