# Copyright 2013: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import fixtures import os import uuid import mock from oslotest import base from rally.common import cfg from rally.common import db from rally import plugins from tests.unit import fakes class DatabaseFixture(cfg.fixture.Config): """Create clean DB before starting test.""" def setUp(self): super(DatabaseFixture, self).setUp() db_url = os.environ.get("RALLY_UNITTEST_DB_URL", "sqlite://") db.engine_reset() self.conf.set_default("connection", db_url, group="database") db.schema_cleanup() db.schema_create() class TestCase(base.BaseTestCase): """Test case base class for all unit tests.""" def setUp(self): super(TestCase, self).setUp() self.addCleanup(mock.patch.stopall) plugins.load() def _test_atomic_action_timer(self, atomic_actions, name, count=1, parent=[]): if parent: is_found = False for action in atomic_actions: if action["name"] == parent[0]: is_found = True self._test_atomic_action_timer(action["children"], name, count=count, parent=parent[1:]) if not is_found: self.fail("The parent action %s can not be found." % parent[0]) else: actual_count = 0 for atomic_action in atomic_actions: if atomic_action["name"] == name: self.assertIsInstance(atomic_action["started_at"], float) self.assertIsInstance(atomic_action["finished_at"], float) actual_count += 1 if count != actual_count: self.fail("%(count)d count is expected for atomic action" " %(name)s, the actual count" " is %(actual_count)d." % {"name": name, "count": count, "actual_count": actual_count}) def assertSequenceEqual(self, iterable_1, iterable_2, msg=None): self.assertEqual(tuple(iterable_1), tuple(iterable_2), msg) class DBTestCase(TestCase): """Base class for tests which use DB.""" def setUp(self): super(DBTestCase, self).setUp() self.useFixture(DatabaseFixture()) # TODO(boris-42): This should be moved to test.plugins.test module # or similar class ScenarioTestCase(TestCase): """Base class for Scenario tests using mocked self.clients.""" task_utils = "rally.task.utils" patch_task_utils = True def client_factory(self, client_type, version=None, admin=False): """Create a new client object.""" return mock.MagicMock(client_type=client_type, version=version, admin=admin) def clients(self, client_type, version=None, admin=False): """Get a mocked client.""" key = (client_type, version, admin) if key not in self._clients: self._clients[key] = self.client_factory(client_type, version=version, admin=admin) return self._clients[key] def admin_clients(self, client_type, version=None): """Get a mocked admin client.""" return self.clients(client_type, version=version, admin=True) def client_created(self, client_type, version=None, admin=False): """Determine if a client has been created. This can be used to see if a scenario calls 'self.clients("foo")', without checking to see what was done with the client object returned by that call. """ key = (client_type, version, admin) return key in self._clients def get_client_mocks(self): base_path = "rally_openstack" return [ mock.patch( "%s.scenario.OpenStackScenario.clients" % base_path, mock.Mock(side_effect=self.clients)), mock.patch( "%s.scenario.OpenStackScenario.admin_clients" % base_path, mock.Mock(side_effect=self.admin_clients)) ] def get_test_context(self): return get_test_context() def setUp(self): super(ScenarioTestCase, self).setUp() if self.patch_task_utils: self.mock_resource_is = fixtures.MockPatch( self.task_utils + ".resource_is") self.mock_get_from_manager = fixtures.MockPatch( self.task_utils + ".get_from_manager") self.mock_wait_for = fixtures.MockPatch( self.task_utils + ".wait_for") self.mock_wait_for_delete = fixtures.MockPatch( self.task_utils + ".wait_for_delete") self.mock_wait_for_status = fixtures.MockPatch( self.task_utils + ".wait_for_status") self.useFixture(self.mock_resource_is) self.useFixture(self.mock_get_from_manager) self.useFixture(self.mock_wait_for) self.useFixture(self.mock_wait_for_delete) self.useFixture(self.mock_wait_for_status) self.mock_sleep = fixtures.MockPatch("time.sleep") self.useFixture(self.mock_sleep) self._clients = {} self._client_mocks = self.get_client_mocks() for patcher in self._client_mocks: patcher.start() self.context = self.get_test_context() def tearDown(self): for patcher in self._client_mocks: patcher.stop() super(ScenarioTestCase, self).tearDown() class ContextClientAdapter(object): def __init__(self, endpoint, test_case): self.endpoint = endpoint self.test_case = test_case def mock_client(self, name, version=None): admin = self.endpoint.startswith("admin") client = self.test_case.clients(name, version=version, admin=admin) if not isinstance(client.return_value, mock.Mock): return client.return_value if client.side_effect is not None: # NOTE(pboldin): if a client has side_effects that means the # user wants some of the returned values overrided (look at # the test_existing_users for instance) return client() return client def __getattr__(self, name): # NOTE(pboldin): __getattr__ magic is called last, after the value # were looked up for in __dict__ return lambda version=None: self.mock_client(name, version) class ContextTestCase(ScenarioTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ContextTestCase, self).setUp() self._adapters = {} def context_client(self, endpoint, api_info=None): if endpoint not in self._adapters: self._adapters[endpoint] = ContextClientAdapter(endpoint, self) return self._adapters[endpoint] def get_client_mocks(self): return [ mock.patch( "rally_openstack.osclients.Clients", mock.Mock(side_effect=self.context_client)) ] class FakeClientsScenarioTestCase(ScenarioTestCase): """Base class for Scenario tests using fake (not mocked) self.clients.""" def client_factory(self, client_type, version=None, admin=False): return getattr(self._fake_clients, client_type)() def setUp(self): super(FakeClientsScenarioTestCase, self).setUp() self._fake_clients = fakes.FakeClients() def get_test_context(**kwargs): kwargs["task"] = {"uuid": str(uuid.uuid4())} kwargs["owner_id"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) return kwargs