# Copyright 2014: Rackspace UK # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import os import pkgutil from rally.common import logging from rally.common import sshutils from rally.common import validation from rally import exceptions from rally.plugins.common import validators from rally.task import atomic from rally.task import types from rally_openstack import consts from rally_openstack import scenario from rally_openstack.scenarios.cinder import utils as cinder_utils from rally_openstack.scenarios.vm import utils as vm_utils from rally_openstack.services import heat """Scenarios that are to be run inside VM instances.""" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO(andreykurilin): replace by advanced jsonschema(lollipop?!) someday @validation.configure(name="valid_command", platform="openstack") class ValidCommandValidator(validators.FileExistsValidator): def __init__(self, param_name, required=True): """Checks that parameter is a proper command-specifying dictionary. Ensure that the command dictionary is a proper command-specifying dictionary described in 'vmtasks.VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete' docstring. :param param_name: Name of parameter to validate :param required: Boolean indicating that the command dictionary is required """ super(ValidCommandValidator, self).__init__(param_name=param_name) self.required = required def check_command_dict(self, command): """Check command-specifying dict `command' :raises ValueError: on error """ if not isinstance(command, dict): self.fail("Command must be a dictionary") # NOTE(pboldin): Here we check for the values not for presence of the # keys due to template-driven configuration generation that can leave # keys defined but values empty. if command.get("interpreter"): script_file = command.get("script_file") if script_file: if "script_inline" in command: self.fail( "Exactly one of script_inline or script_file with " "interpreter is expected: %r" % command) # User tries to upload a shell? Make sure it is same as interpreter interpreter = command.get("interpreter") interpreter = (interpreter[-1] if isinstance(interpreter, (tuple, list)) else interpreter) if (command.get("local_path") and command.get("remote_path") != interpreter): self.fail( "When uploading an interpreter its path should be as well" " specified as the `remote_path' string: %r" % command) elif not command.get("remote_path"): # No interpreter and no remote command to execute is given self.fail( "Supplied dict specifies no command to execute, either " "interpreter or remote_path is required: %r" % command) unexpected_keys = set(command) - {"script_file", "script_inline", "interpreter", "remote_path", "local_path", "command_args"} if unexpected_keys: self.fail( "Unexpected command parameters: %s" % ", ".join( unexpected_keys)) def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg): command = config.get("args", {}).get(self.param_name) if command is None and not self.required: return try: self.check_command_dict(command) except ValueError as e: return self.fail(str(e)) for key in "script_file", "local_path": if command.get(key): self._file_access_ok( filename=command[key], mode=os.R_OK, param_name=self.param_name, required=self.required) @types.convert(image={"type": "glance_image"}, flavor={"type": "nova_flavor"}) @validation.add("image_valid_on_flavor", flavor_param="flavor", image_param="image", fail_on_404_image=False) @validation.add("valid_command", param_name="command") @validation.add("number", param_name="port", minval=1, maxval=65535, nullable=True, integer_only=True) @validation.add("external_network_exists", param_name="floating_network") @validation.add("required_services", services=[consts.Service.NOVA, consts.Service.CINDER]) @validation.add("required_param_or_context", param_name="image", ctx_name="image_command_customizer") @validation.add("required_platform", platform="openstack", users=True) @scenario.configure(context={"cleanup@openstack": ["nova", "cinder"], "keypair@openstack": {}, "allow_ssh@openstack": None}, name="VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete", platform="openstack") class BootRuncommandDelete(vm_utils.VMScenario, cinder_utils.CinderBasic): def run(self, flavor, username, password=None, image=None, command=None, volume_args=None, floating_network=None, port=22, use_floating_ip=True, force_delete=False, wait_for_ping=True, max_log_length=None, **kwargs): """Boot a server, run script specified in command and delete server. :param image: glance image name to use for the vm. Optional in case of specified "image_command_customizer" context :param flavor: VM flavor name :param username: ssh username on server, str :param password: Password on SSH authentication :param command: Command-specifying dictionary that either specifies remote command path via `remote_path' (can be uploaded from a local file specified by `local_path`), an inline script via `script_inline' or a local script file path using `script_file'. Both `script_file' and `local_path' are checked to be accessible by the `file_exists' validator code. The `script_inline' and `script_file' both require an `interpreter' value to specify the interpreter script should be run with. Note that any of `interpreter' and `remote_path' can be an array prefixed with environment variables and suffixed with args for the `interpreter' command. `remote_path's last component must be a path to a command to execute (also upload destination if a `local_path' is given). Uploading an interpreter is possible but requires that `remote_path' and `interpreter' path do match. Examples: .. code-block:: python # Run a `local_script.pl' file sending it to a remote # Perl interpreter command = { "script_file": "local_script.pl", "interpreter": "/usr/bin/perl" } # Run an inline script sending it to a remote interpreter command = { "script_inline": "echo 'Hello, World!'", "interpreter": "/bin/sh" } # Run a remote command command = { "remote_path": "/bin/false" } # Copy a local command and run it command = { "remote_path": "/usr/local/bin/fio", "local_path": "/home/foobar/myfiodir/bin/fio" } # Copy a local command and run it with environment variable command = { "remote_path": ["HOME=/root", "/usr/local/bin/fio"], "local_path": "/home/foobar/myfiodir/bin/fio" } # Run an inline script sending it to a remote interpreter command = { "script_inline": "echo \"Hello, ${NAME:-World}\"", "interpreter": ["NAME=Earth", "/bin/sh"] } # Run an inline script sending it to an uploaded remote # interpreter command = { "script_inline": "echo \"Hello, ${NAME:-World}\"", "interpreter": ["NAME=Earth", "/tmp/sh"], "remote_path": "/tmp/sh", "local_path": "/home/user/work/cve/sh-1.0/bin/sh" } :param volume_args: volume args for booting server from volume :param floating_network: external network name, for floating ip :param port: ssh port for SSH connection :param use_floating_ip: bool, floating or fixed IP for SSH connection :param force_delete: whether to use force_delete for servers :param wait_for_ping: whether to check connectivity on server creation :param max_log_length: The number of tail nova console-log lines user would like to retrieve :param kwargs: extra arguments for booting the server """ if volume_args: volume = self.cinder.create_volume(volume_args["size"], imageRef=None) kwargs["block_device_mapping"] = {"vdrally": "%s:::1" % volume.id} if not image: image = self.context["tenant"]["custom_image"]["id"] server, fip = self._boot_server_with_fip( image, flavor, use_floating_ip=use_floating_ip, floating_network=floating_network, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], **kwargs) try: if wait_for_ping: self._wait_for_ping(fip["ip"]) code, out, err = self._run_command( fip["ip"], port, username, password, command=command) text_area_output = ["StdErr: %s" % (err or "(none)"), "StdOut:"] if code: raise exceptions.ScriptError( "Error running command %(command)s. " "Error %(code)s: %(error)s" % { "command": command, "code": code, "error": err}) # Let's try to load output data try: data = json.loads(out) # 'echo 42' produces very json-compatible result # - check it here if not isinstance(data, dict): raise ValueError except ValueError: # It's not a JSON, probably it's 'script_inline' result data = [] except (exceptions.TimeoutException, exceptions.SSHTimeout): console_logs = self._get_server_console_output(server, max_log_length) LOG.debug("VM console logs:\n%s" % console_logs) raise finally: self._delete_server_with_fip(server, fip, force_delete=force_delete) if isinstance(data, dict) and set(data) == {"additive", "complete"}: for chart_type, charts in data.items(): for chart in charts: self.add_output(**{chart_type: chart}) else: # it's a dict with several unknown lines text_area_output.extend(out.split("\n")) self.add_output(complete={"title": "Script Output", "chart_plugin": "TextArea", "data": text_area_output}) @scenario.configure(context={"cleanup@openstack": ["nova", "heat"], "keypair@openstack": {}, "network@openstack": {}}, name="VMTasks.runcommand_heat") class RuncommandHeat(vm_utils.VMScenario): def run(self, workload, template, files, parameters): """Run workload on stack deployed by heat. Workload can be either file or resource: .. code-block:: json {"file": "/path/to/file.sh"} {"resource": ["package.module", "workload.py"]} Also it should contain "username" key. Given file will be uploaded to `gate_node` and started. This script should print `key` `value` pairs separated by colon. These pairs will be presented in results. Gate node should be accessible via ssh with keypair `key_name`, so heat template should accept parameter `key_name`. :param workload: workload to run :param template: path to heat template file :param files: additional template files :param parameters: parameters for heat template """ keypair = self.context["user"]["keypair"] parameters["key_name"] = keypair["name"] network = self.context["tenant"]["networks"][0] parameters["router_id"] = network["router_id"] self.stack = heat.main.Stack(self, self.task, template, files=files, parameters=parameters) self.stack.create() for output in self.stack.stack.outputs: if output["output_key"] == "gate_node": ip = output["output_value"] break ssh = sshutils.SSH(workload["username"], ip, pkey=keypair["private"]) ssh.wait() script = workload.get("resource") if script: script = pkgutil.get_data(*script) else: script = open(workload["file"]).read() ssh.execute("cat > /tmp/.rally-workload", stdin=script) ssh.execute("chmod +x /tmp/.rally-workload") with atomic.ActionTimer(self, "runcommand_heat.workload"): status, out, err = ssh.execute( "/tmp/.rally-workload", stdin=json.dumps(self.stack.stack.outputs)) rows = [] for line in out.splitlines(): row = line.split(":") if len(row) != 2: raise exceptions.ScriptError("Invalid data '%s'" % line) rows.append(row) if not rows: raise exceptions.ScriptError("No data returned. Original error " "message is %s" % err) self.add_output( complete={"title": "Workload summary", "description": "Data generated by workload", "chart_plugin": "Table", "data": { "cols": ["key", "value"], "rows": rows}} ) BASH_DD_LOAD_TEST = """ #!/bin/sh # Load server and output JSON results ready to be processed # by Rally scenario for ex in awk top grep free tr df dc dd gzip do if ! type ${ex} >/dev/null then echo "Executable is required by script but not available\ on a server: ${ex}" >&2 return 1 fi done get_used_cpu_percent() { echo 100\ $(top -b -n 1 | grep -i CPU | head -n 1 | awk '{print $8}' | tr -d %)\ - p | dc } get_used_ram_percent() { local total=$(free | grep Mem: | awk '{print $2}') local used=$(free | grep -- -/+\ buffers | awk '{print $3}') echo ${used} 100 \* ${total} / p | dc } get_used_disk_percent() { df -P / | grep -v Filesystem | awk '{print $5}' | tr -d % } get_seconds() { (time -p ${1}) 2>&1 | awk '/real/{print $2}' } complete_load() { local script_file=${LOAD_SCRIPT_FILE:-/tmp/load.sh} local stop_file=${LOAD_STOP_FILE:-/tmp/load.stop} local processes_num=${LOAD_PROCESSES_COUNT:-20} local size=${LOAD_SIZE_MB:-5} cat << EOF > ${script_file} until test -e ${stop_file} do dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M count=${size} 2>/dev/null | gzip >/dev/null ; done EOF local sep local cpu local ram local dis rm -f ${stop_file} for i in $(seq ${processes_num}) do i=$((i-1)) sh ${script_file} & cpu="${cpu}${sep}[${i}, $(get_used_cpu_percent)]" ram="${ram}${sep}[${i}, $(get_used_ram_percent)]" dis="${dis}${sep}[${i}, $(get_used_disk_percent)]" sep=", " done > ${stop_file} cat << EOF { "title": "Generate load by spawning processes", "description": "Each process runs gzip for ${size}M urandom data\ in a loop", "chart_plugin": "Lines", "axis_label": "Number of processes", "label": "Usage, %", "data": [ ["CPU", [${cpu}]], ["Memory", [${ram}]], ["Disk", [${dis}]]] } EOF } additive_dd() { local c=${1:-50} # Megabytes local file=/tmp/dd_test.img local write=$(get_seconds "dd if=/dev/zero of=${file} bs=1M count=${c}") local read=$(get_seconds "dd if=${file} of=/dev/null bs=1M count=${c}") local gzip=$(get_seconds "gzip ${file}") rm ${file}.gz cat << EOF { "title": "Write, read and gzip file", "description": "Using file '${file}', size ${c}Mb.", "chart_plugin": "StackedArea", "data": [ ["write_${c}M", ${write}], ["read_${c}M", ${read}], ["gzip_${c}M", ${gzip}]] }, { "title": "Statistics for write/read/gzip", "chart_plugin": "StatsTable", "data": [ ["write_${c}M", ${write}], ["read_${c}M", ${read}], ["gzip_${c}M", ${gzip}]] } EOF } cat << EOF { "additive": [$(additive_dd)], "complete": [$(complete_load)] } EOF """ @types.convert(image={"type": "glance_image"}, flavor={"type": "nova_flavor"}) @validation.add("image_valid_on_flavor", flavor_param="flavor", image_param="image") @validation.add("number", param_name="port", minval=1, maxval=65535, nullable=True, integer_only=True) @validation.add("external_network_exists", param_name="floating_network") @validation.add("required_services", services=[consts.Service.NOVA, consts.Service.CINDER]) @validation.add("required_platform", platform="openstack", users=True) @scenario.configure(context={"cleanup@openstack": ["nova", "cinder"], "keypair@openstack": {}, "allow_ssh@openstack": None}, name="VMTasks.dd_load_test", platform="openstack") class DDLoadTest(BootRuncommandDelete): @logging.log_deprecated_args( "Use 'interpreter' to specify the interpreter to execute script from.", "0.10.0", ["command"], once=True) def run(self, flavor, username, password=None, image=None, command=None, interpreter="/bin/sh", volume_args=None, floating_network=None, port=22, use_floating_ip=True, force_delete=False, wait_for_ping=True, max_log_length=None, **kwargs): """Boot a server from a custom image and performs dd load test. .. note:: dd load test is prepared script by Rally team. It checks writing and reading metrics from the VM. :param image: glance image name to use for the vm. Optional in case of specified "image_command_customizer" context :param flavor: VM flavor name :param username: ssh username on server, str :param password: Password on SSH authentication :param interpreter: the interpreter to execute script with dd load test (defaults to /bin/sh) :param command: DEPRECATED. use interpreter instead. :param volume_args: volume args for booting server from volume :param floating_network: external network name, for floating ip :param port: ssh port for SSH connection :param use_floating_ip: bool, floating or fixed IP for SSH connection :param force_delete: whether to use force_delete for servers :param wait_for_ping: whether to check connectivity on server creation :param max_log_length: The number of tail nova console-log lines user would like to retrieve :param kwargs: extra arguments for booting the server """ cmd = {"interpreter": interpreter, "script_inline": BASH_DD_LOAD_TEST} if command and "interpreter" in command: cmd["interpreter"] = command["interpreter"] return super(DDLoadTest, self).run( flavor=flavor, username=username, password=password, image=image, command=cmd, volume_args=volume_args, floating_network=floating_network, port=port, use_floating_ip=use_floating_ip, force_delete=force_delete, wait_for_ping=wait_for_ping, max_log_length=max_log_length, **kwargs)