Rally Style Commandments ======================== - Step 1: Read the OpenStack Style Commandments http://docs.openstack.org/developer/hacking/ - Step 2: Read on Rally Specific Commandments --------------------------- * [N30x] - Reserved for rules related to ``mock`` library * [N301] - Ensure that ``assert_*`` methods from ``mock`` library is used correctly * [N302] - Ensure that nonexistent "assert_called" is not used * [N303] - Ensure that nonexistent "assert_called_once" is not used * [N310-N314] - Reserved for rules related to logging * [N310] - Ensure that ``rally.common.log`` is used as logging module * [N311] - Validate that debug level logs are not translated * [N312] - Validate correctness of debug on check. * [N32x] - Reserved for rules related to assert* methods * [N320] - Ensure that ``assertTrue(isinstance(A, B))`` is not used * [N321] - Ensure that ``assertEqual(type(A), B)`` is not used * [N322] - Ensure that ``assertEqual(A, None)`` and ``assertEqual(None, A)`` are not used * [N323] - Ensure that ``assertTrue/assertFalse(A in/not in B)`` are not used with collection contents * [N324] - Ensure that ``assertEqual(A in/not in B, True/False)`` and ``assertEqual(True/False, A in/not in B)`` are not used with collection contents * [N340] - Ensure that we are importing always ``from rally import objects`` * [N341] - Ensure that we are importing oslo_xyz packages instead of deprecated oslo.xyz ones * [N350] - Ensure that single quotes are not used * [N351] - Ensure that data structs (i.e Lists and Dicts) are declared literally rather than using constructors * [N352] - Ensure that string formatting only uses a mapping if multiple mapping keys are used. * [N353] - Ensure that unicode() function is not uset because of absence in py3 * [N354] - Ensure that ``:raises: Exception`` is not used * [N355] - Ensure that we use only "new-style" Python classes * [N356] - Ensure using ``dt`` as alias for ``datetime`` * [N360-N370] - Reserved for rules related to CLI * [N360] - Ensure that CLI modules do not use ``rally.common.db`` * [N361] - Ensure that CLI modules do not use ``rally.common.objects``