# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from rally.common import cfg from rally.common import logging from rally import exceptions from rally.task import atomic from rally.task import utils import requests from rally_openstack import scenario LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class HeatScenario(scenario.OpenStackScenario): """Base class for Heat scenarios with basic atomic actions.""" @atomic.action_timer("heat.list_stacks") def _list_stacks(self): """Return user stack list.""" return list(self.clients("heat").stacks.list()) @atomic.action_timer("heat.create_stack") def _create_stack(self, template, parameters=None, files=None, environment=None): """Create a new stack. :param template: template with stack description. :param parameters: template parameters used during stack creation :param files: additional files used in template :param environment: stack environment definition :returns: object of stack """ stack_name = self.generate_random_name() kw = { "stack_name": stack_name, "disable_rollback": True, "parameters": parameters or {}, "template": template, "files": files or {}, "environment": environment or {} } # heat client returns body instead manager object, so we should # get manager object using stack_id stack_id = self.clients("heat").stacks.create(**kw)["stack"]["id"] stack = self.clients("heat").stacks.get(stack_id) self.sleep_between(CONF.openstack.heat_stack_create_prepoll_delay) stack = utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["CREATE_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["CREATE_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_create_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_create_poll_interval) return stack @atomic.action_timer("heat.update_stack") def _update_stack(self, stack, template, parameters=None, files=None, environment=None): """Update an existing stack :param stack: stack that need to be updated :param template: Updated template :param parameters: template parameters for stack update :param files: additional files used in template :param environment: stack environment definition :returns: object of updated stack """ kw = { "stack_name": stack.stack_name, "disable_rollback": True, "parameters": parameters or {}, "template": template, "files": files or {}, "environment": environment or {} } self.clients("heat").stacks.update(stack.id, **kw) self.sleep_between(CONF.openstack.heat_stack_update_prepoll_delay) stack = utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["UPDATE_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["UPDATE_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_update_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_update_poll_interval) return stack @atomic.action_timer("heat.check_stack") def _check_stack(self, stack): """Check given stack. Check the stack and stack resources. :param stack: stack that needs to be checked """ self.clients("heat").actions.check(stack.id) utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["CHECK_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["CHECK_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(["CHECK_FAILED"]), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_check_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_check_poll_interval) @atomic.action_timer("heat.delete_stack") def _delete_stack(self, stack): """Delete given stack. Returns when the stack is actually deleted. :param stack: stack object """ stack.delete() utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["DELETE_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["DELETE_FAILED", "ERROR"], check_deletion=True, update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_delete_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_delete_poll_interval) @atomic.action_timer("heat.suspend_stack") def _suspend_stack(self, stack): """Suspend given stack. :param stack: stack that needs to be suspended """ self.clients("heat").actions.suspend(stack.id) utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["SUSPEND_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["SUSPEND_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_suspend_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_suspend_poll_interval) @atomic.action_timer("heat.resume_stack") def _resume_stack(self, stack): """Resume given stack. :param stack: stack that needs to be resumed """ self.clients("heat").actions.resume(stack.id) utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["RESUME_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["RESUME_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_resume_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_resume_poll_interval) @atomic.action_timer("heat.snapshot_stack") def _snapshot_stack(self, stack): """Creates a snapshot for given stack. :param stack: stack that will be used as base for snapshot :returns: snapshot created for given stack """ snapshot = self.clients("heat").stacks.snapshot( stack.id) utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["SNAPSHOT_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["SNAPSHOT_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_snapshot_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_snapshot_poll_interval) return snapshot @atomic.action_timer("heat.restore_stack") def _restore_stack(self, stack, snapshot_id): """Restores stack from given snapshot. :param stack: stack that will be restored from snapshot :param snapshot_id: id of given snapshot """ self.clients("heat").stacks.restore(stack.id, snapshot_id) utils.wait_for_status( stack, ready_statuses=["RESTORE_COMPLETE"], failure_statuses=["RESTORE_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_restore_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_restore_poll_interval ) @atomic.action_timer("heat.show_output") def _stack_show_output(self, stack, output_key): """Execute output_show for specified "output_key". This method uses new output API call. :param stack: stack with output_key output. :param output_key: The name of the output. """ output = self.clients("heat").stacks.output_show(stack.id, output_key) return output @atomic.action_timer("heat.show_output_via_API") def _stack_show_output_via_API(self, stack, output_key): """Execute output_show for specified "output_key". This method uses old way for getting output value. It gets whole stack object and then finds necessary "output_key". :param stack: stack with output_key output. :param output_key: The name of the output. """ # this code copy-pasted and adopted for rally from old client version # https://github.com/openstack/python-heatclient/blob/0.8.0/heatclient/ # v1/shell.py#L682-L699 stack = self.clients("heat").stacks.get(stack_id=stack.id) for output in stack.to_dict().get("outputs", []): if output["output_key"] == output_key: return output @atomic.action_timer("heat.list_output") def _stack_list_output(self, stack): """Execute output_list for specified "stack". This method uses new output API call. :param stack: stack to call output-list. """ output_list = self.clients("heat").stacks.output_list(stack.id) return output_list @atomic.action_timer("heat.list_output_via_API") def _stack_list_output_via_API(self, stack): """Execute output_list for specified "stack". This method uses old way for getting output value. It gets whole stack object and then prints all outputs belongs this stack. :param stack: stack to call output-list. """ # this code copy-pasted and adopted for rally from old client version # https://github.com/openstack/python-heatclient/blob/0.8.0/heatclient/ # v1/shell.py#L649-L663 stack = self.clients("heat").stacks.get(stack_id=stack.id) output_list = stack.to_dict()["outputs"] return output_list def _count_instances(self, stack): """Count instances in a Heat stack. :param stack: stack to count instances in. """ return len([ r for r in self.clients("heat").resources.list(stack.id, nested_depth=1) if r.resource_type == "OS::Nova::Server"]) def _scale_stack(self, stack, output_key, delta): """Scale a stack up or down. Calls the webhook given in the output value identified by 'output_key', and waits for the stack size to change by 'delta'. :param stack: stack to scale up or down :param output_key: The name of the output to get the URL from :param delta: The expected change in number of instances in the stack (signed int) """ num_instances = self._count_instances(stack) expected_instances = num_instances + delta LOG.debug("Scaling stack %s from %s to %s instances with %s" % (stack.id, num_instances, expected_instances, output_key)) with atomic.ActionTimer(self, "heat.scale_with_%s" % output_key): self._stack_webhook(stack, output_key) utils.wait_for( stack, is_ready=lambda s: ( self._count_instances(s) == expected_instances), failure_statuses=["UPDATE_FAILED", "ERROR"], update_resource=utils.get_from_manager(), timeout=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_scale_timeout, check_interval=CONF.openstack.heat_stack_scale_poll_interval) def _stack_webhook(self, stack, output_key): """POST to the URL given in the output value identified by output_key. This can be used to scale stacks up and down, for instance. :param stack: stack to call a webhook on :param output_key: The name of the output to get the URL from :raises InvalidConfigException: if the output key is not found """ url = None for output in stack.outputs: if output["output_key"] == output_key: url = output["output_value"] break else: raise exceptions.InvalidConfigException( "No output key %(key)s found in stack %(id)s" % {"key": output_key, "id": stack.id}) platform_params = self.context["env"]["spec"]["existing@openstack"] verify = (platform_params["https_cacert"] if not platform_params["https_insecure"] else False) with atomic.ActionTimer(self, "heat.%s_webhook" % output_key): requests.post(url, verify=verify).raise_for_status()