
228 lines
6.5 KiB

- name: Create Rally home directory
become: True
become_user: stack
path: '{{ rally_home_dir }}'
state: directory
owner: stack
group: stack
- name: Create directory for Rally results
become: True
become_user: stack
path: '{{ rally_home_dir }}/results'
state: directory
owner: stack
group: stack
- name: Create directory for OSProfiler reports
become: True
become_user: stack
path: '{{ rally_home_dir }}/results/{{ RALLY_OSPROFILER_CHART }}'
state: directory
owner: stack
group: stack
- name: Extend Rally config with
become: True
become_user: stack
executable: /bin/bash
cmd: |
echo "[openstack]" >> /etc/rally/rally.conf
echo "osprofiler_chart_mode={{ RALLY_OSPROFILER_CHART }}" >> /etc/rally/rally.conf
- name: Create a directory for custom plugins
become: True
become_user: stack
path: '{{ rally_home_dir }}/plugins'
state: directory
owner: stack
group: stack
- name: Check the existence of custom plugins
path: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/rally-jobs/plugins'
register: custom_plugins_stat
- name: Copy custom plugins, if they are presented
become: True
become_user: stack
command: cp -r {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/rally-jobs/plugins {{ rally_home_dir }}/
when: custom_plugins_stat.stat.exists == True
- name: Create a directory for extra files
become: True
become_user: stack
path: '{{ rally_home_dir }}/extra'
state: directory
owner: stack
group: stack
- name: Check the existence of extra files
path: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/rally-jobs/extra'
register: extra_files_stat
- name: Copy extra files, if they are presented
become: True
become_user: stack
command: cp -r {{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/rally-jobs/extra {{ rally_home_dir }}/
when: extra_files_stat.stat.exists == True
- name: Check the existence of fake image
path: '{{ rally_fake_image_path }}'
register: fake_image_stat
- name: Create a fake image
become: True
become_user: stack
path: '{{ rally_fake_image_path }}'
state: touch
when: fake_image_stat.stat.exists == False
- name: List glance, cinder, neutron resources
become: True
become_user: stack
executable: /bin/bash
cmd: |
set -e
rally deployment use --deployment devstack
. {{ rally_home_dir }}/openrc admin admin
OPENSTACK_SERVICES=$(openstack service list)
if [[ $OPENSTACK_SERVICES == *"glance"* ]]; then
openstack image list
if [[ $OPENSTACK_SERVICES == *"cinder"* ]]; then
openstack volume list --all-projects
if [[ $OPENSTACK_SERVICES == *"neutron"* ]]; then
openstack network list
- name: Create new projects and users
become: True
become_user: stack
executable: /bin/sh
cmd: |
set -e
. {{ rally_home_dir }}/openrc admin admin
openstack --version
openstack project create {{ existing_user_project_1 }}
openstack user create --project {{ existing_user_project_1 }} --password {{ existing_user_password_1 }} {{ existing_user_name_1 }}
openstack role add --project {{ existing_user_project_1 }} --user {{ existing_user_name_1 }} Member
openstack project create {{ existing_user_project_2 }}
openstack user create --project {{ existing_user_project_2 }} --password {{ existing_user_password_2 }} {{ existing_user_name_2 }}
openstack role add --project {{ existing_user_project_2 }} --user {{ existing_user_name_2 }} Member
set +e
NEUTRON_EXISTS=$(openstack --os-interface admin service list | grep neutron)
set -e
if [ "$NEUTRON_EXISTS" ]; then
OS_QUOTA_STR="--networks -1 --subnets -1 --routers -1 --floating-ips -1 --subnetpools -1 --secgroups -1 --secgroup-rules -1 --ports -1"
openstack --debug quota set $OS_QUOTA_STR {{ existing_user_project_1 }}
openstack --debug quota show {{ existing_user_project_1 }}
openstack --debug quota set $OS_QUOTA_STR {{ existing_user_project_2 }}
openstack --debug quota show {{ existing_user_project_2 }}
when: rally_use_existing_users == True
- name: Capture Keystone auth URL
become: True
become_user: stack
shell: ". {{ rally_home_dir }}/openrc admin admin > /dev/null && echo $OS_AUTH_URL"
register: keystone_auth_url
when: rally_use_existing_users == True
- name: Make Rally Environment spec with existing users
become: True
become_user: stack
src: env.yaml.j2
dest: "{{ rally_existing_users_config }}"
when: rally_use_existing_users == True
- name: Create new projects and users
become: True
become_user: stack
shell: rally env create --name devstask-with-users --spec "{{ rally_existing_users_config }}"
when: rally_use_existing_users == True
- name: Check Environment works
become: True
become_user: stack
command: "rally --debug env check"
- name: Print Rally deployment config
become: True
become_user: stack
command: "rally deployment config"
- name: Print Environment info
become: True
become_user: stack
command: "rally env info"
- name: Create nova flavor
become: True
become_user: stack
executable: /bin/sh
cmd: |
set -e
. {{ rally_home_dir }}/openrc admin admin
if rally deployment check | grep 'nova' | grep 'Available' > /dev/null;
nova flavor-create m1.nano 42 64 0 1
- name: Check the existence of rally_task
path: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/{{ rally_task }}'
register: rally_task_file_stat
- name: Fail if Rally task file is missed.
msg: "'{{ rally_task }}' Rally task file is missed."
when: rally_task_file_stat.stat.exists != True
- name: Copy task file
become: True
become_user: stack
command: cp "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/{{ rally_task }}" "{{ rally_home_dir }}/task.yaml"
when: rally_task_file_stat.stat.exists == True
- name: Check the existence of task_args_file
path: '{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/{{ rally_task_args_file }}'
register: task_args_file_stat
- name: Copy task_args_file
become: True
become_user: stack
command: cp "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/{{ rally_task_args_file }}" "{{ rally_home_dir }}/task_args_file.yaml"
when: task_args_file_stat.stat.exists == True
- name: Create an empty task_args_file
become: True
become_user: stack
command: echo "{}" > "{{ rally_home_dir }}/task_args_file.yaml"
when: task_args_file_stat.stat.exists == False