1) Module urllib2 is missed in Python 3, so it should be replaced by other http lib. "requests" is good library for such stuff, which supports both Python 2.* and Python 3.* 2) Function 'rally.common.utils.parse_docstring' uses built-in function 'filter'. This function returns different types in Python 2.* and Python 3.*. Since results are used as a list, 'filter' should be replaced by list comprehension. 3) Extend H330 hacking rule to chech 'dict.iterkeys()', 'dict.itervalues()' and 'dict.iterlist()'. Also, fixed all places, which are failed in terms of this rule. 4) Function object does not have 'func_code' attribute in Python 3, but '__code__' attribute exist in both Python 2 and Python 3 Also, 3 tests are broken due to new release(1.6.0) of oslo.config, so we need to skip them to unblock our gates until new version of oslo.config will be released with appropriate fix. Closes-Bug: #1405919 Change-Id: Icc42e220ac3f15ae6c838a4698b3c9578177513c
Please, don't hesitate to write tests ;)
Unit tests
Files: /tests/unit/*
The goal of unit tests is to ensure that internal parts of the code work properly. All internal methods should be fully covered by unit tests with a reasonable mocks usage.
About Rally unit tests:
- All unit tests are located inside /tests/unit/*
- Tests are written on top of: testtools, fixtures and mock libs
- Tox is used to run unit tests
To run unit tests locally:
$ pip install tox
$ tox
To run py26, py27 or pep8 only:
$ tox -e <name>
#NOTE: <name> is one of py26, py27 or pep8
To get test coverage:
$ tox -e cover
#NOTE: Results will be in /cover/index.html
To generate docs:
$ tox -e docs
#NOTE: Documentation will be in doc/source/_build/html/index.html
Functional tests
Files: /tests/functional/*
The goal of functional tests is to check that everything works well together. Fuctional tests use Rally API only and check responses without touching internal parts.
To run functional tests locally:
$ source openrc
$ rally deployment create --fromenv --name testing
$ tox -e cli
#NOTE: openrc file with OpenStack admin credentials
Rally CI scripts
Files: /tests/ci/*
This directory contains scripts and files related to the Rally CI system.
Rally Style Commandments
File: /tests/hacking/checks.py
This module contains Rally specific hacking rules for checking commandments.