Tasks Configuration Samples
To specify your tasks, use configuration files in json or yaml format.
General structure of configuration file: :
"args": {
"runner": {
"context": {
"sla": {
ScanarioClass should be a subclass of the base Scenario class and scenario_method specifies what benchmark task should be run. Section "args" is also related to scenario. To learn more about scenarios configuration, see samples in samples/tasks/scenarios.
Section "runners" specifies the way, how task should be run. To learn more about runners configurations, see samples in samples/tasks/runners.
Section "context" defines different types of environments in which task can be launched. Look at samples/tasks/contexts for samples.
Section "sla" defines details for determining compliance with contracted values such as maximum error rate or minimum response time. Look at samples/tasks/sla for samples.
See a detailed description of benchmark scenarios, contexts & runners.