
765 lines
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Executable File

# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import random
from rally import exceptions
from rally.task import atomic
from rally.task import utils as bench_utils
from rally_openstack.common.services.image import image
from rally_openstack.common.services.storage import block
CONF = block.CONF
class CinderMixin(object):
def _get_client(self):
return self._clients.cinder(self.version)
def _update_resource(self, resource):
manager = getattr(resource, "manager", None)
if manager:
res = manager.get(resource.id)
if isinstance(resource, block.Volume):
attr = "volumes"
elif isinstance(resource, block.VolumeSnapshot):
attr = "volume_snapshots"
elif isinstance(resource, block.VolumeBackup):
attr = "backups"
res = getattr(self._get_client(), attr).get(resource.id)
except Exception as e:
if getattr(e, "code", getattr(e, "http_status", 400)) == 404:
raise exceptions.GetResourceNotFound(resource=resource)
raise exceptions.GetResourceFailure(resource=resource, err=e)
return res
def _wait_available_volume(self, volume):
return bench_utils.wait_for_status(
def get_volume(self, volume_id):
"""Get target volume information."""
aname = "cinder_v%s.get_volume" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volumes.get(volume_id)
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Delete target volume."""
aname = "cinder_v%s.delete_volume" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend the size of the specified volume."""
if isinstance(new_size, dict):
new_size = random.randint(new_size["min"], new_size["max"])
aname = "cinder_v%s.extend_volume" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
self._get_client().volumes.extend(volume, new_size)
return self._wait_available_volume(volume)
def list_snapshots(self, detailed=True):
"""Get a list of all snapshots."""
aname = "cinder_v%s.list_snapshots" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return (self._get_client()
def set_metadata(self, volume, sets=10, set_size=3):
"""Set volume metadata.
:param volume: The volume to set metadata on
:param sets: how many operations to perform
:param set_size: number of metadata keys to set in each operation
:returns: A list of keys that were set
key = "cinder_v%s.set_%s_metadatas_%s_times" % (self.version,
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, key):
keys = []
for i in range(sets):
metadata = {}
for j in range(set_size):
key = self.generate_random_name()
metadata[key] = self.generate_random_name()
self._get_client().volumes.set_metadata(volume, metadata)
return keys
def delete_metadata(self, volume, keys, deletes=10, delete_size=3):
"""Delete volume metadata keys.
Note that ``len(keys)`` must be greater than or equal to
``deletes * delete_size``.
:param volume: The volume to delete metadata from
:param deletes: how many operations to perform
:param delete_size: number of metadata keys to delete in each operation
:param keys: a list of keys to choose deletion candidates from
if len(keys) < deletes * delete_size:
raise exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException(
"Not enough metadata keys to delete: "
"%(num_keys)s keys, but asked to delete %(num_deletes)s" %
{"num_keys": len(keys),
"num_deletes": deletes * delete_size})
# make a shallow copy of the list of keys so that, when we pop
# from it later, we don't modify the original list.
keys = list(keys)
action_name = ("cinder_v%s.delete_%s_metadatas_%s_times"
% (self.version, delete_size, deletes))
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, action_name):
for i in range(deletes):
to_del = keys[i * delete_size:(i + 1) * delete_size]
self._get_client().volumes.delete_metadata(volume, to_del)
def update_readonly_flag(self, volume, read_only):
"""Update the read-only access mode flag of the specified volume.
:param volume: The UUID of the volume to update.
:param read_only: The value to indicate whether to update volume to
read-only access mode.
:returns: A tuple of http Response and body
aname = "cinder_v%s.update_readonly_flag" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volumes.update_readonly_flag(
volume, read_only)
def upload_volume_to_image(self, volume, force=False,
container_format="bare", disk_format="raw"):
"""Upload the given volume to image.
Returns created image.
:param volume: volume object
:param force: flag to indicate whether to snapshot a volume even if
it's attached to an instance
:param container_format: container format of image. Acceptable
formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf
:param disk_format: disk format of image. Acceptable formats:
ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi and iso
:returns: Returns created image object
aname = "cinder_v%s.upload_volume_to_image" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
resp, img = self._get_client().volumes.upload_to_image(
volume, force, self.generate_random_name(), container_format,
# NOTE (e0ne): upload_to_image changes volume status to uploading
# so we need to wait until it will be available.
volume = self._wait_available_volume(volume)
image_id = img["os-volume_upload_image"]["image_id"]
glance = image.Image(self._clients)
image_inst = glance.get_image(image_id)
image_inst = bench_utils.wait_for_status(
return image_inst
def create_qos(self, specs):
"""Create a qos specs.
:param specs: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
:rtype: :class:'QoSSpecs'
aname = "cinder_v%s.create_qos" % self.version
name = self.generate_random_name()
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().qos_specs.create(name, specs)
def list_qos(self, search_opts=None):
"""Get a list of all qos specs.
:param search_opts: search options
:rtype: list of :class: 'QoSpecs'
aname = "cinder_v%s.list_qos" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().qos_specs.list(search_opts)
def get_qos(self, qos_id):
"""Get a specific qos specs.
:param qos_id: The ID of the :class: 'QoSSpecs' to get
:rtype: :class: 'QoSSpecs'
aname = "cinder_v%s.get_qos" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().qos_specs.get(qos_id)
def set_qos(self, qos_id, set_specs_args):
"""Add/Update keys in qos specs.
:param qos_id: The ID of the :class:`QoSSpecs` to get
:param set_specs_args: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
:rtype: class 'cinderclient.apiclient.base.DictWithMeta'
{"qos_specs": set_specs_args}
aname = "cinder_v%s.set_qos" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().qos_specs.set_keys(qos_id,
def qos_associate_type(self, qos_specs, vol_type_id):
"""Associate qos specs from volume type.
:param qos_specs: The qos specs to be associated with
:param vol_type_id: The volume type id to be associated with
:returns: base on client response return True if the request
has been accepted or not
aname = "cinder_v%s.qos_associate_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
tuple_res = self._get_client().qos_specs.associate(qos_specs,
return (tuple_res[0].status_code == 202)
def qos_disassociate_type(self, qos_specs, vol_type_id):
"""Disassociate qos specs from volume type.
:param qos_specs: The qos specs to be disassociated with
:param vol_type_id: The volume type id to be disassociated with
:returns: base on client response return True if the request
has been accepted or not
aname = "cinder_v%s.qos_disassociate_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
tuple_res = self._get_client().qos_specs.disassociate(qos_specs,
return (tuple_res[0].status_code == 202)
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Delete the given snapshot.
Returns when the snapshot is actually deleted.
:param snapshot: snapshot object
aname = "cinder_v%s.delete_snapshot" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
def delete_backup(self, backup):
"""Delete the given backup.
Returns when the backup is actually deleted.
:param backup: backup instance
aname = "cinder_v%s.delete_backup" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
def restore_backup(self, backup_id, volume_id=None):
"""Restore the given backup.
:param backup_id: The ID of the backup to restore.
:param volume_id: The ID of the volume to restore the backup to.
aname = "cinder_v%s.restore_backup" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
restore = self._get_client().restores.restore(backup_id, volume_id)
restored_volume = self._get_client().volumes.get(restore.volume_id)
return self._wait_available_volume(restored_volume)
def list_backups(self, detailed=True):
"""Return user volume backups list.
:param detailed: True if detailed information about backup
should be listed
aname = "cinder_v%s.list_backups" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().backups.list(detailed)
def list_transfers(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None):
"""Get a list of all volume transfers.
:param detailed: If True, detailed information about transfer
should be listed
:param search_opts: Search options to filter out volume transfers
:returns: list of :class:`VolumeTransfer`
aname = "cinder_v%s.list_transfers" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().transfers.list(detailed, search_opts)
def get_volume_type(self, volume_type):
"""get details of volume_type.
:param volume_type: The ID of the :class:`VolumeType` to get
:returns: :class:`VolumeType`
aname = "cinder_v%s.get_volume_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volume_types.get(volume_type)
def delete_volume_type(self, volume_type):
"""delete a volume type.
:param volume_type: Name or Id of the volume type
:returns: base on client response return True if the request
has been accepted or not
aname = "cinder_v%s.delete_volume_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
tuple_res = self._get_client().volume_types.delete(
return (tuple_res[0].status_code == 202)
def set_volume_type_keys(self, volume_type, metadata):
"""Set extra specs on a volume type.
:param volume_type: The :class:`VolumeType` to set extra spec on
:param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
:returns: extra_specs if the request has been accepted
aname = "cinder_v%s.set_volume_type_keys" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return volume_type.set_keys(metadata)
def transfer_create(self, volume_id, name=None):
"""Create a volume transfer.
:param name: The name of created transfer
:param volume_id: The ID of the volume to transfer
:rtype: VolumeTransfer
name = name or self.generate_random_name()
aname = "cinder_v%s.transfer_create" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().transfers.create(volume_id, name=name)
def transfer_accept(self, transfer_id, auth_key):
"""Accept a volume transfer.
:param transfer_id: The ID of the transfer to accept.
:param auth_key: The auth_key of the transfer.
:rtype: VolumeTransfer
aname = "cinder_v%s.transfer_accept" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().transfers.accept(transfer_id, auth_key)
def create_encryption_type(self, volume_type, specs):
"""Create encryption type for a volume type. Default: admin only.
:param volume_type: the volume type on which to add an encryption type
:param specs: the encryption type specifications to add
:return: an instance of :class: VolumeEncryptionType
aname = "cinder_v%s.create_encryption_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volume_encryption_types.create(
volume_type, specs)
def get_encryption_type(self, volume_type):
"""Get the volume encryption type for the specified volume type.
:param volume_type: the volume type to query
:return: an instance of :class: VolumeEncryptionType
aname = "cinder_v%s.get_encryption_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volume_encryption_types.get(
def list_encryption_type(self, search_opts=None):
"""List all volume encryption types.
:param search_opts: Options used when search for encryption types
:return: a list of :class: VolumeEncryptionType instances
aname = "cinder_v%s.list_encryption_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volume_encryption_types.list(
def delete_encryption_type(self, volume_type):
"""Delete the encryption type information for the specified volume type.
:param volume_type: the volume type whose encryption type information
must be deleted
aname = "cinder_v%s.delete_encryption_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
resp = self._get_client().volume_encryption_types.delete(
if (resp[0].status_code != 202):
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"EncryptionType Deletion Failed")
def update_encryption_type(self, volume_type, specs):
"""Update the encryption type information for the specified volume type.
:param volume_type: the volume type whose encryption type information
must be updated
:param specs: the encryption type specifications to update
:return: an instance of :class: VolumeEncryptionType
aname = "cinder_v%s.update_encryption_type" % self.version
with atomic.ActionTimer(self, aname):
return self._get_client().volume_encryption_types.update(
volume_type, specs)
class UnifiedCinderMixin(object):
def _unify_backup(backup):
return block.VolumeBackup(id=backup.id, name=backup.name,
def _unify_transfer(transfer):
return block.VolumeTransfer(
# NOTE(andreykurilin): we need to access private field to avoid
# calling extra GET request when the object is not fully
# loaded.
def _unify_qos(qos):
return block.QoSSpecs(id=qos.id, name=qos.name, specs=qos.specs)
def _unify_encryption_type(encryption_type):
return block.VolumeEncryptionType(
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Delete a volume."""
def set_metadata(self, volume, sets=10, set_size=3):
"""Update/Set a volume metadata.
:param volume: The updated/setted volume.
:param sets: how many operations to perform
:param set_size: number of metadata keys to set in each operation
:returns: A list of keys that were set
return self._impl.set_metadata(volume, sets=sets, set_size=set_size)
def delete_metadata(self, volume, keys, deletes=10, delete_size=3):
"""Delete volume metadata keys.
Note that ``len(keys)`` must be greater than or equal to
``deletes * delete_size``.
:param volume: The volume to delete metadata from
:param deletes: how many operations to perform
:param delete_size: number of metadata keys to delete in each operation
:param keys: a list of keys to choose deletion candidates from
self._impl.delete_metadata(volume, keys=keys, deletes=10,
def update_readonly_flag(self, volume, read_only):
"""Update the read-only access mode flag of the specified volume.
:param volume: The UUID of the volume to update.
:param read_only: The value to indicate whether to update volume to
read-only access mode.
:returns: A tuple of http Response and body
return self._impl.update_readonly_flag(volume, read_only=read_only)
def upload_volume_to_image(self, volume, force=False,
container_format="bare", disk_format="raw"):
"""Upload the given volume to image.
Returns created image.
:param volume: volume object
:param force: flag to indicate whether to snapshot a volume even if
it's attached to an instance
:param container_format: container format of image. Acceptable
formats: ami, ari, aki, bare, and ovf
:param disk_format: disk format of image. Acceptable formats:
ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi and iso
:returns: Returns created image object
return self._impl.upload_volume_to_image(
volume, force=force, container_format=container_format,
def create_qos(self, specs):
"""Create a qos specs.
:param specs: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
:rtype: :class:'QoSSpecs'
return self._unify_qos(self._impl.create_qos(specs))
def list_qos(self, search_opts=None):
"""Get a list of all qos specs.
:param search_opts: search options
:rtype: list of :class: 'QoSpecs'
return [self._unify_qos(qos)
for qos in self._impl.list_qos(search_opts)]
def get_qos(self, qos_id):
"""Get a specific qos specs.
:param qos_id: The ID of the :class: 'QoSSpecs' to get
:rtype: :class: 'QoSSpecs'
return self._unify_qos(self._impl.get_qos(qos_id))
def set_qos(self, qos, set_specs_args):
"""Add/Update keys in qos specs.
:param qos: The instance of the :class:`QoSSpecs` to set
:param set_specs_args: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
:rtype: :class: 'QoSSpecs'
self._impl.set_qos(qos.id, set_specs_args)
return self._unify_qos(qos)
def qos_associate_type(self, qos_specs, vol_type_id):
"""Associate qos specs from volume type.
:param qos_specs: The qos specs to be associated with
:param vol_type_id: The volume type id to be associated with
self._impl.qos_associate_type(qos_specs, vol_type_id)
return self._unify_qos(qos_specs)
def qos_disassociate_type(self, qos_specs, vol_type_id):
"""Disassociate qos specs from volume type.
:param qos_specs: The qos specs to be disassociated with
:param vol_type_id: The volume type id to be disassociated with
self._impl.qos_disassociate_type(qos_specs, vol_type_id)
return self._unify_qos(qos_specs)
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Delete the given backup.
Returns when the backup is actually deleted.
:param backup: backup instance
def delete_backup(self, backup):
"""Delete a volume backup."""
def list_backups(self, detailed=True):
"""Return user volume backups list."""
return [self._unify_backup(backup)
for backup in self._impl.list_backups(detailed=detailed)]
def list_transfers(self, detailed=True, search_opts=None):
"""Get a list of all volume transfers.
:param detailed: If True, detailed information about transfer
should be listed
:param search_opts: Search options to filter out volume transfers
:returns: list of :class:`VolumeTransfer`
return [self._unify_transfer(transfer)
for transfer in self._impl.list_transfers(
detailed=detailed, search_opts=search_opts)]
def get_volume_type(self, volume_type):
"""get details of volume_type.
:param volume_type: The ID of the :class:`VolumeType` to get
:returns: :class:`VolumeType`
return self._impl.get_volume_type(volume_type)
def delete_volume_type(self, volume_type):
"""delete a volume type.
:param volume_type: Name or Id of the volume type
:returns: base on client response return True if the request
has been accepted or not
return self._impl.delete_volume_type(volume_type)
def update_volume_type(self, volume_type, name=None,
description=None, is_public=None):
"""Update the name and/or description for a volume type.
:param volume_type: The ID or an instance of the :class:`VolumeType`
to update.
:param name: if None, updates name by generating random name.
else updates name with provided name
:param description: Description of the volume type.
:rtype: :class:`VolumeType`
return self._impl.update_volume_type(
volume_type=volume_type, name=name, description=description,
def add_type_access(self, volume_type, project):
"""Add a project to the given volume type access list.
:param volume_type: Volume type name or ID to add access for the given
:project: Project ID to add volume type access for
:return: An instance of cinderclient.apiclient.base.TupleWithMeta
return self._impl.add_type_access(
volume_type=volume_type, project=project
def list_type_access(self, volume_type):
"""Print access information about the given volume type
:param volume_type: Filter results by volume type name or ID
:return: VolumeTypeAccess of specific project
return self._impl.list_type_access(volume_type)
def set_volume_type_keys(self, volume_type, metadata):
"""Set extra specs on a volume type.
:param volume_type: The :class:`VolumeType` to set extra spec on
:param metadata: A dict of key/value pairs to be set
:returns: extra_specs if the request has been accepted
return self._impl.set_volume_type_keys(volume_type, metadata)
def transfer_create(self, volume_id, name=None):
"""Creates a volume transfer.
:param name: The name of created transfer
:param volume_id: The ID of the volume to transfer.
:returns: Return the created transfer.
return self._unify_transfer(
self._impl.transfer_create(volume_id, name=name))
def transfer_accept(self, transfer_id, auth_key):
"""Accept a volume transfer.
:param transfer_id: The ID of the transfer to accept.
:param auth_key: The auth_key of the transfer.
:returns: VolumeTransfer
return self._unify_transfer(
self._impl.transfer_accept(transfer_id, auth_key=auth_key))
def create_encryption_type(self, volume_type, specs):
"""Create encryption type for a volume type. Default: admin only.
:param volume_type: the volume type on which to add an encryption type
:param specs: the encryption type specifications to add
:return: an instance of :class: VolumeEncryptionType
return self._unify_encryption_type(
self._impl.create_encryption_type(volume_type, specs=specs))
def get_encryption_type(self, volume_type):
"""Get the volume encryption type for the specified volume type.
:param volume_type: the volume type to query
:return: an instance of :class: VolumeEncryptionType
return self._unify_encryption_type(
def list_encryption_type(self, search_opts=None):
"""List all volume encryption types.
:param search_opts: Options used when search for encryption types
:return: a list of :class: VolumeEncryptionType instances
return [self._unify_encryption_type(encryption_type)
for encryption_type in self._impl.list_encryption_type(
def delete_encryption_type(self, volume_type):
"""Delete the encryption type information for the specified volume type.
:param volume_type: the volume type whose encryption type information
must be deleted
return self._impl.delete_encryption_type(volume_type)
def update_encryption_type(self, volume_type, specs):
"""Update the encryption type information for the specified volume type.
:param volume_type: the volume type whose encryption type information
must be updated
:param specs: the encryption type specifications to update
:return: an instance of :class: VolumeEncryptionType
return self._impl.update_encryption_type(volume_type, specs=specs)