diff --git a/rally/ui/templates/ci/index.mako b/rally/ui/templates/ci/index.mako
index 966672da05..a0dd0b88a1 100644
--- a/rally/ui/templates/ci/index.mako
+++ b/rally/ui/templates/ci/index.mako
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
Benchmarking logs console.html
Logs of all services logs/
Rally files rally-plot/
+ Changes in resources rally-plot/resources_diff.txt
Job results, in different formats
diff --git a/tests/ci/osresources.py b/tests/ci/osresources.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..12cc218947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ci/osresources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""List and compare most used OpenStack cloud resources."""
+import argparse
+import json
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from rally.common.plugin import discover
+from rally import consts
+from rally import osclients
+class ResourceManager(object):
+ REPR_KEYS = ("id", "name", "tenant_id", "zone", "zoneName", "pool")
+ def __init__(self, clients):
+ self.clients = clients
+ def is_available(self):
+ return self.REQUIRED_SERVICE in self.clients.services().values()
+ return True
+ @property
+ def client(self):
+ return getattr(self.clients, self.__class__.__name__.lower())()
+ def get_resources(self):
+ all_resources = []
+ cls = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
+ for prop in dir(self):
+ if not prop.startswith("list_"):
+ continue
+ f = getattr(self, prop)
+ resources = f() or []
+ resource_name = prop[5:][:-1]
+ for res in resources:
+ res_repr = []
+ for key in self.REPR_KEYS + (resource_name,):
+ if isinstance(res, dict):
+ value = res.get(key)
+ else:
+ value = getattr(res, key, None)
+ if value:
+ res_repr.append("%s:%s" % (key, value))
+ if not res_repr:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to represent resource %r" % res)
+ all_resources.append(
+ "%s %s %s" % (cls, resource_name, " ".join(res_repr)))
+ return all_resources
+class Keystone(ResourceManager):
+ def list_users(self):
+ return self.client.users.list()
+ def list_tenants(self):
+ return self.client.tenants.list()
+ def list_roles(self):
+ return self.client.roles.list()
+class Nova(ResourceManager):
+ def list_flavors(self):
+ return self.client.flavors.list()
+ def list_floating_ip_pools(self):
+ return self.client.floating_ip_pools.list()
+ def list_floating_ips(self):
+ return self.client.floating_ips.list()
+ def list_images(self):
+ return self.client.images.list()
+ def list_keypairs(self):
+ return self.client.keypairs.list()
+ def list_networks(self):
+ return self.client.networks.list()
+ def list_security_groups(self):
+ return self.client.security_groups.list(
+ search_opts={"all_tenants": True})
+ def list_servers(self):
+ return self.client.servers.list(
+ search_opts={"all_tenants": True})
+ def list_services(self):
+ return self.client.services.list()
+ def list_availability_zones(self):
+ return self.client.availability_zones.list()
+class Neutron(ResourceManager):
+ def has_extension(self, name):
+ extensions = self.client.list_extensions().get("extensions", [])
+ return any(ext.get("alias") == name for ext in extensions)
+ def list_networks(self):
+ return self.client.list_networks()["networks"]
+ def list_subnets(self):
+ return self.client.list_subnets()["subnets"]
+ def list_routers(self):
+ return self.client.list_routers()["routers"]
+ def list_ports(self):
+ return self.client.list_ports()["ports"]
+ def list_floatingips(self):
+ return self.client.list_floatingips()["floatingips"]
+ def list_security_groups(self):
+ return self.client.list_security_groups()["security_groups"]
+ def list_health_monitors(self):
+ if self.has_extension("lbaas"):
+ return self.client.list_health_monitors()["health_monitors"]
+ def list_pools(self):
+ if self.has_extension("lbaas"):
+ return self.client.list_pools()["pools"]
+ def list_vips(self):
+ if self.has_extension("lbaas"):
+ return self.client.list_vips()["vips"]
+class Glance(ResourceManager):
+ def list_images(self):
+ return self.client.images.list()
+class Heat(ResourceManager):
+ def list_resource_types(self):
+ return self.client.resource_types.list()
+ def list_stacks(self):
+ return self.client.stacks.list()
+class Cinder(ResourceManager):
+ def list_availability_zones(self):
+ return self.client.availability_zones.list()
+ def list_backups(self):
+ return self.client.backups.list()
+ def list_volume_snapshots(self):
+ return self.client.volume_snapshots.list()
+ def list_volume_types(self):
+ return self.client.volume_types.list()
+ def list_volumes(self):
+ return self.client.volumes.list(
+ search_opts={"all_tenants": True})
+class CloudResources(object):
+ """List and compare cloud resources.
+ resources = CloudResources(auth_url=..., ...)
+ saved_list = resources.list()
+ # Do something with the cloud ...
+ changes = resources.compare(saved_list)
+ has_changed = any(changes)
+ removed, added = changes
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ endpoint = osclients.objects.Endpoint(**kwargs)
+ self.clients = osclients.Clients(endpoint)
+ def _deduplicate(self, lst):
+ """Change list duplicates to make all items unique.
+ >>> resources._deduplicate(["a", "b", "c", "b", "b"])
+ >>> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b (duplicate 1)', 'b (duplicate 2)'
+ """
+ deduplicated_list = []
+ for value in lst:
+ if value in deduplicated_list:
+ ctr = 0
+ try_value = value
+ while try_value in deduplicated_list:
+ ctr += 1
+ try_value = "%s (duplicate %i)" % (value, ctr)
+ value = try_value
+ deduplicated_list.append(value)
+ return deduplicated_list
+ def list(self):
+ managers_classes = discover.itersubclasses(ResourceManager)
+ resources = []
+ for cls in managers_classes:
+ manager = cls(self.clients)
+ if manager.is_available():
+ resources.extend(manager.get_resources())
+ return sorted(self._deduplicate(resources))
+ def compare(self, with_list):
+ saved_resources = set(with_list)
+ current_resources = set(self.list())
+ removed = saved_resources - current_resources
+ added = current_resources - saved_resources
+ return sorted(list(removed)), sorted(list(added))
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=("Save list of OpenStack cloud resources or compare "
+ "with previously saved list."))
+ parser.add_argument("--credentials",
+ type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+ metavar="",
+ help="cloud credentials in JSON format")
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+ group.add_argument("--dump-list",
+ type=argparse.FileType("w"),
+ metavar="",
+ help="dump resources to given file in JSON format")
+ group.add_argument("--compare-with-list",
+ type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+ metavar="",
+ help=("compare current resources with a list from "
+ "given JSON file"))
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.credentials:
+ config = json.load(args.credentials)
+ else:
+ config = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(["rally", "deployment",
+ "config"]))
+ config.update(config.pop("admin"))
+ del config["type"]
+ resources = CloudResources(**config)
+ if args.dump_list:
+ resources_list = resources.list()
+ json.dump(resources_list, args.dump_list, indent=2)
+ elif args.compare_with_list:
+ given_list = json.load(args.compare_with_list)
+ changes = resources.compare(with_list=given_list)
+ removed, added = changes
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ json.dumps({"removed": removed, "added": added}, indent=2))
+ if any(changes):
+ return 0 # `1' will fail gate job
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/tests/ci/rally-gate.sh b/tests/ci/rally-gate.sh
index 271578b379..d2749cde85 100755
--- a/tests/ci/rally-gate.sh
+++ b/tests/ci/rally-gate.sh
@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ rally show networks
rally show secgroups
rally show keypairs
+python $BASE/new/rally/tests/ci/osresources.py\
+ --dump-list resources_at_start.txt
rally -v --rally-debug task start --task $TASK $TASK_ARGS
mkdir -p rally-plot/extra
@@ -75,3 +78,8 @@ gzip -9 rally-plot/detailed_with_iterations.txt
rally task report --out rally-plot/results.html
gzip -9 rally-plot/results.html
rally task sla_check | tee rally-plot/sla.txt
+python $BASE/new/rally/tests/ci/osresources.py\
+ --compare-with-list resources_at_start.txt\
+ | gzip > rally-plot/resources_diff.txt.gz
+cp resources_at_start.txt rally-plot/