There is module 'cmd' in standard library, and unittest's discover
does modify sys.path when running tests. This cause errors when running
unit tests in some environments (E.g. pycharm)
Change-Id: I4fd2d271da1b7fd300fbbeb6107aa958e716fd2b
Closes-Bug: 1457162
This is an almost complete rewrite of the installation script, mainly
directed to allow installation of Rally also from unprivileged users,
but also adding a few more options and checks.
More in details, the script now:
* can run as unprivileged user.
* support different database types
* allow to specify custom python binary
* always asks confirmation before doing potentially dangerous actions
(removing directories or installing software)
* automatically install needed software if run as root
* this script is self-sufficient: it automatically downloads Rally
from the git if needed
* if interrupted, cleans up the virtualenv and/or the downloaded repository
Co-Authored-By: Antonio Messina <>
Co-Authored-By: Sergey Skripnick <>
Change-Id: I574d4fd7cc7c8e71720a6a5ff8db22ee4fd4fc81
Closes-bug: #1393887
New version of pbr 0.11 was released and it checks
that version in setup.cfg is bigger then latest tag
To avoid future issues we will let pbr calulate version
instead of hardcode them in setup.cfg
Temporary disable coverage job to merge this patch
Partial-bug: #1450731
Change-Id: I0c00c231cea1a0506107133803406eb56694f690
* Add new section in docs for release_notes
* Write release notes for 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 versions
* Move doc/feature_request/stop_scenario_after_several_errors to implemented
* Various improvements and fixes in docs
Change-Id: I787e320db5f7a17044a76f345612cd29d515f3ca
Rally code is python 3.4 compatible(required several small fixes, see a list
below for more details), so we can mention this great information in
setup.cfg file.
Fixed py34 incompatibe issues:
- usage of OrderedDict for storing task results. Order of such results as
AtomicActions is important.
- printed sla results are sorted by criterea name, so the results are equal
in all envs
Change-Id: I5f031170218ef4c2daf0ce0c2c391822218643dd
Rally repository includes openstack.common module with modules from
oslo-incubator(modules are listed in openstack-common.conf file).
All those modules can be splitted by 4 categories:
1. logging modules
2. aas related modules
3. cliutils
4. config
Modules from first category were graduated to separate lib, so we can remove
them and use `oslo.log`.
Modules from second category are not really used and will be not used,
because Rally-as-a-Service will use flask microframework instead of
pecan(modules from oslo-incubator are designed for pecan).
Since oslo core team did not plan to graduate `cliutils` module from
oslo-incubator, so there are no reasons to sync this module with oslo, we
can copy needed functions and maintain them in our repo.
Additional to rally.openstack dir, modules from oslo incubator are located
in tools dir.
tools/config modules works pretty bad, opts from rally.osclients always lost
during automated config generator.
`oslo.config` lib provides a better way to autogenerate config sample of
Rally. It requires new entry point, which returns a list with all opts(look
at 'rally.common.opts', 'setup.cfg' for more details). Since all opts are
used in one place, their names were unified.
Also config was updated(via `tox -egenconfig`).
tools/rally.bash_completion file is moved to etc dir, because etc dir
corresponds better and it gave us ability to remove whole tools dir
Closes-Bug: #1378960
Change-Id: Ic127269c367275d3adcfc9f40d9144fce8295391
This patch makes output of `tox -epy34` to finish with following message:
> py34: commands succeeded
> congratulations :)
* module "__builtin__" was renamed to "builtins" in Python 3
Related modules:
- rally.api
- tests.unit.benchmark.scenarios.vm.test_utils
* function "map"/"filter" returns ""/"builtins.filter" object
in Python 3 instead of list in Python 2. "" and
"builtins.filter" object is not subscriptable and has no len(), so list
comprehension is preferable to use and py2/py3 compatible way.
Related modules:
- rally.benchmark.context.sahara.sahara_edp
- rally.benchmark.processing.plot
- rally.benchmark.sla.base
- rally.benchmark.types
- rally.cmd.commands.task
- rally.cmd.commands.verify
- tests.unit.benchmark.scenarios.test_base
- tests.unit.benchmark.wrappers.test_keystone
- tests.unit.cmd.commands.test_task
- tests.unit.cmd.commands.test_verify
* dict.keys()/dict.values() returns "dict_keys"/"dict_values" object in
Python 3 instead of list in Python 2. so list(dict) and
list(dict.values()) should be used instead.
Related modules:
- rally.benchmark.scenarios.utils
- rally.benchmark.scenarios.vm.vmtasks
- tests.unit.cmd.commands.test_show
- tests.unit.common.test_broker
- tests.unit.deploy.engines.test_fuel
- tests.unit.fakes
* Some changes was made in Python 3 related to data model, so we should
change our inspect code. See code changes for more details
Related modules:
- rally.cmd.cliutils
- rally.common.utils
* ConfigParser is more strict for duplicate items in Python 3, so
duplicates are removed
Related files:
- rally/verification/tempest/config.ini
* Exception object doesn't have "message" attribute in Python 3, so
if we want to get it, the most proper way is using "getattr"
Related modules:
- rally.verification.tempest.config
* "mock.MagicMock" is not sortable in Python 3, so we should add required
attributes to fix that.
Related modules:
- tests.unit.benchmark.context.test_base
* assertSequenceEqual assertation method was added in tests.unit.test to
compare sequence objects
Related modules:
- tests.unit.benchmark.context.cleanup.test_resources
- tests.unit.benchmark.scenarios.nova.test_utils
* function "range" returns "range" object in Python 3 instead of list
in Python 2.
Related modules:
- tests.unit.benchmark.processing.test_utils
* keyword arguments should be transmitted to self.assertRaises as kwargs,
not like a dict
Related modules:
- tests.unit.benchmark.scenarios.dummy.test_dummy
Additional changes:
* Python 2.6 was added to setup.cfg, since Rally supports it.
* py33, py34 environments were added to tox.ini
* wrong ignore path was removed from tox.ini
* made items of bash complition sorted
Several tests are skipped in Python 3 env. For more details see notes in code:
- tests.unit.benchmark.processing.test_plot.PlotTestCase.test__process_main_time
- tests.unit.benchmark.processing.test_plot.PlotTestCase.test__process_atomic_time
- tests.unit.common.test_utils.MethodClassTestCase.test_method_class_for_class_level_method
During porting Rally to Python3, several issues found and fixed in
TempestContext and its unit tests:
- If process of cleanup is failed, exception is handled and cleanup is
marked as successfull. This issue was fixed and CleanUpException was
added to rally.exception module
- Cleanup was called with wrong path.
Change-Id: If04e873790dcb4c9c882d4be4bf40479deedd36d
The patch introduces a first version of REST API. Rally can be run
as-a-Service by the shell script rally-api. By default a service binds
to a socket The pair of binding parameters have got own
section called an 'api'. One of the supported Content-Type is an
* A Deployment and a Task controllers/types.
* Proper exception handling.
blueprint rally-service-api-v1
Change-Id: Ib0a1f141a083a35c8d43aed2bb1db3307e022b70
Currently when openstack-rally-manage is used, args are passed through
to rally, not rally-manage. This patch fixes this situation.
Change-Id: I51fe14068f679d7f65fb4e518b8f55beca1c7d72
Closes-Bug: #1274068
The patch introduce configuration files for building documentations by
Sphinx. Also added a simple tree of static documents for test ability of
autobuilding documentation from source code.
bp rally-sphinx-docs
Change-Id: I2a225b1bdb4ae0640428b438a0c9779e28586546
There is a legal/english thing that needs to happen here - it can't be
"OpenStack Benchmark System" due to trademark issues unless it's
blessed. It can be "Benchmark System for OpenStack" - which I think
should be about the same.
Change-Id: I1b015dbbe68dbeed8ddf7bf393456a399a5a6340