Fixed issues:
H202 assertRaises Exception too broad
H305 imports not grouped correctly
H307 like imports should be grouped together
H405 multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line
H904 Wrap long lines in parentheses instead of a backslash
E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented
E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
E265 block comment should start with '# '
Change-Id: Ia2b8994c58686e3570f303f0725a2850d6b36e47
Add "extra" directory for rally scenarios in gates. All files
from this directory will be copy pasted so we will be able to use
them in gates, because the path will be determined.
Also, print information about test environnement like available
services, flavors, images, networks, security groups and keypairs.
Change-Id: I19dd861beb11fb7ffdcf353f69759d841e7e8a01
This directoy contains scenarios to be run by jenkins.
Add script which runs specified scenario and plot graph.
Add abbility to specify cloud by --name in "rally use deployment"
Removed rally/exercises
Change-Id: I7803a6950ec5fce3be11277ae0e4d830f0cf6bad
Related: blueprint rally-gate-jobs
This benchmarks should be tested in another job.
Also small fix in devstack-integration script
Change-Id: I31944026dfbb4ffb3dc6cf791208cfaffb1a0364
Related: blueprint rally-gate-jobs
This script is executed inside pre_test_hook function in desvstack gate.
It installs rally devstack integration and exports necessary environment
Change-Id: Idf6d09ca33337c3b4a32912048653c13f53e2cf3
Related: blueprint rally-gate-jobs
Add gmp-devel to rhel dependencies in
Also add +x permissions to
Related: blueprint rally-gate-jobs
Change-Id: I9effe4d70e6f7d43b52640cea96bf129071064bb