{% set use_security_services = use_security_services or False %} { "ManilaShares.create_and_delete_share": [ { "args": { "share_proto": "nfs", "size": 1, "min_sleep": 1, "max_sleep": 2 }, "runner": { "type": "constant", "times": 2, "concurrency": 2 }, "context": { "quotas": { "manila": { "shares": -1, "gigabytes": -1, "share_networks": -1 } }, "users": { "tenants": 2, "users_per_tenant": 1, "user_choice_method": "round_robin" }, "network": { "networks_per_tenant": 1, "start_cidr": "" }, "manila_share_networks": { "use_share_networks": true } {% if use_security_services %} , "manila_security_services": { "security_services": [ {"security_service_type": "ldap", "server": "LDAP server address", "user": "User that will be used", "password": "Password for specified user"}, {"security_service_type": "kerberos", "dns_ip": "IP address of DNS service to be used", "server": "Kerberos server address", "domain": "Kerberos realm", "user": "User that will be used", "password": "Password for specified user"}, {"security_service_type": "active_directory", "dns_ip": "IP address of DNS service to be used", "domain": "Domain from 'Active Directory'", "user": "User from 'Active Directory'", "password": "password for specified user"} ] } {% endif %} } } ] }