{% set image_name = "^cirros.*uec$" %} {% set smoke = 0 %} --- NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_networks: - args: network_create_args: runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 40}} concurrency: {{smoke or 20}} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_subnets: - args: network_create_args: subnet_create_args: subnet_cidr_start: "" subnets_per_network: 2 runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20 }} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_list_security_groups: - args: security_group_create_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20 }} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_delete_security_groups: - args: security_group_create_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20 }} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronSecurityGroup.create_and_update_security_groups: - args: security_group_create_args: {} security_group_update_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20 }} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_floating_ips: - args: floating_network: "public" floating_ip_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 40}} concurrency: {{smoke or 20}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_routers: - args: network_create_args: subnet_create_args: subnet_cidr_start: "" subnets_per_network: 2 router_create_args: runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 15}} concurrency: {{smoke or 5}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_list_ports: - args: network_create_args: port_create_args: ports_per_network: 4 runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 15}} concurrency: {{smoke or 5}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 # TODO(ikhudoshyn): We need to setup 'pool' # quota properly in rally-gate.sh in order to run it # #NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_pools: #- #args: #pool_create_args: {} #runner: #type: "constant" #times: {{smoke or 20}} #concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} #context: #network: {} #lbaas: #pool: {} #lbaas_version: 1 #sla: #failure_rate: #max: 0 # TODO(ikhudoshyn): We need to setup 'pool' # quota properly in rally-gate.sh in order to run it # #NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_pools: #- #args: #pool_create_args: {} #runner: #type: "constant" #times: {{smoke or 20}} #concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} #context: #network: {} #sla: #failure_rate: #max: 0 # TODO(ikhudoshyn): We need to setup 'pool' # quota properly in rally-gate.sh in order to run it # #NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_pools: #- #args: #pool_create_args: {} #pool_update_args: {} #runner: #type: "constant" #times: {{smoke or 20}} #concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} #context: #network: {} #sla: #failure_rate: #max: 0 # TODO(ikhudoshyn): We need to setup 'pool' # quota properly in rally-gate.sh in order to run it # #NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_vips: #- #args: #vip_create_args: {} #runner: #type: "constant" #times: {{smoke or 20}} #concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} #context: #network: {} #sla: #failure_rate: #max: 0 # TODO(ikhudoshyn): We need to setup 'pool' # quota properly in rally-gate.sh in order to run it # #NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_vips: #- #args: #vip_create_args: {} #vip_update_args: {} #pool_create_args: {} #runner: #type: "constant" #times: {{smoke or 20}} #concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} #context: #network: {} #sla: #failure_rate: #max: 0 NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_list_healthmonitors: - args: healthmonitor_create_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_delete_healthmonitors: - args: healthmonitor_create_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronLoadbalancerV1.create_and_update_healthmonitors: - args: healthmonitor_create_args: {} healthmonitor_update_args: admin_state_up: False runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_networks: - args: network_create_args: {} network_update_args: admin_state_up: False name: "_updated" runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_subnets: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: "" subnets_per_network: 2 subnet_update_args: enable_dhcp: False name: "_subnet_updated" runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_routers: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: "" subnets_per_network: 2 router_create_args: {} router_update_args: admin_state_up: False name: "_router_updated" runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 15}} concurrency: {{smoke or 5}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_networks: - args: network_create_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_subnets: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: "" subnets_per_network: 2 runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_floating_ips: - args: floating_network: "public" floating_ip_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 40}} concurrency: {{smoke or 20}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_routers: - args: network_create_args: {} subnet_create_args: {} subnet_cidr_start: "" subnets_per_network: 2 router_create_args: {} runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 15}} concurrency: {{smoke or 5}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_delete_ports: - args: network_create_args: {} port_create_args: {} ports_per_network: 10 runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 8}} concurrency: {{smoke or 4}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NeutronNetworks.create_and_update_ports: - args: network_create_args: {} port_create_args: {} ports_per_network: 5 port_update_args: admin_state_up: False device_id: "dummy_id" device_owner: "dummy_owner" name: "_port_updated" runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 20}} concurrency: {{smoke or 10}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 20 NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server: - args: flavor: name: "m1.tiny" image: name: {{image_name}} runner: type: "constant" times: 1 concurrency: 1 sla: failure_rate: max: 0 - args: auto_assign_nic: True flavor: name: "m1.tiny" image: name: {{image_name}} runner: type: "constant" times: 1 concurrency: 1 context: network: start_cidr: "" networks_per_tenant: 2 sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NovaSecGroup.create_and_delete_secgroups: - args: security_group_count: 5 rules_per_security_group: 5 runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 4}} concurrency: {{smoke or 4}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 NovaSecGroup.create_and_list_secgroups: - args: security_group_count: 5 rules_per_security_group: 5 runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 4}} concurrency: {{smoke or 4}} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete: - args: flavor: name: "m1.tiny" image: name: {{image_name}} command: script_file: "~/.rally/extra/instance_test.sh" interpreter: "/bin/sh" username: "cirros" runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 4}} concurrency: {{smoke or 2}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 - args: flavor: name: "m1.tiny" image: name: {{image_name}} command: script_file: "~/.rally/extra/instance_dd_test.sh" interpreter: "/bin/sh" username: "cirros" runner: type: "constant" times: {{smoke or 4}} concurrency: {{smoke or 2}} context: network: {} sla: failure_rate: max: 0 VMTasks.boot_runcommand_delete_custom_image: - args: command: remote_path: "./dd_test.sh" flavor: name: "m1.tiny" username: "cirros" runner: type: "constant" times: 1 concurrency: 1 context: image_command_customizer: command: local_path: "/home/jenkins/.rally/extra/install_benchmark.sh" remote_path: "./install_benchmark.sh" flavor: name: "m1.tiny" image: name: {{image_name}} username: "cirros" network: {}