#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This script installs Rally. # Specifically, it is able to install and configure # Rally either globally (system-wide), or isolated in # a virtual environment using the virtualenv tool. # # NOTE: The script assumes that you have the following # programs already installed: # -> Python 2.6, Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 set -e PROG=$(basename "${0}") running_as_root() { test "$(/usr/bin/id -u)" -eq 0 } VERBOSE="" ASKCONFIRMATION=1 RECREATEDEST="ask" USEVIRTUALENV="yes" DEVELOPMENT_MODE="false" # ansi colors for formatting heredoc ESC=$(printf "\e") GREEN="$ESC[0;32m" NO_COLOR="$ESC[0;0m" RED="$ESC[0;31m" PYTHON2=$(which python || true) PYTHON3=$(which python3 || true) PYTHON=${PYTHON2:-$PYTHON3} BASE_PIP_URL=${BASE_PIP_URL:-"https://pypi.python.org/simple"} VIRTUALENV_191_URL="https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/1.9.1/virtualenv.py" RALLY_GIT_URL="https://git.openstack.org/openstack/rally" RALLY_GIT_BRANCH="master" RALLY_CONFIGURATION_DIR=/etc/rally RALLY_DATABASE_DIR=/var/lib/rally/database DBTYPE=sqlite DBNAME=rally.sqlite # Variable used by script_interrupted to know what to cleanup CURRENT_ACTION="none" ## Exit status codes (mostly following ) # successful exit EX_OK=0 # wrong command-line invocation EX_USAGE=64 # missing dependencies (e.g., no C compiler) EX_UNAVAILABLE=69 # wrong python version EX_SOFTWARE=70 # cannot create directory or file EX_CANTCREAT=73 # user aborted operations EX_TEMPFAIL=75 # misused as: unexpected error in some script we call EX_PROTOCOL=76 # abort RC [MSG] # # Print error message MSG and abort shell execution with exit code RC. # If MSG is not given, read it from STDIN. # abort () { local rc="$1" shift (echo -en "$RED$PROG: ERROR: $NO_COLOR"; if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then echo "$@"; else cat; fi) 1>&2 exit "$rc" } # die RC HEADER <<... # # Print an error message with the given header, then abort shell # execution with exit code RC. Additional text for the error message # *must* be passed on STDIN. # die () { local rc="$1" header="$2" shift 2 cat 1>&2 <<__EOF__ $RED========================================================== $PROG: ERROR: $header ========================================================== $NO_COLOR __EOF__ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # print remaining arguments one per line for line in "$@"; do echo "$line" 1>&2; done else # additional message text provided on STDIN cat 1>&2; fi cat 1>&2 <<__EOF__ If the above does not help you resolve the issue, please contact the Rally team by sending an email to the OpenStack mailing list openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org. Include the full output of this script to help us identifying the problem. $RED Aborting installation!$NO_COLOR __EOF__ exit "$rc" } script_interrupted () { echo "Interrupted by the user. Cleaning up..." [ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" -a "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" == "$VENVDIR" ] && deactivate case $CURRENT_ACTION in creating_venv|venv-created) if [ -d "$VENVDIR" ] then if ask_yn "Do you want to delete the virtual environment in '$VENVDIR'?" then rm -rf "$VENVDIR" fi fi ;; downloading-src|src-downloaded) # This is only relevant when installing with --system, # otherwise the git repository is cloned into the # virtualenv directory if [ -d "$SOURCEDIR" ] then if ask_yn "Do you want to delete the downloaded source in '$SOURCEDIR'?" then rm -rf "$SOURCEDIR" fi fi ;; esac abort $EX_TEMPFAIL "Script interrupted by the user" } trap script_interrupted SIGINT print_usage () { cat <<__EOF__ Usage: $PROG [options] This script will install Rally in your system. Options: $GREEN -h, --help $NO_COLOR Print this help text $GREEN -v, --verbose $NO_COLOR Verbose mode $GREEN -s, --system $NO_COLOR Install system-wide. $GREEN -d, --target DIRECTORY$NO_COLOR Install Rally virtual environment into DIRECTORY. (Default: $HOME/rally if not root). $GREEN --url $NO_COLOR Git repository public URL to download Rally from. This is useful when you have only installation script and want to install Rally from custom repository. (Default: ${RALLY_GIT_URL}). (Ignored when you are already in git repository). $GREEN --branch $NO_COLOR Git branch name, tag (Rally release), commit hash, ref, or other tree-ish to install. (Default: master) Ignored when you are already in git repository. $GREEN -f, --overwrite $NO_COLOR Deprecated. Use -r instead. $GREEN -r, --recreate $NO_COLOR Remove target directory if it already exist. If neither '-r' nor '-R' is set default behaviour is to ask. $GREEN -R, --no-recreate $NO_COLOR Do not reemove target directory if it already exist. If neither '-r' nor '-R' is set default behaviour is to ask. $GREEN -y, --yes $NO_COLOR Do not ask for confirmation: assume a 'yes' reply to every question. $GREEN -D, --dbtype TYPE $NO_COLOR Select the database type. TYPE can be one of 'sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgres'. Default: sqlite $GREEN --db-user USER $NO_COLOR Database user to use. Only used when --dbtype is either 'mysql' or 'postgres'. $GREEN --db-password PASSWORD$NO_COLOR Password of the database user. Only used when --dbtype is either 'mysql' or 'postgres'. $GREEN --db-host HOST $NO_COLOR Database host. Only used when --dbtype is either 'mysql' or 'postgres' $GREEN --db-name NAME $NO_COLOR Name of the database. Only used when --dbtype is either 'mysql' or 'postgres' $GREEN -p, --python EXE $NO_COLOR The python interpreter to use. Default: $PYTHON $GREEN --develop $NO_COLOR Install Rally with editable source code try. (Default: false) $GREEN --no-color $NO_COLOR Disable output coloring. __EOF__ } # ask_yn PROMPT # # Ask a Yes/no question preceded by PROMPT. # Set the env. variable REPLY to 'yes' or 'no' # and return 0 or 1 depending on the users' # answer. # ask_yn () { if [ $ASKCONFIRMATION -eq 0 ]; then # assume 'yes' REPLY='yes' return 0 fi while true; do read -p "$1 [yN] " REPLY case "$REPLY" in [Yy]*) REPLY='yes'; return 0 ;; [Nn]*|'') REPLY='no'; return 1 ;; *) echo "Please type 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no)." ;; esac done } have_command () { type "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } require_command () { if ! have_command "$1"; then abort 1 "Could not find required command '$1' in system PATH. Aborting." fi } require_python () { require_command "$PYTHON" if "$PYTHON" -c 'import sys; sys.exit(sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6))' then die $EX_UNAVAILABLE "Wrong version of python is installed" <<__EOF__ Rally requires Python version 2.6+. Unfortunately, we do not support your version of python: $("$PYTHON" -V 2>&1 | sed 's/python//gi'). If a version of Python suitable for using Rally is present in some non-standard location, you can specify it from the command line by running this script again with option '--python' followed by the path of the correct 'python' binary. __EOF__ fi } have_sw_package () { # instead of guessing which distribution this is, we check for the # package manager name as it basically identifies the distro if have_command dpkg; then (dpkg -l "$1" | egrep -q ^i ) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null elif have_command rpm; then rpm -q "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi } which_missing_packages () { local missing='' for pkgname in "$@"; do if have_sw_package "$pkgname"; then continue; else missing="$missing $pkgname" fi done echo "$missing" } # Download command download() { wget -nv $VERBOSE --no-check-certificate -O "$@"; } download_from_pypi () { local pkg=$1 local url=$(download - "$BASE_PIP_URL"/"$pkg"/ | sed -n '/source\/.\/'"$pkg"'.*gz/ { s:.*href="\([^#"]*\)["#].*:\1:g; p; }' | sort | tail -1) if [ -n "$url" ]; then download "$(basename "$url")" "$BASE_PIP_URL"/"$pkg"/"$url" else die $EX_PROTOCOL "Package '$pkg' not found on PyPI!" <<__EOF__ Unable to download package '$pkg' from PyPI. __EOF__ fi } install_required_sw () { # instead of guessing which distribution this is, we check for the # package manager name as it basically identifies the distro local missing pkg_manager if have_command apt-get; then # Debian/Ubuntu missing=$(which_missing_packages build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev git wget) if [ "$ASKCONFIRMATION" -eq 0 ]; then pkg_manager="apt-get install --yes" else pkg_manager="apt-get install" fi elif have_command yum; then # RHEL/CentOS missing=$(which_missing_packages gcc libffi-devel python-devel openssl-devel gmp-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel postgresql-devel redhat-rpm-config git wget) if [ "$ASKCONFIRMATION" -eq 0 ]; then pkg_manager="yum install -y" else pkg_manager="yum install" fi elif have_command zypper; then # SuSE missing=$(which_missing_packages gcc libffi48-devel python-devel openssl-devel gmp-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel postgresql93-devel git wget) if [ "$ASKCONFIRMATION" -eq 0 ]; then pkg_manager="zypper -n --no-gpg-checks --non-interactive install --auto-agree-with-licenses" else pkg_manager="zypper install" fi else # MacOSX maybe? echo "Cannot determine what package manager this system has, so I cannot check if requisite software is installed. I'm proceeding anyway, but you may run into errors later." fi if ! have_command pip; then missing="$missing python-pip" fi if [ -n "$missing" ]; then cat <<__EOF__ The following software packages need to be installed in order for Rally to work:$GREEN $missing $NO_COLOR __EOF__ # If we are root if running_as_root; then cat <<__EOF__ In order to install the required software you would need to run as 'root' the following command: $GREEN $pkg_manager $missing $NO_COLOR __EOF__ # ask if we have to install it if ask_yn "Do you want me to install these packages for you?"; then # install if [[ "$missing" == *python-pip* ]]; then missing=${missing//python-pip/} if ! $pkg_manager python-pip; then if ask_yn "Error installing python-pip. Install from external source?"; then local pdir=$(mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX -d) local getpip="$pdir/get-pip.py" download "$getpip" https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py if ! "$PYTHON" "$getpip"; then abort $EX_PROTOCOL "Error while installing python-pip from external source." fi else abort $EX_TEMPFAIL \ "Please install python-pip manually." fi fi fi if ! $pkg_manager $missing; then abort $EX_UNAVAILABLE "Error while installing $missing" fi # installation successful else # don't want to install the packages die $EX_UNAVAILABLE "missing software prerequisites" <<__EOF__ Please, install the required software before installing Rally __EOF__ fi else # Not running as root cat <<__EOF__ There is a small chance that the required software is actually installed though we failed to detect it, so you may choose to proceed with Rally installation anyway. Be warned however, that continuing is very likely to fail! __EOF__ if ask_yn "Proceed with installation anyway?" then echo "Proceeding with installation at your request... keep fingers crossed!" else die $EX_UNAVAILABLE "missing software prerequisites" <<__EOF__ Please ask your system administrator to install the missing packages, or, if you have root access, you can do that by running the following command from the 'root' account: $GREEN $pkg_manager $missing $NO_COLOR __EOF__ fi fi fi } install_db_connector () { case $DBTYPE in mysql) pip install pymysql ;; postgres) pip install psycopg2 ;; esac } install_virtualenv () { DESTDIR=$1 if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then die $EX_SOFTWARE "Virtualenv already active" <<__EOF__ A virtual environment seems to be already active. This will cause this script to FAIL. Run 'deactivate', then run this script again. __EOF__ fi # Use the latest virtualenv that can use `.tar.gz` files VIRTUALENV_DST="$DESTDIR/virtualenv-191.py" mkdir -p "$DESTDIR" download "$VIRTUALENV_DST" "$VIRTUALENV_191_URL" "$PYTHON" "$VIRTUALENV_DST" $VERBOSE -p "$PYTHON" "$DESTDIR" . "$DESTDIR"/bin/activate # Recent versions of `pip` insist that setuptools>=0.8 is installed, # because they try to use the "wheel" format for any kind of package. # So we need to update setuptools, or `pip` will error out:: # # Wheel installs require setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info support. # if pip wheel --help 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then (cd "$DESTDIR" && download_from_pypi setuptools) # setup.py must be called with `python', which will be the # python executable inside the virtualenv, not `$PYTHON', # which is the system python. if ! (cd "$DESTDIR" && tar -xzf setuptools-*.tar.gz && \ cd setuptools-* && python setup.py install); then die $EX_SOFTWARE \ "Failed to install the latest version of Python 'setuptools'" <<__EOF__ The required Python package setuptools could not be installed. __EOF__ fi fi } setup_rally_configuration () { SRCDIR=$1 ETCDIR=$RALLY_CONFIGURATION_DIR DBDIR=$RALLY_DATABASE_DIR [ -d "$ETCDIR" ] || mkdir -p "$ETCDIR" cp "$SRCDIR"/etc/rally/rally.conf.sample "$ETCDIR"/rally.conf [ -d "$DBDIR" ] || mkdir -p "$DBDIR" local CONF_TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) sed "s|#connection *=.*|connection = \"$DBCONNSTRING\"|" "$ETCDIR"/rally.conf > "$CONF_TMPFILE" cat "$CONF_TMPFILE" > "$ETCDIR"/rally.conf rm "$CONF_TMPFILE" rally-manage db recreate } rally_venv () { echo "Installing Rally virtualenv in directory '$VENVDIR' ..." CURRENT_ACTION="creating-venv" if ! install_virtualenv "$VENVDIR"; then die $EX_PROTOCOL "Unable to create a new virtualenv in '$VENVDIR': 'virtualenv.py' script exited with code $rc." <<__EOF__ The script was unable to create a valid virtual environment. __EOF__ fi CURRENT_ACTION="venv-created" rc=0 } ### Main program ### short_opts='d:vsyfrRhD:p:' long_opts='target:,verbose,overwrite,recreate,no-recreate,system,yes,dbtype:,python:,db-user:,db-password:,db-host:,db-name:,help,url:,branch:,develop,no-color' set +e if [ "x$(getopt -T)" = 'x' ]; then # GNU getopt args=$(getopt --name "$PROG" --shell sh -l "$long_opts" -o "$short_opts" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then abort 1 "Type '$PROG --help' to get usage information." fi # use 'eval' to remove getopt quoting eval set -- "$args" else # old-style getopt, use compatibility syntax args=$(getopt "$short_opts" "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then abort 1 "Type '$PROG -h' to get usage information." fi eval set -- "$args" fi set -e # Command line parsing while true do case "$1" in -d|--target) shift VENVDIR=$(readlink -m "$1") ;; -h|--help) print_usage exit $EX_OK ;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSE="-v" ;; -s|--system) USEVIRTUALENV="no" ;; -f|--overwrite) RECREATEDEST=yes ;; -r|--recreate) RECREATEDEST=yes ;; -R|--no-recreate) RECREATEDEST=no ;; -y|--yes) ASKCONFIRMATION=0 ;; --url) shift RALLY_GIT_URL=$1 ;; --branch) shift RALLY_GIT_BRANCH=$1 ;; -D|--dbtype) shift DBTYPE=$1 case $DBTYPE in sqlite|mysql|postgres);; *) print_usage | die $EX_USAGE \ "An invalid option has been detected." ;; esac ;; --db-user) shift DBUSER=$1 ;; --db-password) shift DBPASSWORD=$1 ;; --db-host) shift DBHOST=$1 ;; --db-name) shift DBNAME=$1 ;; -p|--python) shift PYTHON=$1 ;; --develop) DEVELOPMENT_MODE=true ;; --no-color) RED="" GREEN="" NO_COLOR="" ;; --) shift break ;; *) print_usage | die $EX_USAGE "An invalid option has been detected." esac shift done ### Post-processing ### if [ "$USEVIRTUALENV" == "no" ] && [ -n "$VENVDIR" ]; then die $EX_USAGE "Ambiguous arguments" <<__EOF__ Option -d/--target can not be used with --system. __EOF__ fi if running_as_root; then if [ -z "$VENVDIR" ]; then USEVIRTUALENV='no' fi else if [ "$USEVIRTUALENV" == 'no' ]; then die $EX_USAGE "Insufficient privileges" <<__EOF__ $REDRoot permissions required in order to install system-wide. As non-root user you may only install in virtualenv.$NO_COLOR __EOF__ fi if [ -z "$VENVDIR" ]; then VENVDIR="$HOME"/rally fi fi # Fix RALLY_DATABASE_DIR if virtualenv is used if [ "$USEVIRTUALENV" = 'yes' ] then RALLY_CONFIGURATION_DIR=$VENVDIR/etc/rally RALLY_DATABASE_DIR="$VENVDIR"/database fi if [ "$DBTYPE" = 'sqlite' ]; then if [ "${DBNAME:0:1}" = '/' ]; then DBFILE="$DBNAME" else DBFILE="${RALLY_DATABASE_DIR}/${DBNAME}" fi DBCONNSTRING="sqlite:///${DBFILE}" else if [ -z "$DBUSER" -o -z "$DBPASSWORD" -o -z "$DBHOST" -o -z "$DBNAME" ] then die $EX_USAGE "Missing mandatory options" <<__EOF__ When specifying a database type different than 'sqlite', you also have to specify the database name, host, and username and password of a valid user with write access to the database. Please, re-run the script with valid values for the options: $GREEN --db-host --db-name --db-user --db-password$NO_COLOR __EOF__ fi DBAUTH="$DBUSER:$DBPASSWORD@$DBHOST" if [ "$DBTYPE" = 'mysql' ]; then DBCONNSTRING="$DBTYPE+pymysql://$DBAUTH/$DBNAME" else DBCONNSTRING="$DBTYPE://$DBAUTH/$DBNAME" fi fi # check and install prerequisites install_required_sw require_python # Install virtualenv, if required if [ "$USEVIRTUALENV" = 'yes' ]; then if [ -d "$VENVDIR" ] then if [ $RECREATEDEST = 'ask' ]; then echo "Destination directory '$VENVDIR' already exists." echo "I can wipe it out in order to make a new installation," echo "but this means any files in that directory, and the ones" echo "underneath it will be deleted." echo if ! ask_yn "Do you want to wipe the installation directory '$VENVDIR'?" then echo "*Not* overwriting destination directory '$VENVDIR'." RECREATEDEST=no else RECREATEDEST=yes fi fi if [ $RECREATEDEST = 'yes' ]; then echo "Removing directory $VENVDIR as requested." rm $VERBOSE -rf "$VENVDIR" rally_venv elif [ $RECREATEDEST = 'no' ]; then echo "Using existing virtualenv at $VENVDIR..." . "$VENVDIR"/bin/activate else abort 66 "Internal error: unexpected value '$RECREATEDEST' for RECREATEDEST." fi else rally_venv fi fi # Install rally ORIG_WD=$(pwd) BASEDIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")") # If we are inside the git repo, don't download it again. if [ -d "$BASEDIR"/.git ] then SOURCEDIR=$BASEDIR ( cd "$BASEDIR" if find . -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} +; then echo "Wiped python compiled files." else echo "Warning! Unable to wipe python compiled files" fi ) else if [ "$USEVIRTUALENV" = 'yes' ] then SOURCEDIR="$VENVDIR"/src else SOURCEDIR="$ORIG_WD"/rally.git fi if ! [ -d "$SOURCEDIR"/.git ] then echo "Downloading Rally from git repository $RALLY_GIT_URL ..." CURRENT_ACTION="downloading-src" git clone "$RALLY_GIT_URL" "$SOURCEDIR" ( cd "$SOURCEDIR" git checkout "$RALLY_GIT_BRANCH" ) if ! [ -d "$SOURCEDIR"/.git ]; then abort $EX_CANTCREAT "Unable to download git repository" fi CURRENT_ACTION="src-downloaded" fi fi install_db_connector # Install rally cd "$SOURCEDIR" # Get latest available pip and reset shell cache pip install -i "$BASE_PIP_URL" -U 'pip!=8' hash -r # Install dependencies pip install -i "$BASE_PIP_URL" pbr 'tox<=1.6.1' # Uninstall possible previous version pip uninstall -y rally || true # Install rally if [ "$DEVELOPMENT_MODE" = "true" ]; then pip install -i "$BASE_PIP_URL" -e . else pip install -i "$BASE_PIP_URL" . fi cd "$ORIG_WD" # Post-installation if [ "$USEVIRTUALENV" = 'yes' ] then # Fix bash_completion cat >> "$VENVDIR"/bin/activate <<__EOF__ . "$VENVDIR/etc/bash_completion.d/rally.bash_completion" __EOF__ setup_rally_configuration "$SOURCEDIR" if ! [ "$DEVELOPMENT_MODE" = "true" ]; then SAMPLESDIR=$VENVDIR/samples mkdir -p "$SAMPLESDIR" cp -r "$SOURCEDIR"/samples/* "$SAMPLESDIR"/ fi mkdir -p "$VENVDIR"/etc/bash_completion.d install "$SOURCEDIR"/etc/rally.bash_completion \ "$VENVDIR"/etc/bash_completion.d/ cat <<__EOF__ $GREEN============================== Installation of Rally is done! ============================== $NO_COLOR In order to work with Rally you have to enable the virtual environment with the command: . $VENVDIR/bin/activate You need to run the above command on every new shell you open before using Rally, but just once per session. Information about your Rally installation: * Method:$GREEN virtualenv$NO_COLOR * Virtual Environment at:$GREEN $VENVDIR$NO_COLOR * Database at:$GREEN $RALLY_DATABASE_DIR$NO_COLOR * Configuration file at:$GREEN $RALLY_CONFIGURATION_DIR$NO_COLOR * Samples at:$GREEN $SAMPLESDIR$NO_COLOR __EOF__ else setup_rally_configuration "$SOURCEDIR" if ! [ "$DEVELOPMENT_MODE" = "true" ]; then SAMPLESDIR=/usr/share/rally/samples mkdir -p "$SAMPLESDIR" cp -r "$SOURCEDIR"/samples/* "$SAMPLESDIR"/ fi ln -s /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/rally.bash_completion \ /etc/bash_completion.d/ 2> /dev/null || true if [ -f "${DBFILE}" ]; then chmod 777 "$DBFILE" fi cat <<__EOF__ $GREEN============================== Installation of Rally is done! ============================== $NO_COLOR Rally is now installed in your system. Information about your Rally installation: * Method:$GREEN system$NO_COLOR * Database at:$GREEN $RALLY_DATABASE_DIR$NO_COLOR * Configuration file at:$GREEN $RALLY_CONFIGURATION_DIR$NO_COLOR * Samples at:$GREEN $SAMPLESDIR$NO_COLOR __EOF__ fi