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# Copyright 2017: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import traceback
from rally.common import logging
from rally.common.plugin import plugin
from rally import exceptions
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def configure(name, platform="default"):
def wrapper(cls):
return plugin.configure(name=name, platform=platform)(cls)
return wrapper
class Validator(plugin.Plugin, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""A base class for all validators."""
def __init__(self):
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
"""Method that validates something.
:param context: a validation context
:param config: dict, configuration of workload
:param plugin_cls: plugin class
:param plugin_cfg: dict, with exact configuration of the plugin
:returns: None if succeeded
:raises ValidationError: if the config doesn't pass the validator
def fail(msg):
raise ValidationError(msg)
def _get_doc(cls):
doc = ""
if cls.__doc__ is not None:
doc = cls.__doc__
if cls.__init__.__doc__ is not None:
if not cls.__init__.__doc__.startswith("\n"):
doc += "\n"
doc += cls.__init__.__doc__
return doc
class RequiredPlatformValidator(Validator):
def __init__(self, platform, **kwargs):
"""Validates specification of specified platform for the workload.
:param platform: name of the platform
super(RequiredPlatformValidator, self).__init__()
self.platform = platform
self._kwargs = kwargs
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
pvalidator_cls = RequiredPlatformValidator.get(
except exceptions.PluginNotFound:
# There is no specific validation for this platform
if self.platform not in context["platforms"]:
self.fail("There is no specification for %s platform in "
"selected environment." % self.platform)
if self.platform == "openstack":
# NOTE(andreykurilin): We had in-tree openstack plugins for a
# long time. It will be a hard task to remove this logic
# easily, since even rally-openstack project (the new
# location for openstack plugins) use common
# "required_platform" validator.
admin = self._kwargs.get("admin", False)
users = self._kwargs.get("users", False)
if not (admin or users):
"You should specify admin=True or users=True or both "
"for validating openstack platform.")
context = context["platforms"].get(self.platform, {})
if admin and context.get("admin") is None:
self.fail("No admin credential for %s" % self.platform)
if users and len(context.get("users", ())) == 0:
if context.get("admin") is None:
self.fail("No user credentials for %s" % self.platform)
# NOTE(andreykurilin): It is a case when the plugin
# requires 'users' for launching, but there are no
# specified users in deployment. Let's assume that
# 'users' context can create them via admin user
# and do not fail."
pvalidator = pvalidator_cls(**self._kwargs)
def add(name, **kwargs):
"""Add validator to the plugin class meta.
Add validator name and arguments to validators list stored in the
plugin meta by 'validators' key. This would be used to iterate
and execute through all validators during execution of subtask.
:param name: str, name of the validator plugin
:param kwargs: dict, arguments used to initialize validator class
def wrapper(plugin):
if issubclass(plugin, RequiredPlatformValidator):
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"Cannot add a validator to RequiredPlatformValidator")
elif issubclass(plugin, Validator) and name != "required_platform":
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"Only RequiredPlatformValidator can be added "
"to other validators as a validator")
plugin._meta_setdefault("validators", [])
plugin._meta_get("validators").append((name, (), kwargs,))
return plugin
return wrapper
def add_default(name, **kwargs):
"""Add validator to the plugin class default meta.
Validator is added to all subclasses by default
:param name: str, full name of the validator plugin
:param kwargs: dict, validator plugin arguments
def wrapper(plugin):
plugin._default_meta_setdefault("validators", [])
plugin._default_meta_get("validators").append((name, (), kwargs,))
return plugin
return wrapper
# this class doesn't inherit from rally.exceptions.RallyException, since
# ValidationError should be used only for inner purpose.
class ValidationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
super(ValidationError, self).__init__(message)
self.message = message
class ValidatablePluginMixin(object):
def _load_validators(plugin):
validators = plugin._meta_get("validators", default=[])
return [(Validator.get(name), args, kwargs)
for name, args, kwargs in validators]
def validate(cls, name, context, config, plugin_cfg,
allow_hidden=False, vtype=None):
"""Execute all validators stored in meta of plugin.
Iterate during all validators stored in the meta of Validator
and execute proper validate() method and add validation result
to the list.
:param name: full name of the plugin to validate
:param context: a validation context
:param config: dict with configuration of specified workload
:param plugin_cfg: dict, with exact configuration of the plugin
:param allow_hidden: do not ignore hidden plugins
:param vtype: Type of validation. Allowed types: syntax, platform,
semantic. HINT: To specify several types use tuple or list with
:returns: list of ValidationResult(is_valid=False) instances
plugin = cls.get(name, allow_hidden=allow_hidden)
except exceptions.PluginNotFound as e:
return [e.format_message()]
if vtype is None:
semantic = True
syntax = True
platform = True
if not isinstance(vtype, (list, tuple)):
vtype = [vtype]
wrong_types = set(vtype) - {"semantic", "syntax", "platform"}
if wrong_types:
raise ValueError("Wrong type of validation: %s" %
", ".join(wrong_types))
semantic = "semantic" in vtype
syntax = "syntax" in vtype
platform = "platform" in vtype
syntax_validators = []
platform_validators = []
regular_validators = []
plugin_validators = cls._load_validators(plugin)
for validator, args, kwargs in plugin_validators:
if issubclass(validator, RequiredPlatformValidator):
if platform:
platform_validators.append((validator, args, kwargs))
validators_of_validators = cls._load_validators(validator)
if validators_of_validators:
if semantic:
regular_validators.append((validator, args, kwargs))
if platform:
# Load platform validators from each validator
if syntax:
syntax_validators.append((validator, args, kwargs))
results = []
for validators in (syntax_validators, platform_validators,
for validator_cls, args, kwargs in validators:
validator = validator_cls(*args, **kwargs)
result = None
except ValidationError as e:
result = e.message
except Exception:
# Unexpected error is returned. save traceback as well
result = traceback.format_exc()
if result:
"%(base)s plugin '%(pname)s' doesn't pass %(vname)s "
"validation. Details: %(error)s" % {
"base": cls.__name__,
"pname": name,
"vname": validator_cls.get_fullname(),
"error": result
if results:
return results