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# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import multiprocessing
import threading
import time
from six.moves import queue as Queue
from rally.common import logging
from rally.common import utils
from rally.common import validation
from rally import consts
from rally.task import runner
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _worker_process(queue, iteration_gen, timeout, times, max_concurrent,
context, cls, method_name, args, event_queue, aborted,
runs_per_second, rps_cfg, processes_to_start, info):
"""Start scenario within threads.
Spawn N threads per second. Each thread runs the scenario once, and appends
result to queue. A maximum of max_concurrent threads will be ran
:param queue: queue object to append results
:param iteration_gen: next iteration number generator
:param timeout: operation's timeout
:param times: total number of scenario iterations to be run
:param max_concurrent: maximum worker concurrency
:param context: scenario context object
:param cls: scenario class
:param method_name: scenario method name
:param args: scenario args
:param aborted: multiprocessing.Event that aborts load generation if
the flag is set
:param runs_per_second: function that should return desired rps value
:param rps_cfg: rps section from task config
:param processes_to_start: int, number of started processes for scenario
:param info: info about all processes count and counter of runned process
pool = collections.deque()
if isinstance(rps_cfg, dict):
rps = rps_cfg["start"]
rps = rps_cfg
sleep = 1.0 / rps
runner._log_worker_info(times=times, rps=rps, timeout=timeout,
cls=cls, method_name=method_name, args=args)
(sleep * info["processes_counter"]) / info["processes_to_start"])
start = time.time()
timeout_queue = Queue.Queue()
if timeout:
collector_thr_by_timeout = threading.Thread(
args=(timeout_queue, )
i = 0
while i < times and not aborted.is_set():
scenario_context = runner._get_scenario_context(next(iteration_gen),
worker_args = (
queue, cls, method_name, scenario_context, args, event_queue)
thread = threading.Thread(target=runner._worker_thread,
i += 1
if timeout:
timeout_queue.put((thread, time.time() + timeout))
time_gap = time.time() - start
real_rps = i / time_gap if time_gap else "Infinity"
"Worker: %s rps: %s (requested rps: %s)" %
(i, real_rps, runs_per_second(rps_cfg, start, processes_to_start)))
# try to join latest thread(s) until it finished, or until time to
# start new thread (if we have concurrent slots available)
while i / (time.time() - start) > runs_per_second(
rps_cfg, start, processes_to_start) or (
len(pool) >= max_concurrent):
if pool:
if not pool[0].isAlive():
while pool:
if timeout:
timeout_queue.put((None, None,))
class CheckPRSValidator(validation.Validator):
"""Additional schema validation for rps runner"""
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
if isinstance(plugin_cfg["rps"], dict):
if plugin_cfg["rps"]["end"] < plugin_cfg["rps"]["start"]:
msg = "rps end value must not be less than rps start value."
return self.fail(msg)
class RPSScenarioRunner(runner.ScenarioRunner):
"""Scenario runner that does the job with specified frequency.
Every single scenario iteration is executed with specified frequency
(runs per second) in a pool of processes. The scenario will be
launched for a fixed number of times in total (specified in the config).
An example of a rps scenario is booting 1 VM per second. This
execution type is thus very helpful in understanding the maximal load that
a certain cloud can handle.
"type": "object",
"$schema": consts.JSON_SCHEMA,
"properties": {
"times": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1
"rps": {
"anyOf": [
"description": "Generate constant requests per second "
"during the whole workload.",
"type": "number",
"exclusiveMinimum": 0,
"minimum": 0
"type": "object",
"description": "Increase requests per second for "
"specified value each time after a "
"certain number of seconds.",
"properties": {
"start": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 1
"end": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 1
"step": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 1
"duration": {
"type": "number",
"minimum": 1
"additionalProperties": False,
"required": ["start", "end", "step"]
"timeout": {
"type": "number",
"max_concurrency": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1
"max_cpu_count": {
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 1
"required": ["times", "rps"],
"additionalProperties": False
def _run_scenario(self, cls, method_name, context, args):
"""Runs the specified scenario with given arguments.
Every single scenario iteration is executed with specified
frequency (runs per second) in a pool of processes. The scenario is
launched for a fixed number of times in total (specified in the
:param cls: The Scenario class where the scenario is implemented
:param method_name: Name of the method that implements the scenario
:param context: Context that contains users, admin & other
information, that was created before scenario
execution starts.
:param args: Arguments to call the scenario method with
:returns: List of results fore each single scenario iteration,
where each result is a dictionary
times = self.config["times"]
timeout = self.config.get("timeout", 0) # 0 means no timeout
iteration_gen = utils.RAMInt()
cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
max_cpu_used = min(cpu_count,
self.config.get("max_cpu_count", cpu_count))
def runs_per_second(rps_cfg, start_timer, number_of_processes):
"""At the given second return desired rps."""
if not isinstance(rps_cfg, dict):
return float(rps_cfg) / number_of_processes
stage_order = (time.time() - start_timer) / rps_cfg.get(
"duration", 1) - 1
rps = (float(rps_cfg["start"] + rps_cfg["step"] * stage_order) /
return min(rps, float(rps_cfg["end"]))
processes_to_start = min(max_cpu_used, times,
self.config.get("max_concurrency", times))
times_per_worker, times_overhead = divmod(times, processes_to_start)
# Determine concurrency per worker
concurrency_per_worker, concurrency_overhead = divmod(
self.config.get("max_concurrency", times), processes_to_start)
self._log_debug_info(times=times, timeout=timeout,
result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
event_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
def worker_args_gen(times_overhead, concurrency_overhead):
"""Generate arguments for process worker.
Remainder of threads per process division is distributed to
process workers equally - one thread per each process worker
until the remainder equals zero. The same logic is applied
to concurrency overhead.
:param times_overhead: remaining number of threads to be
distributed to workers
:param concurrency_overhead: remaining number of maximum
concurrent threads to be
distributed to workers
while True:
yield (
result_queue, iteration_gen, timeout,
times_per_worker + (times_overhead and 1),
concurrency_per_worker + (concurrency_overhead and 1),
context, cls, method_name, args, event_queue,
self.aborted, runs_per_second, self.config["rps"],
if times_overhead:
times_overhead -= 1
if concurrency_overhead:
concurrency_overhead -= 1
process_pool = self._create_process_pool(
processes_to_start, _worker_process,
worker_args_gen(times_overhead, concurrency_overhead))
self._join_processes(process_pool, result_queue, event_queue)