Boris Pavlovic 24258bbe4a Improve Rally Logging (part 4)
- Remove translations

  Nobody is using translations for Rally and I don't think that
  anybody is going to use it. Target auditory for Rally are
  developers/operators which usually know well english.
  For me this looks like waste of resources, performance
  degradation (cause we are calling _()), complexity
  (+1 thing that you need to know)

- Pass to log already formatted strings

  It's very bad because in case of wrong formatting, it
  doesn't fail instead just writes errors to the logs,
  as well information about trace is lost, so it's super
  hard to fix it

  Log wrapper doesn't allow to use LOG anymore for
  formatting strings

  All places are fixed

- Improve logging of exceptions

LOG.exception() already logs exception, which means it's bad idea to
pass str(e) to it. Instead we should provide clear description of what
happend. Improved few places to write warnings or exceptions in case
of different level of logs. In few places just use LOG.exception

- Part of log messages were improved and simplified

Change-Id: I57a674fc3a2e111798bd61dd8172081989371f2e
2017-10-05 23:29:37 -07:00

187 lines
5.9 KiB

# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
SLA (Service-level agreement) is set of details for determining compliance
with contracted values such as maximum error rate or minimum response time.
import abc
import six
from rally.common.plugin import plugin
from rally.common import validation
configure = plugin.configure
def _format_result(criterion_name, success, detail):
"""Returns the SLA result dict corresponding to the current state."""
return {"criterion": criterion_name,
"success": success,
"detail": detail}
class SLAChecker(object):
"""Base SLA checker class."""
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.unexpected_failure = None
self.aborted_on_sla = False
self.aborted_manually = False
self.sla_criteria = [SLA.get(name)(criterion_value)
for name, criterion_value
in config.get("sla", {}).items()]
def add_iteration(self, iteration):
"""Process the result of a single iteration.
The call to add_iteration() will return True if all the SLA checks
passed, and False otherwise.
:param iteration: iteration result object
return all([sla.add_iteration(iteration) for sla in self.sla_criteria])
def merge(self, other):
return all([self_sla.merge(other_sla)
for self_sla, other_sla
in six.moves.zip(
self.sla_criteria, other.sla_criteria)])
def _validate_sla_types(self, other):
for self_sla, other_sla in six.moves.zip_longest(
self.sla_criteria, other.sla_criteria):
def _validate_config(self, other):
self_config = self.config.get("sla", {})
other_config = other.config.get("sla", {})
if self_config != other_config:
raise TypeError(
"Error merging SLACheckers with configs %s, %s. "
"Only SLACheckers with the same config could be merged."
% (self_config, other_config))
def results(self):
results = [sla.result() for sla in self.sla_criteria]
if self.aborted_on_sla:
"aborted_on_sla", False,
"Task was aborted due to SLA failure(s)."))
if self.aborted_manually:
"aborted_manually", False,
"Task was aborted due to abort signal."))
if self.unexpected_failure:
"something_went_wrong", False,
"Unexpected error: %s" % self.unexpected_failure))
return results
def set_aborted_on_sla(self):
self.aborted_on_sla = True
def set_aborted_manually(self):
self.aborted_manually = True
def set_unexpected_failure(self, exc):
self.unexpected_failure = exc
class SLA(plugin.Plugin, validation.ValidatablePluginMixin):
"""Factory for criteria classes."""
CONFIG_SCHEMA = {"type": "null"}
def __init__(self, criterion_value):
self.criterion_value = criterion_value
self.success = True
def add_iteration(self, iteration):
"""Process the result of a single iteration and perform a SLA check.
The call to add_iteration() will return True if the SLA check passed,
and False otherwise.
:param iteration: iteration result object
:returns: True if the SLA check passed, False otherwise
def result(self):
"""Returns the SLA result dict corresponding to the current state."""
return _format_result(self.get_name(), self.success, self.details())
def details(self):
"""Returns the string describing the current results of the SLA."""
def status(self):
"""Return "Passed" or "Failed" depending on the current SLA status."""
return "Passed" if self.success else "Failed"
def merge(self, other):
"""Merge aggregated data from another SLA instance into self.
Process the results of several iterations aggregated in another
instance of SLA together with ones stored in self so that the
sla1 = SLA()
sla2 = SLA()
is equivalent to
sla1 = SLA()
The call to merge() will return True if the SLA check
passed, and False otherwise.
:param other: another SLA object
:returns: True if the SLA check passed, False otherwise
def validate_type(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
raise TypeError(
"Error merging SLAs of types %s, %s. Only SLAs of the same "
"type could be merged." % (type(self), type(other)))