The overview page shows all scenarios and their summarized results in single table, so it is easier to understand the whole result and compare specific scenarios. Also, there are some minor features and fixes in html report. Changes: * Benchmark overview page * Task input file is available now * Scenario full duration is added to overview * Scenario duration is renamed to `Load duration' * Overview is sortable * Fix: control from browser history: back/forward buttons now work * Fix: durations are reset for iterations with errors * AngularJS version is updated to release 1.3.3 * task sla_check output: column `success' with options True/False is renamed to `status' with options PASS/FAIL Change-Id: I0eb7af01432c9c10e4ec55720bb53417478a5789
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<h2>Logs and files</h2>
<ul class="columns">
<li><a href="console.html" class="rich">Benchmarking logs</a> <code>console.html</code>
<li><a href="logs/">Logs of all services</a> <code>logs/</code>
<li><a href="rally-plot/">Rally files</a> <code>rally-plot/</code>
<h2>Job results, in different formats</h2>
<ul class="columns">
<li><a href="rally-plot/results.html.gz" class="rich">HTML report</a> <code>$ rally task report</code>
<li><a href="rally-plot/detailed.txt.gz">Text report</a> <code>$ rally task detailed</code>
<li><a href="rally-plot/detailed_with_iterations.txt.gz">Text report detailed</a> <code>$ rally task detailed --iterations-data</code>
<li><a href="rally-plot/sla.txt">Success criteria (SLA)</a> <code>$ rally task sla_check</code>
<li><a href="rally-plot/results.json.gz">Raw results (JSON)</a> <code>$ rally task results</code>
<h2>About Rally</h2>
<p>Rally is benchmark system for OpenStack:</p>
<li><a href="https://github.com/stackforge/rally">Git repository</a>
<li><a href="https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/">Documentation</a>
<li><a href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally/HowTo">How to use Rally (locally)</a>
<li><a href="https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally/RallyGates">How to add Rally job to your project</a>
<h2>Steps to repeat locally</h2>
<li>Fetch rally task from <a href="rally-plot/task.txt">here</a></li>
<li>Fetch rally plugins from <a href="rally-plot/plugins.tar.gz">here</a></li>
<li>Install OpenStack and Rally using <a href="https://github.com/stackforge/rally/tree/master/contrib/devstack">this instruction</a></li>
<li>Unzip plugins and put to <code>.rally/plugins/</code> directory</li>
<li>Run rally task: <code>$ rally task start task.txt</code></li>