There is upgoing work related to deployment refactoring. The bunch of different enitities will be removed and inner code will be rewritten almost from scratch. This patch introduces a new simpler dedployment config format. Despite the fact that it requires several workarounds, we need to merge it before actual refactoring is done, since we want to provide a good deprecation period and as quicker we introduce a new format as quicker we will able to remove deprecated stuff:) An example of old deployment config: { "type": "ExistingCloud", "creds": { "openstack": { "auth_url": "https://example.com", "admin": { "username": "admin", "password": "pass", "project_name": "admin" } } } } An example of a new format: { "openstack": { "auth_url": "https://example.com", "admin": { "username": "admin", "password": "pass", "project_name": "admin" } } } Change-Id: If88317a0aefdd3d1adc6c380672d83e2bad11f15
Rally with DevStack all-in-one installation
It is also possible to install Rally with DevStack. First, clone the corresponding repositories:
git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack
git clone https://github.com/openstack/rally
Then, configure DevStack to run Rally. First, create your
cd devstack
cp samples/local.conf local.conf
Next, edit local.conf: add the following line to the
enable_plugin rally https://github.com/openstack/rally master
Finally, run DevStack as usually: