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# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import inspect
import os
import jsonschema
from rally.common import logging
from rally.common import validation
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JsonSchemaValidator(validation.Validator):
"""JSON schema validator"""
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
jsonschema.validate(plugin_cfg, plugin_cls.CONFIG_SCHEMA)
except jsonschema.ValidationError as err:
class ArgsValidator(validation.Validator):
"""Scenario arguments validator"""
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
scenario = plugin_cls
name = scenario.get_name()
platform = scenario.get_platform()
args_spec = inspect.signature(scenario.run).parameters
missed_args = [
for i, p in enumerate(args_spec.values())
if (i != 0 # first argument is self-argument, i.e instance of cls
and p.default == inspect.Parameter.empty
and p.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD)
hint_msg = (" Use `rally plugin show --name %s --platform %s` "
"to display scenario description." % (name, platform))
if "args" in config:
missed_args = set(missed_args) - set(config["args"])
if missed_args:
msg = ("Argument(s) '%(args)s' should be specified in task config."
"%(hint)s" % {"args": "', '".join(missed_args),
"hint": hint_msg})
support_kwargs = any(
p for p in args_spec.values()
if p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
if not support_kwargs and "args" in config:
redundant_args = [p for p in config["args"] if p not in args_spec]
if redundant_args:
msg = ("Unexpected argument(s) found ['%(args)s'].%(hint)s" %
{"args": "', '".join(redundant_args),
"hint": hint_msg})
class RequiredParameterValidator(validation.Validator):
"""Scenario required parameter validator.
This allows us to search required parameters in subdict of config.
:param subdict: sub-dict of "config" to search. if
not defined - will search in "config"
:param params: list of required parameters
def __init__(self, params=None, subdict=None):
super(RequiredParameterValidator, self).__init__()
self.subdict = subdict
self.params = params
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
missing = []
args = config.get("args", {})
if self.subdict:
args = args.get(self.subdict, {})
for arg in self.params:
if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
for case in arg:
if case in args:
arg = "'/'".join(arg)
missing.append("'%s' (at least one parameter should be "
"specified)" % arg)
if arg not in args:
missing.append("'%s'" % arg)
if missing:
msg = ("%s parameter(s) are not defined in "
"the input task file") % ", ".join(missing)
class NumberValidator(validation.Validator):
"""Checks that parameter is a number that pass specified condition.
Ensure a parameter is within the range [minval, maxval]. This is a
closed interval so the end points are included.
:param param_name: Name of parameter to validate
:param minval: Lower endpoint of valid interval
:param maxval: Upper endpoint of valid interval
:param nullable: Allow parameter not specified, or parameter=None
:param integer_only: Only accept integers
def __init__(self, param_name, minval=None, maxval=None, nullable=False,
self.param_name = param_name
self.minval = minval
self.maxval = maxval
self.nullable = nullable
self.integer_only = integer_only
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
value = config.get("args", {}).get(self.param_name)
num_func = float
if self.integer_only:
# NOTE(boris-42): Force check that passed value is not float, this
# is important cause int(float_numb) won't raise exception
if type(value) == float:
return self.fail("%(name)s is %(val)s which hasn't int type"
% {"name": self.param_name, "val": value})
num_func = int
# None may be valid if the scenario sets a sensible default.
if self.nullable and value is None:
number = num_func(value)
if self.minval is not None and number < self.minval:
self.fail("%(name)s is %(val)s which is less than the minimum "
"(%(min)s)" % {"name": self.param_name,
"val": number,
"min": self.minval})
if self.maxval is not None and number > self.maxval:
self.fail("%(name)s is %(val)s which is greater than the "
"maximum (%(max)s)" % {"name": self.param_name,
"val": number,
"max": self.maxval})
except (ValueError, TypeError):
self.fail("%(name)s is %(val)s which is not a valid %(type)s" %
{"name": self.param_name, "val": value,
"type": num_func.__name__})
class EnumValidator(validation.Validator):
"""Checks that parameter is in a list.
Ensure a parameter has the right value. This value need to be defined
in a list.
:param param_name: Name of parameter to validate
:param values: List of values accepted
:param missed: Allow to accept optional parameter
:param case_insensitive: Ignore case in enum values
def __init__(self, param_name, values, missed=False,
self.param_name = param_name
self.missed = missed
self.case_insensitive = case_insensitive
if self.case_insensitive:
self.values = []
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
self.values = values
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
value = config.get("args", {}).get(self.param_name)
if value:
if self.case_insensitive:
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.lower()
if value not in self.values:
self.fail("%(name)s is %(val)s which is not a valid value "
"from %(list)s" % {"name": self.param_name,
"val": value,
"list": self.values})
if not self.missed:
self.fail("%s parameter is not defined in the task config file"
% self.param_name)
class MapKeysParameterValidator(validation.Validator):
"""Check that parameter contains specified keys.
:param param_name: Name of parameter to validate
:param required: List of all required keys
:param allowed: List of all allowed keys
:param additional: Whether additional keys are allowed. If list of allowed
keys are specified, defaults to False, otherwise defaults to True
:param missed: Allow to accept optional parameter
def __init__(self, param_name, required=None, allowed=None,
additional=True, missed=False):
super(MapKeysParameterValidator, self).__init__()
self.param_name = param_name
self.required = required or []
self.allowed = allowed or []
self.additional = additional
self.missed = missed
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
parameter = config.get("args", {}).get(self.param_name)
if parameter:
required_diff = set(self.required) - set(parameter.keys())
if required_diff:
"Required keys is missing in '%(name)s' parameter: "
"%(key)s" % {"name": self.param_name,
"key": ", ".join(sorted(list(required_diff)))}
if self.allowed:
allowed_diff = set(parameter.keys()) - set(self.allowed)
if allowed_diff:
"Parameter '%(name)s' contains unallowed keys: "
"%(key)s" % {
"name": self.param_name,
"key": ", ".join(sorted(list(allowed_diff)))}
elif not self.additional:
diff = set(parameter.keys()) - set(self.required)
if diff:
"Parameter '%(name)s' contains unallowed keys: "
"%(key)s" % {
"name": self.param_name,
"key": ", ".join(sorted(list(diff)))}
elif not self.missed:
self.fail("'%s' parameter is not defined in the task config file"
% self.param_name)
class RestrictedParametersValidator(validation.Validator):
def __init__(self, param_names, subdict=None):
"""Validates that parameters is not set.
:param param_names: parameter or parameters list to be validated.
:param subdict: sub-dict of "config" to search for param_names. if
not defined - will search in "config"
super(RestrictedParametersValidator, self).__init__()
if isinstance(param_names, (list, tuple)):
self.params = param_names
self.params = [param_names]
self.subdict = subdict
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
restricted_params = []
for param_name in self.params:
source = config.get("args", {})
if self.subdict:
source = source.get(self.subdict) or {}
if param_name in source:
if restricted_params:
self.fail("You can't specify parameters '%s' in '%s'" % (
", ".join(restricted_params),
self.subdict if self.subdict else "args"))
class RequiredContextsValidator(validation.Validator):
def __init__(self, contexts, *args):
"""Validator checks if required contexts are specified.
:param contexts: list of strings and tuples with context names that
should be specified. Tuple represent 'at least one
of the'.
super(RequiredContextsValidator, self).__init__()
if isinstance(contexts, (list, tuple)):
# services argument is a list, so it is a new way of validators
# usage, args in this case should not be provided
self.contexts = contexts
if args:
LOG.warning("Positional argument is not what "
"'required_context' decorator expects. "
"Use `contexts` argument instead")
# it is old way validator
self.contexts = [contexts]
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
missing_contexts = []
input_context = config.get("contexts", {})
for name in self.contexts:
if isinstance(name, tuple):
if not set(name) & set(input_context):
# formatted string like: 'foo or bar or baz'
formatted_names = "'%s'" % " or ".join(name)
if name not in input_context:
if missing_contexts:
self.fail("The following context(s) are required but missing from "
"the input task file: %s" % ", ".join(missing_contexts))
class RequiredParamOrContextValidator(validation.Validator):
def __init__(self, param_name, ctx_name):
"""Validator checks if required image is specified.
:param param_name: name of parameter
:param ctx_name: name of context
super(RequiredParamOrContextValidator, self).__init__()
self.param_name = param_name
self.ctx_name = ctx_name
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
msg = ("You should specify either scenario argument %s or"
" use context %s." % (self.param_name, self.ctx_name))
if self.ctx_name in config.get("contexts", {}):
if self.param_name in config.get("args", {}):
class FileExistsValidator(validation.Validator):
def __init__(self, param_name, mode=os.R_OK, required=True):
"""Validator checks parameter is proper path to file with proper mode.
Ensure a file exists and can be accessed with the specified mode.
Note that path to file will be expanded before access checking.
:param param_name: Name of parameter to validate
:param mode: Access mode to test for. This should be one of:
* os.F_OK (file exists)
* os.R_OK (file is readable)
* os.W_OK (file is writable)
* os.X_OK (file is executable)
If multiple modes are required they can be added, eg:
:param required: Boolean indicating whether this argument is required.
super(FileExistsValidator, self).__init__()
self.param_name = param_name
self.mode = mode
self.required = required
def _file_access_ok(self, filename, mode, param_name, required=True):
if not filename:
if not required:
self.fail("Parameter %s required" % param_name)
if not os.access(os.path.expanduser(filename), mode):
self.fail("Could not open %(filename)s with mode %(mode)s for "
"parameter %(param_name)s" % {"filename": filename,
"mode": mode,
"param_name": param_name})
def validate(self, context, config, plugin_cls, plugin_cfg):
self._file_access_ok(config.get("args", {}).get(self.param_name),
self.mode, self.param_name, self.required)