1) Module urllib2 is missed in Python 3, so it should be replaced by other http lib. "requests" is good library for such stuff, which supports both Python 2.* and Python 3.* 2) Function 'rally.common.utils.parse_docstring' uses built-in function 'filter'. This function returns different types in Python 2.* and Python 3.*. Since results are used as a list, 'filter' should be replaced by list comprehension. 3) Extend H330 hacking rule to chech 'dict.iterkeys()', 'dict.itervalues()' and 'dict.iterlist()'. Also, fixed all places, which are failed in terms of this rule. 4) Function object does not have 'func_code' attribute in Python 3, but '__code__' attribute exist in both Python 2 and Python 3 Also, 3 tests are broken due to new release(1.6.0) of oslo.config, so we need to skip them to unblock our gates until new version of oslo.config will be released with appropriate fix. Closes-Bug: #1405919 Change-Id: Icc42e220ac3f15ae6c838a4698b3c9578177513c
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# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# under the License.
from rally.benchmark.scenarios import base
from rally.benchmark.sla import base as sla_base
from rally.common import utils
from rally import deploy
from rally.deploy import serverprovider
from tests.unit import test
class DocstringsTestCase(test.TestCase):
def _assert_class_has_docstrings(self, obj, long_description=True):
if not obj.__module__.startswith("rally."):
"%s doesn't have a class-level docstring." %
doc = utils.parse_docstring(obj.__doc__)
"Docstring for %s should have a one-line description." % obj)
if long_description:
"Docstring for %s should have a multi-line description." % obj)
def test_all_scenarios_have_docstrings(self):
ignored_params = ["self", "scenario_obj"]
for scenario_group in utils.itersubclasses(base.Scenario):
if scenario_group.__module__.startswith("tests."):
for method in dir(scenario_group):
if base.Scenario.is_scenario(scenario_group, method):
scenario = getattr(scenario_group, method)
scenario_name = scenario_group.__name__ + "." + method
"%s doensn't have a docstring." %
doc = utils.parse_docstring(scenario.__doc__)
short_description = doc["short_description"]
"Docstring for %s should have "
"at least a one-line description." %
"One-line description for %s "
"should be declarative and not start "
"with 'Test(s) ...'" % scenario_name)
params_count = scenario.__code__.co_argcount
params = scenario.__code__.co_varnames[:params_count]
documented_params = [p["name"] for p in doc["params"]]
for param in params:
if param not in ignored_params:
self.assertIn(param, documented_params,
"Docstring for %(scenario)s should "
"describe the '%(param)s' parameter "
"in the :param <name>: clause." %
{"scenario": scenario_name,
"param": param})
def test_all_scenario_groups_have_docstrings(self):
for scenario_group in utils.itersubclasses(base.Scenario):
def test_all_deploy_engines_have_docstrings(self):
for deploy_engine in utils.itersubclasses(deploy.EngineFactory):
def test_all_server_providers_have_docstrings(self):
for provider in utils.itersubclasses(serverprovider.ProviderFactory):
def test_all_SLA_have_docstrings(self):
for sla in utils.itersubclasses(sla_base.SLA):
self._assert_class_has_docstrings(sla, long_description=False)