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# Copyright 2015: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
from rally.common.plugin import discover
from rally.common.plugin import info
from rally.common.plugin import meta
from rally import exceptions
def base():
"""Mark Plugin as a base.
Base Plugins are used to have better organization of plugins providing
subtypes. Base Plugins may contain documentation and other base methods
related to specific type of plugins, resolving next problems:
- Having different types of plugins (e.g. Scenario, Context, SLA, ...)
- Auto generation of plugin reference with splitting plugins by their base
- Plugin lookup - one can easily get all plugins from some base.
Plugin bases by default initialize _default_meta
.. warning:: This decorator should be added the line before
six.add_metaclass if it is used.
def wrapper(cls):
if not issubclass(cls, Plugin):
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"Plugin's Base can be only a subclass of Plugin class.")
parent = cls._get_base()
if parent != Plugin:
raise exceptions.RallyException(
"'%(plugin_cls)s' can not be marked as plugin base, since it "
"inherits from '%(parent)s' which is also plugin base."
% {"plugin_cls": cls.__name__, "parent": parent.__name__})
cls.base_ref = cls
return cls
return wrapper
def configure(name, platform="default", hidden=False):
"""Use this decorator to configure plugin's attributes.
Plugin is not discoverable until configure() is performed.
:param name: name of plugin that is used for searching purpose
:param platform: platform name that plugin belongs to
:param hidden: if True the plugin will be marked as hidden and can be
loaded only explicitly
def decorator(plugin):
plugin_id = "%s.%s" % (plugin.__module__, plugin.__name__)
if not name:
raise ValueError(
"The name of the plugin %s cannot be empty." % plugin_id)
if "@" in name:
raise ValueError(
"The name of the plugin cannot contain @ symbol" % plugin_id)
existing_plugin = plugin._get_base().get(
name=name, platform=platform, allow_hidden=True)
except exceptions.PluginNotFound:
plugin._meta_set("name", name)
plugin._meta_set("platform", platform)
raise exceptions.PluginWithSuchNameExists(
name=name, platform=existing_plugin.get_platform(),
plugin._meta_set("hidden", hidden)
return plugin
return decorator
def default_meta(inherit=True):
"""Initialize default meta for particular plugin.
Default Meta is inherited by all children comparing to Meta which is unique
per plugin.
:param inherit: Whatever to copy parents default meta
def decorator(plugin):
return plugin
return decorator
def deprecated(reason, rally_version):
"""Mark plugin as deprecated.
:param reason: Message that describes reason of plugin deprecation
:param rally_version: Deprecated since this version of Rally
def decorator(plugin):
plugin._meta_set("deprecated", {
"reason": reason,
"rally_version": rally_version
return plugin
return decorator
class Plugin(meta.MetaMixin, info.InfoMixin):
"""Base class for all Plugins in Rally."""
def unregister(cls):
"""Removes all plugin meta information and makes it undiscoverable."""
def _get_base(cls):
return getattr(cls, "base_ref", Plugin)
def get(cls, name, platform=None, allow_hidden=False):
"""Return plugin by its name for specified platform.
:param name: Plugin's name or fullname
:param platform: Plugin's platform
:param allow_hidden: if False and found plugin is hidden then
PluginNotFound is raised
if "@" in name:
name, platform = name.split("@", 1)
results = cls.get_all(name=name, platform=platform,
if not results:
base = cls._get_base()
base = "" if base == Plugin else " %s" % base.__name__
raise exceptions.PluginNotFound(
name=name, platform=platform or "any", base=base)
if len(results) == 1:
return results[0]
if platform is None:
# try to use default platform
default = [p for p in results if p.get_platform() == "default"]
if default:
return default[0]
raise exceptions.MultiplePluginsFound(
plugins=", ".join(p.get_fullname() for p in results))
def get_all(cls, platform=None, allow_hidden=False, name=None):
"""Return all subclass plugins of plugin.
All plugins that are not configured will be ignored.
:param platform: return only plugins for specific platform.
:param name: return only plugins with specified name.
:param allow_hidden: if False return only non hidden plugins
plugins = []
for p in discover.itersubclasses(cls):
if not issubclass(p, Plugin):
if not p._meta_is_inited(raise_exc=False):
if name and name != p.get_name():
if platform and platform != p.get_platform():
if not allow_hidden and p.is_hidden():
return plugins
def get_name(cls):
"""Return plugin's name."""
return cls._meta_get("name")
def get_platform(cls):
""""Return plugin's platform name."""
return cls._meta_get("platform")
def get_fullname(cls):
"""Returns plugins's full name."""
return "%s@%s" % (cls.get_name(), cls.get_platform() or "")
def is_hidden(cls):
"""Returns whatever plugin is hidden or not."""
return cls._meta_get("hidden", False)
def is_deprecated(cls):
"""Returns deprecation details if plugin is deprecated."""
return cls._meta_get("deprecated", False)