diff --git a/openstack_releases/cmds/propose_final_releases.py b/openstack_releases/cmds/propose_final_releases.py
index f93ef74c1d..ead5fae8a4 100644
--- a/openstack_releases/cmds/propose_final_releases.py
+++ b/openstack_releases/cmds/propose_final_releases.py
@@ -24,11 +24,26 @@ import tempfile
 import openstack_releases
 from openstack_releases import deliverable
 from openstack_releases import gitutils
+from openstack_releases import series_status
 from openstack_releases import yamlutils
 PRE_RELEASE = re.compile('(a|b|rc)')
+def get_stable_branch_id(series):
+    """Retrieve the stable branch ID of the series.
+    Returns the release-id if the series has such field, otherwise
+    returns the series name. This is needed for the new stable branch
+    naming style: stable/2023.1 (versus the old style: stable/zed).
+    """
+    series_status_data = series_status.SeriesStatus.default()
+    release_id = series_status_data[series].release_id
+    if release_id is None:
+        release_id = series
+    return str(release_id)
 def get_prior_branch_point(workdir, repo, branch):
     """Return the tag of the base of the branch.
@@ -180,7 +195,7 @@ def main():
             (latest_release.version.split('.')[:-1] + ['0'])[:3]
-        branch = 'stable/{}'.format(args.prior_series)
+        branch = 'stable/{}'.format(get_stable_branch_id(args.prior_series))
         diff_start = get_prior_branch_point(
             workdir, projects[0].repo.name, branch,