Merge "Adding a new tools to search topic on the ML"

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Zuul 2020-10-19 16:25:27 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit b2f8125915
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@ -748,6 +748,74 @@ To check for ussuri release note links:
tools/ ussuri tools/ ussuri
A script to search emails on the openstack-discuss mailing list. By default
this script will search for emails related to the release team, but
topic can be overriden to looking for specific subjects.
The most basic example is the following, it will search for emails related
to releases topics on openstack-discuss during the entire life of
this mailing list (between the creation date in November 2018 to
the current date):
$ tools/
To looking for emails related to release and filtered between 2 dates:
$ tools/ --starting-date 2020-04-01 --ending-date 2020-4-1
To looking for emails related to release and filtered by authors:
$ tools/ --authors "Herve Beraud" "Sean McGinnis"
To looking for emails related to release between 2 dates and sent by authors:
$ tools/ --starting-date 2020-04-01 --ending-date 2020-4-1 --authors "Herve Beraud" "Sean McGinnis"
To looking for emails related to release FFE since August 2020:
$ tools/ --topic ".?\[release\].*FFE.*" --starting-date 2020-8-1
To looking for all the release countdown emails sent during victoria:
$ tools/ --topic ".?\[release\] Release countdown.*" --starting-date 2020-5-1
By default will be executed on ````
but you can change the url to execute research on different mailing list.
In the following example we looking for all release jobs who failed for ``openstack/watcher*``:
$ tools/ --topic ".?openstack/watcher.*" --mailing-list
release-job-failures/ --starting-date 2016-6-1
Notice that by default we search on ````
and this mailing list was created in November 2018 so the ``--starting-date``
is initialized to this date by default, but the date can't be before this
default date except if you search on a different mailing list and if you also
override it by passing params with ``--mailing-list``.
For more usage and examples:
$ tools/ -h
tools/ tools/
-------------------------------- --------------------------------

tools/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import argparse
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import re
import sys
import textwrap
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
MINIMAL_DATE = datetime.datetime.strptime("2018-11-1", "%Y-%m-%d")
DEFAULT_SEARCHING_PATTERN = '.?\[release\].*' # noqa
def get(url):
"""Request a given url."""
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Error with {url} server returned code {response.status_code}")
return None
return BeautifulSoup(response.content, features="html.parser")
def get_author(email):
"""Retrieve the author of an email."""
email = get(email)
if not email:
return None
return email.find_all('b')[0].string
def is_sent_by(author, authors):
"""Check if the email have been sent by one of the authors in the list.
if authors is empty true will be returned by default.
if not authors:
return True
if author.lower() in [auth.lower() for auth in authors]:
return True
return False
def search(month_url, topic, authors):
"""Search for matching emails."""
exit = 0
results = []
soup = get(month_url)
if not soup:
exit = 1
return results, exit
for tag in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
href = tag['href']
email_subject = tag.string.replace('\n', '')
# Only collect legit urls (ML links are at the 000000.html)
if not re.match("[0-9]{6}.html", href):
url = f'{month_url}/{href}'
if not, email_subject):
author = get_author(url)
if not author:
exit = 1
if not is_sent_by(author, authors):
'url': url,
'subject': email_subject,
'author': author
return results, exit
def display(results):
"""Display our results."""
default = 'No results found...'
count = 0
final = []
for year in results:
for month in results[year]:
if not results[year][month]['emails']:
for email in results[year][month]['emails']:
final.append('\t- {subject} - {author}\n\t{url}'.format(
count += 1
if final and count > 0:
print(f'{count} result(s) have been found')
def mailing_list_url(string):
error_msg = f'{string} is not a valid url'
result = urlparse(string)
if not all([result.scheme, result.netloc, result.path]):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(error_msg)
return string if not string.endswith("/") else string[:-1]
except Exception:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(error_msg)
def main():
"""Main entrypoint."""
epilog = textwrap.dedent("""
Various topic can be used to looking for specific topics, by example
topic can be set to `.?\[oslo\].*` to search all emails related to
Useful topics:
- `.?\[release\] Release countdown.*` (looking for release countdown)
- `.?\[all\].*` (looking for email related to all)
- `.?\[requirements\].*` (looking for email related to requirements)
- `.?\[release\].*FFE.*` (looking for email related to release FFE)
To looking for emails related to release and filtered between 2 dates:
$ {cmd} --starting-date 2020-04-01 --ending-date 2020-4-1
To looking for emails related to release and filtered by authors:
$ {cmd} --authors "Herve Beraud" "Sean McGinnis
To looking for emails related to release between 2 dates and sent by authors:
$ {cmd} --starting-date 2020-04-01 --ending-date 2020-4-1 --authors "Herve Beraud" "Sean McGinnis
To looking for emails related to release FFE since August 2020:
$ {cmd} --topic ".?\[release\].*FFE.*" --starting-date 2020-8-1
To looking for all the release countdown emails sent during victoria (18 May 2020 - 16 October 2020):
$ {cmd} --topic ".?\[release\] Release countdown.*" --starting-date 2020-5-1
""".format(cmd=sys.argv[0])) # noqa
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Search emails on the mailing list by topic and authors',
help='Regex pattern to match in emails subject.'
f'The default pattern is set to `{DEFAULT_SEARCHING_PATTERN}` '
'to looking for release topics on the ML.'
default=[], type=str,
help='filtering on authors within emails found with the '
'related topic. Many authors can be given.')
type=lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),
help="Starting research at the given date. Can't be before "
f"{MINIMAL_DATE} which is the minimal date allowed for research."
"Notice that a research doesn't looking for a day but for an "
"entire month, in other words day will be ignored."
type=lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),,
help='Ending research at the given date.'
'Default set to today. '
"Notice that a research doesn't looking for a day but for an "
"entire month, in other words day will be ignored."
help='Mailing list url to use for search. Should be a valid url.'
f'Default set to {BASE_URL}.'
args = parser.parse_args()
exit_code = 0
mailing_list = args.mailing_list
results = {}
cursor = args.starting_date
if mailing_list == BASE_URL and cursor < MINIMAL_DATE:
print(f"--starting-date can't be inferior to {MINIMAL_DATE} "
f"with {mailing_list}")
ending = args.ending_date
print('Looking for emails sent on {mailing_list} who match `{topic}` '
'between {start} and {end} and sent by {authors}\n...'.format(
start=cursor.strftime('%Y %B'),
end=ending.strftime('%Y %B'),
authors=', '.join(args.authors) if args.authors else 'anybody'))
while cursor <= ending:
year = cursor.year
month = cursor.strftime("%B")
if year not in results:
results.update({year: {}})
url = f"{mailing_list}/{year}-{month}"
print(f"Analyzing {month} {year}: {url}")
emails, current_exit_code = search(url, args.topic, args.authors)
data = {
"url": url,
"emails": emails
results[year].update({month: data})
cursor += relativedelta(months=1)
exit_code = current_exit_code if exit_code == 0 else exit_code
return exit_code
if __name__ == '__main__':