# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Work with the project-config repository. """ import glob import logging import os import os.path import requests from openstack_releases import yamlutils LOG = logging.getLogger() ZUUL_PROJECTS_URL = 'https://opendev.org/openstack-infra/project-config/raw/branch/master/zuul.d/projects.yaml' # noqa ZUUL_PROJECTS_FILENAME = 'openstack-infra/project-config/zuul.d/projects.yaml' # We use this key to modify the data structure read from the zuul # layout file. We don't control what are valid keys there, so make it # easy to change the key we use, just in case. _VALIDATE_KEY = 'validate-projects-by-name' def get_zuul_project_data(url=ZUUL_PROJECTS_URL): """Return the data from the zuul.d/projects.yaml file. :param url: Optional URL to the location of the file. Defaults to the most current version in the public git repository. """ r = requests.get(url) raw = yamlutils.loads(r.text) # Convert the raw list to a mapping from repo name to repo # settings, since that is how we access this most often. # # The inputs are like: # # - project: # name: openstack/oslo.config # templates: # - system-required # - openstack-python-jobs # - openstack-python35-jobs # - publish-openstack-sphinx-docs # - check-requirements # - lib-forward-testing # - release-notes-jobs # - periodic-newton # - periodic-ocata # - periodic-pike # - publish-to-pypi # # And the output is: # # openstack/oslo.config: # templates: # - system-required # - openstack-python-jobs # - openstack-python35-jobs # - publish-openstack-sphinx-docs # - check-requirements # - lib-forward-testing # - release-notes-jobs # - periodic-newton # - periodic-ocata # - periodic-pike # - publish-to-pypi # return { p['project']['name']: p['project'] for p in raw } def read_templates_from_repo(workdir, repo_name): """Read the zuul settings from a repo and return them. Read all of the zuul settings from the YAML files, parse them, and return the project templates. :param workdir: Working directory :type workdir: str :param repo_name: Repository name :type repo_name: str """ root = os.path.join(workdir, repo_name) candidates = [ '.zuul.yaml', 'zuul.yaml', '.zuul.d/*.yaml', 'zuul.d/*.yaml', ] results = [] for pattern in candidates: LOG.debug('trying {}'.format(pattern)) if '*' in pattern: filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(root, pattern)) if not filenames: LOG.debug('did not find {}'.format(pattern)) continue else: filenames = [os.path.join(root, pattern)] for filename in filenames: try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: body = f.read() results.extend(yamlutils.loads(body)) LOG.debug('read {}'.format(pattern)) except Exception as e: LOG.debug('failed to read {}: {}'.format(pattern, e)) # Find the project settings project_info = [ s['project'] for s in results if 'project' in s ] templates = [] for p in project_info: templates.extend(p.get('templates', [])) return templates # Which jobs are needed for which release types. _RELEASE_JOBS_FOR_TYPE = { 'python-service': [ 'publish-to-pypi', 'publish-to-pypi-stable-only', ], 'python-pypi': [ 'publish-to-pypi', 'publish-to-pypi-stable-only', ], 'neutron': [ 'publish-to-pypi', 'publish-to-pypi-stable-only', ], 'horizon': [ 'publish-to-pypi', 'publish-to-pypi-stable-only', ], 'nodejs': [ 'nodejs4-publish-to-npm', 'nodejs6-publish-to-npm', 'nodejs8-publish-to-npm', ], 'puppet': [ 'puppet-tarball-jobs', 'puppet-release-jobs', ], 'xstatic': [ 'publish-to-pypi', 'publish-to-pypi-stable-only', ], 'fuel': [ # Fuel is manually packaged by the team at Mirantis. ], 'openstack-manuals': [ # openstack-manuals is not released, only generated content pushed ], 'manila-image-elements': [ 'manila-image-elements-publish-artifacts', ], 'openstack-virtual-baremetal': [ 'docs-on-readthedocs', ], } def require_release_jobs_for_repo(deliv, repo, release_type, context): """Check the repository for release jobs. Returns a list of tuples containing a message and a boolean indicating if the message is an error. """ # If the repository is configured as not having an artifact to # build, we don't need to check for any jobs. if repo.no_artifact_build_job: LOG.debug('{} has no-artifact-build-job set, skipping'.format( repo.name)) return # If the repository is retired, we don't need to check for any # jobs. if repo.is_retired: LOG.debug('{} is retired, skipping'.format(repo.name)) return # NOTE(dhellmann): We don't mess around looking for individual # jobs, because we want projects to use the templates. expected_jobs = _RELEASE_JOBS_FOR_TYPE.get( release_type, _RELEASE_JOBS_FOR_TYPE['python-service'], ) if not expected_jobs: LOG.debug('no expected jobs for release type {}, skipping'.format( release_type)) return found_jobs = [] # Start by looking at the global project-config settings. if repo.name in context.zuul_projects: LOG.debug('found {} in project-config settings'.format( repo.name)) p = context.zuul_projects[repo.name] templates = p.get('templates', []) found_jobs.extend( j for j in templates if j in expected_jobs ) # Look for settings within the repo. # # NOTE(dhellmann): We only need this until zuul grows the API to # feed us this information via its API. if not found_jobs: LOG.debug('looking in {} for zuul settings'.format( repo.name)) templates = read_templates_from_repo(context.workdir, repo.name) found_jobs.extend( j for j in templates if j in expected_jobs ) if len(found_jobs) == 0: context.error( '{filename} no release job specified for {repo}, ' 'one of {expected!r} needs to be included in {existing!r} ' 'or no release will be ' 'published'.format( filename=ZUUL_PROJECTS_FILENAME, repo=repo.name, expected=expected_jobs, existing=templates, ), ) elif len(found_jobs) > 1: context.warning( '{filename} multiple release jobs specified for {repo}, ' '{existing!r} should include *one* of ' '{expected!r}, found {found!r}'.format( filename=ZUUL_PROJECTS_FILENAME, repo=repo.name, expected=expected_jobs, existing=templates, found=found_jobs, ), ) # Check to see if we found jobs we did not expect to find. for wrong_type, wrong_jobs in _RELEASE_JOBS_FOR_TYPE.items(): if wrong_type == release_type: continue # "bad" jobs are any that are attached to the repo but # are not supported by the release-type of the repo bad_jobs = [ j for j in wrong_jobs if j in templates and j not in expected_jobs ] if bad_jobs: context.error( '{filename} has unexpected release jobs ' '{bad_jobs!r} for release-type {wrong_type} ' 'but {repo} uses release-type {release_type}'.format( filename=ZUUL_PROJECTS_FILENAME, repo=repo.name, bad_jobs=bad_jobs, wrong_type=wrong_type, release_type=release_type, ) ) return