# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import csv import operator import openstack_releases from openstack_releases import defaults from openstack_releases import deliverable from openstack_releases import schema def main(): deliverable_schema = schema.Schema() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() output_mode = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() output_mode.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='show more than the deliverable name', ) output_mode.add_argument( '-r', '--repos', action='store_true', default=False, help='show the repository names not deliverable names', ) output_mode.add_argument( '-a', '--all-releases', action='store_true', default=False, help='show all of the releases for each deliverable', ) parser.add_argument( '--group-by', dest='group_key', default=None, choices=['team', 'type', 'model'], help='group output by the specified value', ) parser.add_argument( '--team', help='the name of the project team, such as "Nova" or "Oslo"', ) parser.add_argument( '--deliverable', help='the name of the deliverable, such as "nova" or "oslo.config"', ) parser.add_argument( '--series', default=defaults.RELEASE, help='the release series, such as "newton" or "ocata"', ) parser.add_argument( '--csvfile', help='Save results (same as when --verbose) to CSV file', ) model = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() model.add_argument( '--model', help=('the release model, such as "cycle-with-milestones"' ' or "independent"'), choices=sorted(deliverable_schema.release_models + ['independent']), ) model.add_argument( '--cycle-based', action='store_true', default=False, help='include all cycle-based code repositories', ) parser.add_argument( '--type', default=[], action='append', choices=sorted(deliverable_schema.release_types), help='deliverable type, such as "library" or "service"', ) parser.add_argument( '--tag', default=[], action='append', help='look for one more more tags on the deliverable or team', ) parser.add_argument( '--deliverables-dir', default=openstack_releases.deliverable_dir, help='location of deliverable files', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-stable-branch', default=False, action='store_true', help='limit the list to deliverables without a stable branch', ) grp = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() grp.add_argument( '--unreleased', default=False, action='store_true', help='limit the list to deliverables not released in the cycle', ) grp.add_argument( '--missing-milestone', help=('deliverables that do not have the specified milestone as ' 'the most current release; for example 2 would look for .0b2 ' 'in the version number (implies --model cycle-with-milestones)'), ) grp.add_argument( '--missing-rc', action='store_true', help=('deliverables that do not have a release candidate, yet ' '(implies --model cycle-with-milestones)'), ) grp.add_argument( '--missing-final', action='store_true', help='deliverables that have pre-releases but no final releases, yet', ) args = parser.parse_args() # Deal with the inconsistency of the name for the independent # directory. series = args.series if series == 'independent': series = '_independent' if args.missing_milestone: model = 'cycle-with-milestones' version_ending = '.0b{}'.format(args.missing_milestone) elif args.missing_rc: model = 'cycle-with-milestones' version_ending = None elif args.missing_final: model = args.model version_ending = None else: model = args.model version_ending = None verbose_template = '{name:30} {team:20}' if not args.unreleased: verbose_template += ' {latest_release:15}' if len(args.type) != 1: verbose_template += ' {type:15}' if not args.model: verbose_template += ' {model:15}' verbose_template += ' {tags}' csvfile = None if args.csvfile: csvfile = open(args.csvfile, 'w') fieldnames = ['name', 'latest_release', 'repo', 'hash', 'team', 'type', 'model'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() all_deliv = deliverable.Deliverables( root_dir=args.deliverables_dir, collapse_history=False, ) deliv_iter = list(all_deliv.get_deliverables(args.team, series)) if args.group_key: deliv_iter = sorted(deliv_iter, key=operator.attrgetter(args.group_key)) name_fmt = ' {}' else: name_fmt = '{}' cur_group = None for deliv in deliv_iter: if args.group_key: deliv_group = getattr(deliv, args.group_key) if args.deliverable and deliv.name != args.deliverable: continue if model and deliv.model != model: continue if args.cycle_based and not deliv.is_cycle_based: continue if args.type and deliv.type not in args.type: continue if args.no_stable_branch: if deliv.get_branch_location('stable/' + series) is not None: continue if args.unreleased and (deliv.is_released or not deliv.is_releasable): continue if version_ending and deliv.is_released and deliv.latest_release.endswith(version_ending): continue if args.missing_rc and deliv.is_released and 'rc' in deliv.latest_release: continue if args.tag: tags = deliv.tags ignore = False for t in args.tag: if t not in tags: ignore = True break if ignore: continue tag_str = '(' + ', '.join(deliv.tags) + ')' if args.missing_final and deliv.latest_release: if not ('rc' in deliv.latest_release or 'a' in deliv.latest_release or 'b' in deliv.latest_release): continue if csvfile: rel = (deliv.releases or [{}])[-1] for prj in rel.get('projects', [{}]): writer.writerow({ 'name': deliv.name, 'latest_release': rel.get('version', None), 'repo': prj.get('repo', None), 'hash': prj.get('hash', None), 'team': deliv.team, 'type': deliv.type, 'model': deliv.model, }) elif args.all_releases: for r in deliv.releases: print(verbose_template.format( name=deliv.name, latest_release=r.get('version', ''), team=deliv.team, type=deliv.type, model=deliv.model, tags=tag_str, )) elif args.verbose: print(verbose_template.format( name=deliv.name, latest_release=deliv.latest_release or '', team=deliv.team, type=deliv.type, model=deliv.model, tags=tag_str, )) elif args.repos: if args.group_key and cur_group != deliv_group: cur_group = deliv_group print(cur_group) for r in sorted(deliv.repos): print(name_fmt.format(r)) else: if args.group_key and cur_group != deliv_group: cur_group = deliv_group print(cur_group) print(name_fmt.format(deliv.name)) if csvfile: csvfile.close()