# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import argparse import collections import contextlib import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import six from prompt_toolkit.contrib.completers import WordCompleter from prompt_toolkit import prompt from prompt_toolkit.validation import ValidationError from prompt_toolkit.validation import Validator from tqdm import tqdm from openstack_releases import gitutils from openstack_releases import yamlutils NOTES_URL_TPL = 'http://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/%s/%s.html' RELEASE_INCREMENTS = { 'bugfix': (0, 0, 1), 'feature': (0, 1, 0), 'major': (1, 0, 0), } RELEASE_KINDS = tuple(sorted(RELEASE_INCREMENTS)) OVERVIEW = """ A interactive command line helper tool that makes it easy create releases of openstack projects. Supported features: - Tab completion Notes: - To exit the multi-line highlights text entry field press 'escape' then 'enter'. """ def to_unicode(blob, encoding='utf8'): if isinstance(blob, six.text_type): return blob elif isinstance(blob, six.binary_type): return blob.decode(encoding) else: raise TypeError("Unable to convert %r to a text type" % blob) class NoEmptyValidator(Validator): def validate(self, document): text = document.text.strip() if len(text) == 0: raise ValidationError(message='Empty input is not allowed') class SetValidator(Validator): def __init__(self, allowed_values, show_possible=False): super(SetValidator, self).__init__() self.allowed_values = frozenset(allowed_values) self.show_possible = show_possible def validate(self, document): text = document.text if text not in self.allowed_values: if self.show_possible: raise ValidationError( message='This input is not allowed, ' ' please choose from %s' % self.allowed_values) else: raise ValidationError( message='This input is not allowed') @contextlib.contextmanager def tempdir(**kwargs): # This seems like it was only added in python 3.2 # Make it since its useful... # See: http://bugs.python.org/file12970/tempdir.patch tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(**kwargs) try: yield tdir finally: shutil.rmtree(tdir) def yes_no_prompt(title, default=True): result = prompt(title, completer=WordCompleter(['yes', 'no']), validator=SetValidator(['yes', 'no'], show_possible=True), default="yes" if default else "no") return result == 'yes' def clean_changes(changes): for line in changes: line = to_unicode(line) sha, descr = line.split(" ", 1) yield sha, descr def generate_suggested_next_version(last_release, release_type): """Generates a suggested next version for a given project.""" if not last_release: return None last_version = last_release['version'].split('.') # Ensure we have at least 3 components... while len(last_version) < 3: last_version.append(0) increment = RELEASE_INCREMENTS[release_type] new_version_parts = [] for cur, inc in zip(last_version, increment): new_version_parts.append(str(int(cur) + inc)) # Ensure that we reset any numbers after the version we # incremented, since those should now roll-over to the next # version. if release_type == 'major': for i in range(1, len(new_version_parts)): new_version_parts[i] = '0' if release_type == 'feature': for i in range(2, len(new_version_parts)): new_version_parts[i] = '0' if release_type == 'bugfix': for i in range(3, len(new_version_parts)): new_version_parts[i] = '0' return '.'.join(new_version_parts) def maybe_create_release(release_repo_path, deliverable_info, last_release, change_lines, latest_cycle, project, short_project, max_changes_show=100, should_prompt=True): if last_release: print("%s changes to release since %s are:" % (len(change_lines), last_release['version'])) else: print("%s changes to release are:" % (len(change_lines))) for sha, descr in change_lines[0:max_changes_show]: print(" %s %s" % (sha, descr)) leftover_change_lines = change_lines[max_changes_show:] if leftover_change_lines: print(" and %s more changes..." % len(leftover_change_lines)) if not should_prompt: return create_release = yes_no_prompt('Create a release in %s containing' ' those changes? ' % latest_cycle) if create_release: # NOTE(harlowja): use of an ordered-dict here is on purpose, so that # the ordering here stays similar to what is already being used. newest_release_path = os.path.join( release_repo_path, 'deliverables', latest_cycle, "%s.yaml" % short_project) ok_change = True if os.path.exists(newest_release_path): with open(newest_release_path, 'rb') as fh: newest_release = yamlutils.loads(fh.read()) ok_change = yes_no_prompt("Alter existing file (reformatting" " may lose comments and some existing" " yaml indenting/structure)? ") else: notes_link = to_unicode( NOTES_URL_TPL % (short_project, latest_cycle)) notes_link = prompt( "Release notes link: ", validator=NoEmptyValidator(), default=notes_link) if deliverable_info: launchpad_project = to_unicode(deliverable_info['launchpad']) else: launchpad_project = prompt( "Launchpad project name: ", validator=NoEmptyValidator(), default=to_unicode(short_project)) team = prompt("Project team: ", validator=NoEmptyValidator(), default=to_unicode(launchpad_project)) include_pypi_link = yes_no_prompt("Include pypi link? ") newest_release = collections.OrderedDict([ ('launchpad', launchpad_project), ('include-pypi-link', include_pypi_link), ('release-notes', notes_link), ('releases', []), ('team', team), ]) possible_hashes = [] for sha, _descr in change_lines: possible_hashes.append(sha) release_kind = prompt("Release type: ", validator=SetValidator(RELEASE_KINDS), completer=WordCompleter(RELEASE_KINDS)) suggested_version = generate_suggested_next_version( last_release, release_kind) if not suggested_version: suggested_version = '' version = prompt("Release version: ", validator=NoEmptyValidator(), default=to_unicode(suggested_version)) highlights = prompt("Highlights (esc then enter to" " exit): ", multiline=True) highlights = highlights.strip() release_hash = prompt("Hash to release at: ", validator=SetValidator(possible_hashes), completer=WordCompleter(possible_hashes), default=possible_hashes[0]) new_release = collections.OrderedDict([ ('version', version), ('projects', [ collections.OrderedDict([ ('repo', project), ('hash', release_hash), ]), ]), ]) if highlights: new_release['highlights'] = highlights if not ok_change: new_release = yamlutils.dumps(new_release) print("You may manually adjust %s and add:" % newest_release_path) print(new_release) else: try: newest_release['releases'].append(new_release) except KeyError: newest_release['releases'] = [new_release] newest_release = yamlutils.dumps(newest_release) with open(newest_release_path, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(newest_release) def find_last_release_path(release_repo_path, latest_cycle, cycles, project): latest_cycle_idx = cycles.index(latest_cycle) for a_cycle in reversed(cycles[0:latest_cycle_idx + 1]): release_path = os.path.join(release_repo_path, 'deliverables', a_cycle, "%s.yaml" % project) if os.path.isfile(release_path): return a_cycle, release_path return (None, None) def read_projects(path): """Reads a list of openstack projects from a file. Example file:: $ cat tools/oslo.txt openstack/oslo.i18n """ raw_projects = [] with open(path) as fh: for line in fh.read().splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue else: raw_projects.append(line) return raw_projects def clone_repos(save_dir, projects): """Clones a bunch of openstack repos.""" repos = {} for project, short_project in tqdm( projects, unit='repo', desc='Cloning %s repos' % len(projects)): gitutils.clone_repo(save_dir, project) repos[project] = os.path.join(save_dir, project) return repos def extract_projects(raw_projects): projects = [] seen_projects = set() for project in sorted(raw_projects): project_pieces = project.split("/", 1) if len(project_pieces) == 1: # This handles someone passing in just the base project # name instead of the fully qualified project name. project_pieces = ['openstack', project] project = "openstack/%s" % project if project in seen_projects: continue short_project = project_pieces[-1] projects.append((project, short_project)) seen_projects.add(project) return projects def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=OVERVIEW, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-p", "--projects", metavar="FILE", help="File containing projects to analyze") parser.add_argument("-r", "--releases", metavar="PATH", help="Release repository path (default=%(default)s)", default=os.getcwd()) parser.add_argument("--only-show", action="store_true", default=False, help="Only list changes and do not" " prompt to propose") parser.add_argument('project', nargs='*', help="Project to analyze") args = parser.parse_args() release_repo_path = args.releases release_deliverable_path = os.path.join(release_repo_path, 'deliverables') try: cycles = sorted([c for c in os.listdir(release_deliverable_path) if not c.startswith("_")]) latest_cycle = cycles[-1] except (IndexError, OSError): print("Please ensure release deliverables directory '%s' exists and" " it contains at least one release" " cycle." % (release_deliverable_path), file=sys.stderr) return 1 raw_projects = [] if args.projects: try: raw_projects.extend(read_projects(args.projects)) except IOError: print("Please ensure projects '%s' file exists" " and is readable." % (args.projects), file=sys.stderr) return 1 raw_projects.extend(args.project) projects = extract_projects(raw_projects) if not projects: print("Please provide at least one project.") return 1 with tempdir() as a_temp_dir: # Clone fresh copies of all the repos (so we have a good # non-altered starting set of repos, in the future we can # likely relax this). repos = clone_repos(a_temp_dir, projects) for project, short_project in projects: repo_path = repos[project] last_release_cycle, last_release_path = find_last_release_path( release_repo_path, latest_cycle, cycles, short_project) if last_release_path is None or last_release_cycle is None: last_release = None deliverable_info = None else: with open(last_release_path, 'rb') as fh: deliverable_info = yamlutils.loads(fh.read()) try: last_release = deliverable_info['releases'][-1] except (IndexError, KeyError, TypeError): last_release = None print("== Analysis of project '%s' ==" % short_project) if not last_release: print("It has never had a release.") cmd = ['git', 'log', '--pretty=oneline'] output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=repo_path).decode('utf-8') output = output.strip() changes = list(clean_changes(output.splitlines())) else: print("The last release of project %s was:" % short_project) print(" Released in: %s" % last_release_cycle) print(" Version: %s" % last_release['version']) print(" At sha: %s" % last_release['projects'][0]['hash']) cmd = ['git', 'log', '--pretty=oneline', "%s..HEAD" % last_release['projects'][0]['hash']] output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=repo_path).decode('utf-8') output = output.strip() changes = list(clean_changes(output.splitlines())) if changes: maybe_create_release(release_repo_path, deliverable_info, last_release, changes, latest_cycle, project, short_project, should_prompt=not args.only_show) else: print(" No changes.") return 0