--- launchpad: openstack-venus release-model: cycle-with-rc release-type: python-pypi team: venus type: service repository-settings: openstack/venus: tarball-base: openstack-venus cycle-highlights: - Infrastructure improvement:Use the MariaDB database to support the storage of key configuration data; - Infrastructure improvement:Use the task scheduling framework Apscheduler to implement background periodic tasks, such as periodic cleaning of expired log data; releases: - version: projects: - repo: openstack/venus hash: 69414d4f72941cc60ada422488464e19d6eb64ee - version: 2.0.0 projects: - repo: openstack/venus hash: 69414d4f72941cc60ada422488464e19d6eb64ee diff-start: 1.0.0 branches: - name: stable/2023.1 location: release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/venus/2023.1.html