--- launchpad: tacker team: tacker type: service release-model: cycle-with-intermediary send-announcements-to: openstack-announce@lists.openstack.org release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/tacker/newton.html branches: - name: stable/newton location: 0.5.0 releases: - version: 0.4.0 projects: - repo: openstack/tacker hash: 4f195b8cf5cf01416f6ff4b86371aea3e140bf75 highlights: > - Intermediate newton release of tacker with auto-scaling, audit-event logs and other fixes and enhancements - version: 0.5.0 projects: - repo: openstack/tacker hash: 3596172ee6bff1c6ac98503415860f897d82ef35 - repo: openstack/tacker-horizon hash: 4c84696280434e761fabe2fca7d80fe18fb6a78a highlights: > - Final Newton release of tacker with VNFFG, external alarm monitoring and other enhancements