# The template string shows how to format the info for each review.
# A review contains:
# {'_number': 490743,
#  'mergeable': True,
#  'subject': 'Updated from global requirements',
#  'project': 'openstack/congress',
#  'owner': {'_account_id': 11131},
#  'branch': 'master',
#  'insertions': 1,
#  'created': '2017-08-04 04:31:47.000000000',
#  'deletions': 1,
#  'id': 'openstack%2Fcongress~master~I52e06d42a25e1780984fbf37fe9cd2c7e4bc8a9f',
#  'hashtags': [],
#  'topic': 'openstack/requirements',
#  'status': 'NEW',
#  'updated': '2017-08-04 11:12:50.000000000',
#  'change_id': 'I52e06d42a25e1780984fbf37fe9cd2c7e4bc8a9f'}

template: |
  [{status}] {subject}
      Updated: {updated}
      Topic: {topic}

# The query items need a title, to be displayed above the output, and
# a query string. The query string can include {branch} and {project},
# which will be replaced with the full branch name and the git
# repository name respectively.

  - title: Open patches from the proposal bot
    query: "is:open branch:{branch} project:{project} owner:proposal-bot"
  - title: Documentation patches
    query: "is:open branch:{branch} project:{project} path:^doc/source/.*"
  - title: Patches with release notes
    query: "is:open branch:{branch} project:{project} path:^releasenotes/.*"