=================== Deliverable Types =================== .. _`type-horizon-plugin`: horizon-plugin ============== This deliverable type indicates that a deliverable is meant to be consumed by Horizon as a plug-in, to provide an integrated web UI for a given project. * The repository contains code meant to be dynamically loaded by OpenStack Horizon to provide UI to specific projects. .. _`type-library`: library ======= This deliverable type indicates that a project is a library, middleware, or other piece of software that is used to build another project and does not, by itself, provide a long-running service or stand-alone tool. * The repository contains software used as a library for the loose and commonly-understood definition of "library". .. _`type-client-library`: client-library ============== This deliverable type indicates that a project is a library containing a client for an OpenStack service that is intended to be consumed by other OpenStack services (so not a general-purpose user client such as ``shade``). .. _`type-service`: service ======= This deliverable type indicates that a project provides a user-facing long-running service with a REST API. .. _`type-other`: other ===== Deliverables without a more specific categorization are listed as ``other``.