--- launchpad: congress release-model: cycle-with-rc team: congress type: service repository-settings: openstack/congress: tarball-base: openstack-congress releases: - projects: - hash: 030eed8c5519d44a69b3b458cf5169086852ae0d repo: openstack/congress version: - projects: - hash: 4977fe3dacbf4de25e8568141d9bdbf7363a5288 repo: openstack/congress version: - diff-start: 8.0.0 projects: - hash: 4977fe3dacbf4de25e8568141d9bdbf7363a5288 repo: openstack/congress version: 9.0.0 branches: - location: name: stable/stein cycle-highlights: - 'Important new NFV fault management capabilities through the addition of multiple new features in Congress integration with Nova, Tacker, and Monasca.' - 'The new JGress framework unlocks whole new classes of policy use by making the state of the cloud as given by JSON APIs available for policy evaluation. By adopting a JSON query language for expressing policy directly over JSON API data, JGress enables deployers to plug-in new data sources without being limited by the availability of integration drivers.' - 'As with every release, we continue to make Congress more robust and stable than ever with bug fixes and internal improvements.' release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/congress/stein.html