--- launchpad: horizon release-model: cycle-with-intermediary team: horizon type: service repository-settings: openstack/horizon: {} releases: - version: 18.4.0 projects: - repo: openstack/horizon hash: dd62fd386e0899ff84cdf9418c63f98caf66cf33 - version: 18.4.1 projects: - repo: openstack/horizon hash: 703f889771988803e7ccd5961607676bad4283c9 - version: 18.5.0 projects: - repo: openstack/horizon hash: 79e505520fc307eeedc1f5c81fb516e9638ebd72 - version: 18.6.0 projects: - repo: openstack/horizon hash: c44e651589f8589452ab6e436d3428a8d56fa9cf - version: 18.6.1 projects: - repo: openstack/horizon hash: 970969776a5e35a0a0494e3d24789a1804b35c74 - version: 18.6.2 projects: - repo: openstack/horizon hash: 0c7d8b70d86064dbe0d80322e2267a45f338032b branches: - name: stable/victoria location: 18.6.0 cycle-highlights: - Error messages shown in horizon now contains more detail. Previously GUI users cannot know detail reasons of operations, but users can now check detailed information from back-end service so that they can address causes. - Added a new tab that shows messages for volumes and volume snapshots. Users can know detail events which happend for corresponding volumes or snapshots. - Added support for extending in-use volumes. Users can extend in-use volumes via horizon now. release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/horizon/victoria.html