--- launchpad: os-client-config team: OpenStackClient type: library release-model: cycle-with-intermediary send-announcements-to: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org include-pypi-link: yes release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/os-client-config/newton.html branches: - name: stable/newton location: 1.21.1 releases: - version: 1.17.0 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 5605034fc38862b19e6d2d96aa222dafc7762060 highlights: > Added a more flexible mechanism for conveying network metadata. - version: 1.18.0 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 51b4cbee522e2bf1a2beb12425733435ff1c32d9 highlights: > Added helper factory functions for OpenStack SDK and shade. - version: 1.19.0 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 8e4a1ebc97d30bcaf42a94379d499bd1689c3c51 highlights: > Add profile deprecation setting, OSC 3.0 support - version: 1.19.1 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 1d18b9193b55b727ca79d96158077e809feb1cd0 highlights: > Fix option precedence bug introduced in 1.19.0 - version: 1.20.0 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 9d757b3a9a89bdd63f56ce171b7c878ded9a4cd8 highlights: > Support configuration hints for dual stack neutron networks - version: 1.20.1 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: d40882eb146a314b064bb930f97f74d7082860e0 highlights: > - version: 1.21.0 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 2b52bcf6943369fe96db3aefe2ee7473dd51b934 highlights: > Add ability to prompt user for auth options not present - version: 1.21.1 projects: - repo: openstack/os-client-config hash: 42885dc94176eecca1619d7e9c33b5ab3d9a2c0a highlights: > Handle YAML list in region_name