--- team: neutron release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/neutron-lib/ocata.html type: library release-model: cycle-with-intermediary launchpad: neutron send-announcements-to: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org include-pypi-link: yes branches: - name: stable/ocata location: 1.1.0 releases: - version: 1.0.0 projects: - repo: openstack/neutron-lib hash: efd7a3a5fabf24891953dfcc2e838ba56ef3183f highlights: | * Added Keystone v3 support, removed XML format, added details about LBaas v1 removal * Added multiple change for API-Ref * Introduced Plugin Directory for Neutron * Introduced API definition for trunk/trunk_details extensions and segments reference * Deprecated method ensure_dir * Enhanced valid_values to use __contains__ * Rehomed populate_project_info() from neutron - version: 1.1.0 projects: - repo: openstack/neutron-lib hash: 9b3ea8f29f8ddb27575b79a77183d1ac2224ff01 highlights: | * Added multiple changes for API-Ref (FWaaS v2) * Rehomed agent extension abstract classes from neutron * Rehomed get_random_mac to neutron_lib.utils.net from neutron * Rehomed ServicePluginBase * Rehomed a number of API definitions * The constants EXPAND_BRANCH and CONTRACT_BRANCH are now available in neutron_lib.db.constants. * A converter convert_ip_to_canonical_format has been added to neutron-lib which allows IPv6 addresses to be stored and displayed in canonical format. * OpenStack dev hacking check H904 is now enabled in tox.ini via the enable-extensions configuration property. Neutron-lib adopters should also enable this hacking check in their tox.ini. * Made neutron context available in neutron-lib