--- launchpad: nova release-model: cycle-with-rc team: nova type: service repository-settings: openstack/nova: {} cycle-highlights: - | `PCI devices can now be scheduled `_ by Nova using the Placement API on a opt-in basis. This will help the nova-scheduler service to better schedule flavors that use PCI (non-Neutron related) resources, will generate less reschedules if an instance cannot be created on a candidate and will help the nova-scheduler to not miss valid candidates if the list was too large. - | Operators can now ask Nova to `manage the power consumption of dedicated CPUs `_ so as to either offline them or change their governor if they're currently not in use by any instance or if the instance is stopped. - | Nova will prevent unexpected compute service renames by `persisting a unique compute UUID on local disk `_. This stored UUID will be considered the source of truth for knowing whether the compute service hostame has been modified or not. As a reminder, changing a compute hostname is forbidden, particularly when this compute is currently running instances on top of it. - | `SPICE consoles `_ can now be configured with compression settings which include choices of the compression algorithm and the compression mode. - Fully-Qualified Domain Names are now considered valid for an instance hostname if you use the 2.94 API microversion. - By opting into 2.95 API microversion, evacuated instances will remain stopped on the destination host until manually started. releases: - version: projects: - repo: openstack/nova hash: 2bb8689835a4631622201299d531a24f28aad281 - version: 27.0.0 projects: - repo: openstack/nova hash: 2bb8689835a4631622201299d531a24f28aad281 diff-start: - version: 27.1.0 projects: - repo: openstack/nova hash: f361ce2ab1c2cec12ace3ab6a3416747ccf1a630 - version: 27.2.0 projects: - repo: openstack/nova hash: 2d05ee3747d36664cca4ac49203667e97e063327 branches: - name: stable/2023.1 location: release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/nova/2023.1.html