--- launchpad: congress release-model: cycle-with-milestones team: congress type: service releases: - version: projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: 5854127932426f618db43112a546d75cbf424b2e - version: projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: 8dbe637913142941597b6789c65cb402b6a7df82 - version: projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: 5c43a61a02c3d343fffd2df13554364c43a659a2 - version: projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: f94581299657db5065a184694393bc186d363e5d - diff-start: projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: f94581299657db5065a184694393bc186d363e5d version: 8.0.0 - projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: e4693afce7fa318f610d11988b5d484e19f559aa version: 8.0.1 - version: rocky-em projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: e4693afce7fa318f610d11988b5d484e19f559aa - version: rocky-eol projects: - repo: openstack/congress hash: 3ee83ca4899361d650216cda25032063fc2300e4 branches: - location: name: stable/rocky repository-settings: openstack/congress: tarball-base: openstack-congress cycle-highlights: - 'Webhook integration: Congress can now accept webhook notifications from Monasca monitoring service and Vitrage root-cause analysis service to enable immediate fault-management responses according to operator policy.' - "Z3 Engine: The experimental rule engine based on Microsoft Research's\ \ Z3-prover opens the way to efficient policy inferences at previously\ \ impractical scales." - 'Bug Fixes: As with every release, we continue to make Congress more robust and stable than ever with bug fixes and internal improvements.' release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/congress/rocky.html