--- launchpad: masakari release-model: cycle-with-rc team: masakari type: service repository-settings: openstack/masakari: {} releases: - version: projects: - repo: openstack/masakari hash: 3fcadf85c73bbd0ca1be6a359369ac3a18fc1d71 - version: 10.0.0 projects: - repo: openstack/masakari hash: 3fcadf85c73bbd0ca1be6a359369ac3a18fc1d71 diff-start: 9.0.0 branches: - name: stable/victoria location: cycle-highlights: - Adds ability for operators to override, per failure type, the instance metadata key controlling the behaviour of Masakari towards the instance. This makes it possible to differentiate between instance- and host-level failures per instance. release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/masakari/victoria.html