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89 lines
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launchpad: python-novaclient
team: nova
type: library
release-model: cycle-with-intermediary
send-announcements-to: openstack-announce@lists.openstack.org,openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
include-pypi-link: yes
release-notes: https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/python-novaclient/newton.html
- name: stable/newton
location: 6.0.0
- version: 3.4.0
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: 8c204ac1a27f7b645e151d67ee38a4c18dd2201b
highlights: >
Fixes host-evacuate-live for the 2.25 microversion.
Added aggregate-show command to replace aggregate-details.
Adds changes-since support when listing servers.
- version: 4.0.0
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: f6efc861b7b40c8a78743fed661053506fb1301a
highlights: >
- Deprecate volume proxy CLIs and APIs are removed.
- Image proxy CLIs and APIs are deprecated.
- The python API bindings client now defaults to the v2.1 API.
- version: 4.1.0
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: 19ff19e1b8e632e03aff50621d200a258b2014b2
highlights: >
- Several bug fixes and support added for new microversions. The
highest supported microversion in this release is 2.28.
- A few commands now have newly deprecated options, read the change log
for more information.
- Routine dependency updates.
- version: 5.0.0
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: 5eb7b65f0d1aca4f62b5d5f451a99a43fd4265fc
highlights: >
- Several bug fixes and support added for new microversions. The
highest supported microversion in this release is 2.32.
- A few commands now have newly deprecated options, read the release
notes for more information.
- Some deprecated commands and support have been dropped and will now
result in errors if used. Read the release notes for more
- Routine dependency updates.
- version: 5.1.0
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: 38073cab51821e4c29a47bcc7cb33d45b112d1c3
highlights: >
- Several bug fixes and support added for new microversions. The
highest supported microversion in this release is 2.35.
- The CLI now goes directly to the Image service and Network service
when translating resource name to ID. For example, booting a server
with an image name or network name will use Glance and Neutron rather
than proxy through the Compute API. See the release notes for more
- Routine dependency updates.
- version: 6.0.0
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: 25117fa866b5b80f81fcb559b21525d2b107b2f7
highlights: >
- Several bug fixes and support added for new microversions. The
highest supported microversion in this release is 2.37.
- The network resource CLIs and APIs are now deprecated because
nova-network is deprecated.
- The image, baremetal and network APIs are now all capped at
microversion 2.35 since they result in a 404 from the Nova API after
microversion 2.35.
- The 2.37 microversion is now supported for booting a server with
automatically allocated networking, a.k.a get me a network. With that
change the "nics" kwarg is required when booting a server via the
Server API after microversion 2.36. The CLI will default to 'auto' if
nothing is specified.
- Routine dependency updates.
- version: 6.0.1
- repo: openstack/python-novaclient
hash: 9c731d51e3d7417cd9ff006d884ba5e57d8bdea6
highlights: >
- Routine bug fixes.